Monster Altar

Chapter 406

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A few days later, the space inside the door.

“Finally it’s Veteran Morning Star!”

During the cultivation, Fang Ping suddenly felt his body lighten, as if his body was originally bound with a load, but now this load has been taken off.

This breaks the shackles from Morning Star Early-Stage to Veteran Morning Star.

There was a strange burning heat in his body. Under this strange burning heat, every inch of flesh, skeleton, and even blood, all over his body, was rapidly changing and strengthening.

The old is replaced, and the new is generated. In this process, the flesh and blood become denser and tenacious, the skeleton becomes denser and harder, the blood becomes more vigorous, and the ability to transport nutrients improves.

And the essence of his life is also improving.

The most intuitive response or the greatest benefit is the increase in lifespan.

Morning Star realm can generally live to more than 100 years old without disasters and diseases, but there is a difference in life expectancy without the same realm.

Morning Star Early-Stage, the life expectancy is about 150 years old.

Morning Star Middle-Stage, also known as Veteran Morning star level, has a life expectancy of about 180 years.

At the peak of Morning Star, the limit life span is around 2 100 years old.

The realm is upgraded to the Veteran Morning star level, and his life span has increased by 30 years.

It took a moment for the ascension and transformation to end.


Fang Ping swings his fists at will, causing the violent wind to roar in the door space, and a sense of power fills my heart.

“It’s a little bit newer than the estimate, but it’s not much different.”

It took him half a year to break through to the Veteran Morning Star, which was slightly slower than he initially estimated by a month or two. Even so, it was a terrifying increase.

Generally, Morning Star powerhouse takes several decades, and may not even be able to break through the realm for a lifetime. It only takes half a year to break through, and the speed is more than 100 times faster.

This speed of improvement, even if his Growth innate talent is raised by another level, is bound to be incomparable.

From this, it is not difficult to see the horror of the golden power of the second kingship. This ability cannot reach the forbidden level in terms of battle strength, but is definitely at the forbidden level in terms of support.

“I already had the Morning Star battle strength of the Third Stage before, I don’t know how strong it is now?”

Using Sage Mode and Rinnegan, Fang Ping produced a powerful repulsive force with both hands, fiercely swept out.


The shock wave hit the space barrier in the space inside the door. The space barrier trembled violently like cloth, as if it would break apart at any time.

“It can be said that it is still in the Morning Star, or it can be said that it has reached the Blood Moon level.”

Looking at the destructive power of this blow, Fang Ping made an assessment.

In his opinion, the destructive power of this blow should have reached the Blood Moon level, but it is the weakest Blood Moon level.

The reason for saying this is because his current battle strength is equivalent to a Blood Moon powerhouse without peak order ability. In fact, all Blood Moon powerhouses must have peak order ability.

Although there is no evidence that the peak order ability is necessarily related to the breakthrough Blood Moon level, so far, all Blood Moon powerhouses must have the peak order ability.

There is also a Blood Moon powerhouse with peak order ability. The auxiliary class is not good at combat. However, even this type of Blood Moon powerhouse will soon have the peak order ability of combat type after becoming a Blood Moon powerhouse.

Although the ability fruits that can promote ability evolution are rare, with the identity and status of the Blood Moon powerhouse, there is naturally a way to obtain it.

Therefore, Fang Ping will evaluate his current status as the weakest Blood Moon powerhouse, or he is still in the Morning Star.

“It’s time to rotate the station today. I’m going to see who it is.”

Disable Sage Mode, hide Rinnegan, Fang Ping sees a cool color in his eyes, stepping out of the door space.

Because of that internal response, he encountered great danger and was besieged by two Morning Stars, the peak of the Third Stage, surrounded by perils, which made him full of murderous intention.

took a deep breath and suppressed the murderous intention on his face. He used his teleport ability to bring the Morning Star teams stationed in the base cities back to Yinchuan base city.

Then, as usual, a meeting was hosted by Wei You and Fang Ping and other mobile stationed Morning Star teams participated.

The Morning Star teams stationed in each group expressed their opinions and discussed the base city they would station in next.

“The garrison in the base city of Hirata can be cancelled. There are signs of not at all Demonic Human race activities in the base city.”

“There are signs of Demonic Human race activities in the Dongchuan base city and should continue to be stationed.”

“Lecheng base city has encountered a Demonic Human race attack. The Demonic Human race is likely to come again. Not only will it need to be stationed, but also the Morning Star team will need to be sent.”


The discussion took more than an hour. In the next few days, the base city where each Morning Star team needed to be stationed was determined. Fang Ping used Teleportation maho to send each Morning Star team to the base city where they were stationed.

In Yangquan Base City, the garrison team is a 3-member Morning Star team.

The three people teamed up for a short time. Since there is a battle, casualties are inevitable. They are formed by the merger of two teams that suffered damage from the attack.

“I go to the toilet to smoke a cigarette.”

Saying hello to the other two people, Rong Wenbin took out his cigarette and walked to the toilet.

The other 2 people were from one team, and he was from another team. The others in the team died in the attack of the Demonic Human race, but he was “lucky” to survive.

In fact, he was not lucky to survive, but because he became a member of the Demonic Human race.

The reason for agreeing to be the internal response of the Demonic Human race is to survive for one reason, and the other reason is for family considerations.

Immemorial Devil’s strength has been restored, and Human Race is in a dire situation. As a Morning Star powerhouse, he naturally understands and is very worried.

The Demonic Human race caught him and told him that as long as he was responsible for the internal response, he and his family could transform into the Demonic Human Race and become a member of the Demonic Human Race. Even if the Human Race is destroyed, they can still survive.

This condition moved his heart. There is a precedent for the transformation of humans into a Demonic Human race, and Hei Ni is one of the precedents.

So he agreed to the conditions of the Demonic Human race and became the internal response of the Demonic Human race.

Entering the toilet, he locked the door behind him, took out the pen and paper, and wrote about the base where Fang Ping team was stationed. Afterwards, he took out a lizard from his sleeve.

Put the paper into the lizard’s mouth, and the lizard, as if it had received some kind of instruction, drilled through the toilet towards the sewer.

After doing this, he lit a cigarette. After smoking, the expression calmly left the toilet.

He didn’t notice that there was a hidden camera in the toilet. This camera recorded all the things he did just now.

In fact, there are more than one such cameras, distributed in every corner of the residence, and this is the method that Yinchuan base city thought of the past few days.

“Eat something inside and out!”

Soon, the news that Rong Wenbin was an internal response was learned by Wei You, his complexion ashen, his fists clenched.

The Yinchuan base city is already in danger. Rong Wenbin’s actions are simply pushing the Yinchuan base city to Fire Pit.

“Director Wei, what do you plan to do with him?”

Fang Ping asked with murderous intention in his eyes.

Regarding the person who hurts himself, he will never forgive no matter what reason the other party has.

“This kind of person die without regret, but you have to be patient for a while.”

Wei You soothed.

“The two Morning Stars at the top of the Third Stage failed. If nothing else, Zong Ling himself will be the one who will do it next time.”

“This is an opportunity, a chance to set a trap and siege Zong Ling.”

“If Rong Wenbin is moved now, it is likely that the Demonic Human race will be aware of it in advance.”

“I know.”

Fang Ping suppressed the murderous intention in his heart. It is indeed not the time to attack Rong Wenbin. This will beat the grass to scare the snake.

“If you want to besieged Zong Ling, I need to join forces with your excellency’Fang Zhan’, and your excellency’Fang Zhan’ needs your invitation.”

Wei You looked at Fang Ping.

“I will convey your meaning to him. If nothing happens, he should agree.”

Fang Ping said.

“Fang Zhan” is him, and he naturally agreed, after all, this time, to some extent, can be regarded as revenge for him.

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