Monster Altar

Chapter 422

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“what way?”

Yan Xue and Fan Xuan looked at Fang Ping unexpectedly. They didn’t expect Fang Ping to actually have a way to change aptitude.

“I have an ability called the vampire ability. This ability should be regarded as one of the beasting abilities.”

“And this ability has a special ability, a blood follower who can transform you into a vampire-like form through the transplantation of body tissues, giving you an innate talent close to or even comparable to mine.”

“But in this way, you will become simulated vampires. Although it will not bring any inconvenience to life, there is still some difference from the ordinary person after all.”

Fang Ping said after organizing the language.

A long time ago, he had been thinking about how to improve the aptitude of Yan Xue and Fan Xuan. At first, he thought of something similar to the fruit of ability, which can improve the aptitude.

After consulting the top-secret information of Yinchuan Base City, he learned that such fruits are real, but they are more rare than the fruits of ability. Even in history, they have only appeared a few times.

In this case, this path would definitely not work. He couldn’t help thinking about using special ability. After all, with Monster Altar, he could obtain various abilities.

The vampire innate talent he obtained at this time could not help but make his heart move. The blood follower of the vampire can change the aptitude.

If the aptitude itself is excellent, it can even surpass the vampire of the source of infection. Of course, the aptitude of Yan Xue and Fan Xuan is not too good, and there is almost no possibility of surpassing him.

“I am willing to be a servant of blood.”

“me too.”

To Fang Ping’s surprise, after listening to his words, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan agreed to become blood followers without much hesitation. They didn’t even ask what kind of vampire form is and how it differs from normal people. .

“You have to think about it, once you accept the reform, there is no way to go back.”

Fang Ping said seriously.

“We have figured it out clearly.”

Yan Xue and Fan Xuan both said with firm tone.

Just as Fang Ping thought when he got the vampire innate talent, if there is a chance to become stronger, the price is to become a vampire with no side effects. Anyone will not miss it. This is the case with the two of them today.

As for the vampire form that is different from normal people, Fang Ping is already there. As a close relationship with Fang Ping, they will naturally not resist this form.

Therefore, without asking what is the form of a vampire, he has already planned to transplant and become a blood follower.

“Well, you guys come with me.”

With 2 people, Fang Ping went to the villa in Liuzhou Base City.

For this kind of body tissue transplantation, it is naturally the most suitable for the doctor of Monster Realm, Jade Spirit, to perform the surgery himself, and he also plans to introduce his forces to two people.

Except Monster Altar, in other aspects, he doesn’t need to hide from the two people. The reason why he has waited until now is because he has been too busy in the past six months.


Teleported to the villa in the base city of Liuzhou, Fang Ping began to introduce his forces to two people.

Following the introduction of Fang Ping, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan became more and more surprised. They did not expect Fang Ping to have such a powerful force.

If it weren’t for the special situation today, it can be called an unprecedented crisis in human history. With this force, it is enough to establish a large-scale base city.

In the process, it is natural to mention other gods who change their will forever.

Fortunately, Yan Xue had already known it before, but it was Fan Xuan. The first time I heard about it, the shock in my heart could not be increased.

Although this ability does not have too strong battle strength, its effect is more terrifying than any peak order ability.

She had never doubted whether Fang Ping used this ability on her, because it was completely unnecessary.

With Fang Ping’s current strength and power, as long as the wind is released, no woman can be found, and how can he use his ability for this kind of thing.

Until now, there are no longer a few women who express their love to Fang Ping overtly and secretly. Some of them are not inferior to her and Yan Xue in beauty, but Fang Ping has always been loyal.

If the two of them had not met Fang Ping when Fang Ping was weak, and took the lead, they would probably be the same.

“Do you plan to keep concealing their existence from Yinchuan Base City?”

After a long time, Fan Xuan suppressed the shock in his heart and asked Fang Ping.

“The abilities of other gods are too special, and their identities are also very special. It’s really not easy to make it public. I plan to wait until the time is right, and then make it public.”

Fang Ping shook his head.

“Indeed, both your abilities and their identities are too special. Rushing to let the Yinchuan base city know about them may cause suspicion.”

Fan Xuan nodded in agreement.

“I just heard that you have let them establish a secret stronghold?”

Yan Xue asked.

“Well, the current situation is not good. Even the top ten base cities have a crisis of destruction, in case of 10000 one, so I asked them to establish secret strongholds as a shelter for the worst.”

Fang Ping’s voice was slightly deep.

“The situation is critical to this level?”

Both Yan Xue and Fan Xuan can’t help but frown. They can make Fang Ping, a senior in the Yinchuan base city, prepare to retreat. You can imagine the crisis of the situation.

“Although there is no large-scale base city to be destroyed, it is possible at any time. The small and medium-sized base cities around the two major base cities of Nanzhou and Haikou will be wiped out. Now these two major base cities have been surrounded by the Demonic Human race and will be destroyed at any time. Possible.”

“Furthermore, until now, Immemorial Devil hasn’t taken any action yet. The opponent’s strength has been restored and possesses the terrifying strength above Blood Moon.”

“I don’t know if the top ten base cities have a way to deal with Immemorial Devil. If not, even if all the Demonic Human races are killed, the situation for Human Race is still difficult.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.

“Above the Blood Moon.”

Hearing this word, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan sucked in a breath of cold air.

In their eyes, the Blood Moon powerhouse already existed like a Legendary, but the Immemorial Devil’s strength reached the amazing Blood Moon.

Such news gave them a sense of breathlessness, even more how they are ordinary persons of Tier 5 Awakener.

No wonder, in order to avoid panic, the top ten base cities have blocked a lot of news. Otherwise, before the Immemorial Devil strikes, Human Race itself will be in chaos.

“Young Master, Yan Xue Young Lady, Fan Xuan Young Lady, the operating room is ready, please follow me.”

At this moment, Jade Spirit walked towards the three.


Fang Ping took Yan Xue and Fan Xuan to their feet, and followed Jade Spirit.

Half an hour later, Fang Ping, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan left the operating room.

There were no wounds on the three of them, and there was no way to see how they had undergone surgery. Fang Ping was due to the powerful self-healing ability of Sage Mode, while Yan Xue and Fan Xuan were due to the powerful medical skills of Jade Spirit.

“This is the blood follower?”

Feeling the renewed, shedding body, exchanging bones, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan’s faces were full of shock.

They felt a substantial increase in their strength, and even gave birth to the feeling that the Morning Star powerhouse could be a battle.

In fact, this is not an illusion. Now they can fight Morning Star, because during the transformation process, their realm has been upgraded from Tier 5 to Morning Star.

Although not at all beasts, they are Awakener, with abilities, and they can also display a powerful force no weaker than vampires with their dependents.

“The benefits don’t stop there. Your life span has also increased. Living for 1000 years is definitely not a problem, and you can stay young forever.”

Fang Ping said with a smile.

He hadn’t expected that this kind of blood follower transformation could bring such a huge improvement to two people.

Of course, this is also related to his willingness to spend his money.

Most of the blood follower transformation is done with blood, and the higher blood follower transformation is done with body tissues.

On the other hand, he transplanted his rib to Yan Xue and Fan Xuan, which is the highest level transformation method.

In the bloodthirsty raid, the vampire will permanently lose these two ribs. Although the vampire has a strong self-healing ability, this self-healing ability allows the lost to return within the body and cannot grow new ones.

However, he lost 2 ribs because he was not at all because he was not a pure vampire.

With the powerful self-healing ability of Sage Mode, the two lost ribs have grown back in a very short time.

With Sage Mode’s powerful self-healing ability, it is naturally easy to grow two ribs again. He knew this and only transplanted ribs to two people.

“Eternal youth?”

Upon hearing Fang Ping’s words, both Yan Xue and Fan Xuan’s eyes lit up.

Is there a woman who doesn’t like being beautiful? Women like them who are originally beautiful, they value beauty more than ordinary women.

To be able to stay young forever, for women, is simply yearn for something even in dreams. Many women will be willing to exchange any of their abilities for them.

“Okay, let’s go back.”

Glancing at the two people amusedly, Fang Ping put his arm around one person, disappeared into the villa in Liuzhou Base City, and returned to Yinchuan Base City.

The two did not leave and stayed overnight at Fang Ping’s residence. They woke up early in the morning on the 2nd day, and Fang Ping fell asleep on the two sides.

The bed, which was originally quite large, is already a bit small. After all, the original design was for single occupancy.

Fang Ping sat up and alerted Yan Xue and Fan Xuan on both sides. The two of them sat up with their backs on the headboard of the bed. Through the silk pajamas, the beautiful figure is faintly visible.

“Let’s move out!”

Fang Ping’s hands hugged two people dishonestly and said.

With his current status, he has been able to allocate a villa in Yinchuan Base City, but because he has not yet cohabited with the two people, he felt unnecessary and did not apply.

Now that I have cohabited with 2 people, it is necessary to apply for a villa.


Yan Xue and Fan Xuan’s faces were flushed, but they refused at all, and agreed with a voice almost inaudible.

In fact, their families on both sides are already asking where the relationship with Fang Ping has progressed.

Normal young men and women have long been living together, but they are not at all, which makes the family behind them very anxious. After all, there are really many Awakener family women staring at Fang Ping now.

Applying for the villa to the Monster Countermeasures Division, Fang Ping 3 people moved into their new home on the same day. This is a 3-story villa, garden, swimming pool, cultivation room, garage, basement, everything is available.

Even among the many villas, they are quite large. This is naturally due to the particularity of Fang Ping’s strength.

After all, Fang Ping’s current external battle strength is the Morning Star, the peak of the Third Stage, and its strength is only weaker than Blood Moon.

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