Monster Altar

Chapter 433

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In less than half a minute, they had reached the city wall and boarded the city wall that was several ten meters high.

On the city wall, many powerhouses from other base cities gather.

In it, Fang Ping saw people he knew, such as Nie Wei, Qiang Xin, and several Morning Star powerhouses whom he had contacted before.

Whether it is people you know or people you don’t know, they all look at the Demonic Human race outside the city with expression grave.

Fang Ping followed and looked around, and suddenly my scalp became numb.

More than 300 Morning Stars and the Demonic Human race on the Morning Star converge in the scene, it is too shocking, there is a strong visual impact.

Among the more than 300 people, more than 20 people appear to be very independent and special, and the surrounding Demonic Human race faintly evaded, showing their transcendent position.

These more than 20 people are the Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race. Among them, he saw Hei Ni, Yu Yexue and Mouse Qi.

And under the more than 20 Blood Moon-class stars, Gongyue, is a young man sitting on a huge stone seat. His appearance is young but his eyes are vicissitudes of life.

There are mysterious and complicated golden lines on the man’s face, filling the man with a sense of mysterious.

Not surprisingly, this person should be the Immemorial Devil Levy who has the strength above the Blood Moon and the strongest enemy of mankind, who created the Demonic Human race race.

There was no conversation between the two sides, and the only voice was the footsteps of reinforcements coming from time to time.

There is a solemn atmosphere in the air, just like a volcano before the eruption. The quieter the eruption, the more violent the eruption moment.

Half an hour later, the powerhouses in the top ten base cities and small and medium-sized base cities all arrived, the number reached more than 300, but the number of Demonic Human races has exceeded 400.

“Master, the other 9 base cities have all arrived!”

The coquettish woman She Ji came to Immemorial Devil Leviathan and respectfully gave a salute.

“That will start!”

Immemorial Devil Leviathan’s voice came out, not very loud, but in this depressed and silent atmosphere, it was clearly audible.


Along with his voice, the sound of killing came from the mouths of Demonic Human race.

A Demonic Human race erupted like a spouting volcano, erupting in an astonishing killing intent, murderous-looking towards Huake Base City.

Many of them were directly transformed into monster forms, and at first burst out with all their strength.


On the wall of Huake Base City, a human race powerhouse also broke out with surprising murderous intention at this time.

Jump down from the city wall that is a few ten meters high, and culminate the Demonic Human race.

Fang Ping was also one of them. His Shadow Clone was wrapped in Susanoo, and he slapped a Morning Star Demonic Human race turned into a monster.

Ka-cha ——

The Morning Star Demonic Human race was photographed by him and he vomited blood and flew upside down. He did not know how many bones were broken.

And the Demonic Human race behind this Morning Star Demonic Human race was also hit and flew backwards together.

Fang Ping, who has transformed into Fang Zhan, has a golden sharp blade in his hand, passing by three Demonic Human races.

Hey, hey, pu!

The three Demonic Human races that passed him were all splashed with blood, and they broke into two pieces.

Without seeing the three Demonic Human races that were broken into two pieces, he rushed to another Demonic Human race. The golden blade in his hand slashed from the top to the Demonic Human race.

This Demonic Human race has the ability to metalize, perceive the crisis, and quickly transform into a metal defense.

However, even if it was turned into metal, it still failed to block the golden blade.


This Demonic Human race was split into two and a half from the middle position, died instantly and transformed into a monster form.

For Fang Ping today, 2nd Strike is not needed at all to kill the ordinary Morning Star Demonic Human race.

In a very short period of time, four Morning Stars have been killed. Fang Ping’s killing efficiency immediately attracted the attention of the Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race.

哧 ——

A Blood Moon-class Demonic Human Race pulled the hand that turned into a sharp claw from the heart of a Human Race Morning Star powerhouse, threw the contaminated blood, and rushed towards Fang Ping.

In the process of rushing forward, his body transformed into a monster form, which was a huge monster with a length of 7 meters, covered in black scales, and a Fairy Tail like a snake.

The sharp claw of a Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon with a hardness comparable to that of a Blood Moon-class Enchanted weapon shoots Fang Ping, and the strong wind pressure caused it to mark several cracks on the ground.


Fang Ping blocked this claw with the yellow golden sword in his hand.

He didn’t move, but the black scaly monster couldn’t help staggering backwards, the sharp claw that collided couldn’t help shaking, and several hideous wounds appeared at the joints.

It was a strong impact that couldn’t bear the collision, and it broke apart.

With his current Blood Moon realm, he motivates the power of gold, saying that the formidable power he displays is terrifying.


He rushed to the back black scale monster, and the golden blade slashed towards the neck of the black scale monster. The black scale monster hurriedly lifted another sharp claw to resist.


With a sound like a metal collision, the black scaly monster backed back again and again, the sharp claw that collided, and cracked wounds appeared at the joints.

Clang, clang, clang!

The golden blade kept colliding with the giant claws of the black scale-armored monster, and the black monster was struck back and forth. The two sharp claw riddled with scars no longer act as flexible as before.


A terrifying speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound suddenly erupted. Fang Ping suddenly brushed past the black scale armor monster. The moment he passed by, the golden blade was cut from the black scale armor monster’s neck.


Blood splattered from the neck of the black scaled monster, and the huge body of the black scaled monster fell to the ground with a splash.

The body was shaking uncontrollably, and the life force was quickly dissipating.

“Damn human!”

It was seen that Fang Ping killed a Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race and another Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race culled Fang Ping.

This is a huge monster that is close to ten meters in length and has the body of a wolf, but with three heads.

The three heads of the huge monster are attacked at the same time.

One head strikes Thunder and Lightning, one head strikes flames, and the other head strikes wind blades.

Three kinds of attacks, converged together, suddenly burst out formidable power far surpassing the average Blood Moon level.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Fang Ping used Shinra Tensei to explode its powerful repulsive force, and the 3 types of attacks were blown away.

Not only that, but the impact caused the three heads to slide backwards.

Stinging –

The three heads monster sharp claw gripped the ground, leaving a few long claw marks on the ground, stabilizing the body, and the three heads looked at Fang Ping solemnly.

Being able to get rid of his attack would make him suffer. The battle strength shown by Fang Ping shocked him.

Keeping his distance, he not at all culled to Fang Ping again.

He felt that he might not be able to win with his own strength, and he was ready to find other Blood Moon-level Demonic Human race to join forces.

Unfortunately, Fang Ping did not give him the opportunity to join forces with other Blood Moon-level Demonic Human races.

“Bansho Ten’in.”

Fang Ping’s hands produced strong gravitational force, and the three heads monster’s body slid towards Fang Ping uncontrollably.

Even if the 4 legs were inserted deeply into the soil immediately, it did not stop sliding towards Fang Ping.



Hey, hey, hey!

The three heads monster became panicked, and the three heads spewed out Thunder and Lightning, flames, and wind blades, attacking Fang Ping.

The attack hit Fang Ping, and the gravitational attraction that attracted him disappeared, but.


At a speed exceeding ten times the speed of sound, Fang Ping dodges three attacks and quickly approached the three heads monster.

Three heads The monster became panicked, and three heads continuously attacked, preventing Fang Ping from approaching.

Because of the panic, even the Morning Star Demonic Human race was affected by him and died.

Hong long!

Under the intensive bombardment of his three heads, Fang Ping finally couldn’t dodge, was hit by a Thunder and Lightning, and flew out in black.

“Dead, die!”

Three heads A humanized grin appeared on the face of the monster beast, and it attacked Fang Ping, who was flying backwards.

But in the next instant, the grin on his beast’s face was stiff, and the Fang Ping that flew upside down exploded and disappeared.

He naturally didn’t think that his attack could make a Blood Moon-class skeleton doesn’t exist. The only reason could be that he was not attacked by him at all.

And the same is true.

“Yan Zhu.”

Three heads The bottom of the monster’s feet, Fang Ping himself appeared here as Nuke Nuke no Mi, and then used the formidable power to reach the forbidden level of fire ability.

Pillars of fire surrounded the three heads monster, sprayed from the ground, intertwined into a cage, and locked the three heads monster in it.

Then the cage shrank and the turbulent flames burned towards the three heads monster.

The forbidden level of fire ability contains terrifying power. In just an instant, the three heads monster has been seriously injured.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

Three heads The monster screamed in pain, and the three heads spit out, breaking the flame cage and rushing out.

All over his body, there were traces of scorched black, and there was a faint smell of meat.

“Shinra Tensei.”

Just rushing out of the flame cage, suddenly, from under his feet, a terrifying impact burst from the ground and hit him.

Ka-cha !

The sound of broken bones sounded intensively within the body. His whole body was torn skin and gaping flesh, drenched with blood, and he couldn’t find a good place on his body.

The huge body close to ten meters flew up and flew to a height of 1000 meters before falling down.


A huge pothole was smashed into the ground by his falling body, and he was lying in the pothole like a puddle of mud, not at all impossible to move.

There was blood oozing out from under his body, and it seemed that he could not survive.

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