Monster Altar

Chapter 44

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“Add another Tier 2 Awakener?”

Fang Ping couldn’t help but carefully consider the feasibility of this matter, a moment later.

“If you can really find another Tier 2 Awakener, you can give it a try.”

With him who is comparable to a Tier 2 Awakener, plus a Tier 2 Awakener, even if the monsters encountered when the time comes are extremely powerful, they can retreat if they want.

“Hehe, don’t look for it, I am.”

On the other end of the phone, Xu Wei smiled triumphantly.

“Although you were allowed to go ahead, I finally caught up.”

“You are already a Tier 2 Awakener? Congratulations.”

Fang Ping was slightly surprised and immediately congratulated.

He knew that Xu Wei’s strength surpassed the average Awakener.

In the last siege of Bai Gang and He Chong, it was not him but Xu Wei who contributed the most. If Xu Wei hadn’t carried Bai Gang hard and blocked Bai Gang’s multiple attacks, they would have been impossible to stick to the medicine efficacy. Exhausted.

At that time, Fang Ping judged that the opponent’s strength had reached the peak of Tier 1 Awakener, but he did not expect the opponent to break through to Tier 2 Awakener so quickly.

As for Fang Ping himself, measured by the realm standard of this World, there is still some distance from the peak of Tier 1 Awakener. It is only because of the strong ability that he has the higher battle strength.

In the evening, on Huaixi Road in the south of the city, Fang Ping drove his minivan and came here to meet Xu Wei and Xu Qing siblings.

“Sure enough, he is already a Tier 2 Awakener.”

Through Kenbunshoku Haki, Fang Ping discovered that Xu Wei’s voice intensity has reached Tier 2 level, and the other party has indeed become a Tier 2 Awakener.

“The monster at this time is likely to be Tier 2, and my strength is limited. If it can be hunted, I will account for 2 of the harvest at this time, and the remaining 10000 will be equally divided with the monster corpse.”

Xu Qing took the initiative to say that she is wearing a slim light blue shirt and beige trousers that are easy to fight. She has a very good figure.

“Yes, when the time comes, the corpse of the monster belongs to me, converted into money and deducted from my share.”

Fang Ping simply agreed.

Very reasonable distribution method, he not at all does not agree.

Of course, the most important reason why he agreed to Xu Wei’s hunting invitation was for the corpse of a Tier 2 monster, so he asked for the corpse of the monster to deduct part of the reward.

“That’s OK, just do as you say.”

Xu Wei is naturally not interested in the corpse of the monster. Seeing Fang Ping asking for the corpse of the monster, he naturally has no reason not to agree.

The sky was completely dark, and the three of them took a break and began to search for monsters.

The first place they searched was the area where the 5 Awakener died. They wanted to see if the monster was still hidden in the vicinity. As a result, they could not find the monster. The monster had obviously moved.

Then, they began to search the streets and lanes of Huaixi Road. After searching for most of the night, the monster did not meet, but the Awakener encountered several waves.

There are solo Awakener, and there are 2 or 3 Awakener like them. Without exception, there are Tier 2 Awakener.

No one will crack a joke with his own life. The lives of 5 Awakener have proved the danger of this monster. Without the strength of Tier 2 Awakener, or the leader of Tier 2 Awakener, he will never accept it. Take this Bounty Mission.

Bang, bang, hong long!

Just before dawn, suddenly, a movement of fighting from a distance entered the ears of Fang Ping 3 people.

“The monster was found first?”

Fang Ping 3 people heart startled and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

The 3 people didn’t have the idea of ​​snatching. They just wanted to see if the team that encountered the monster could hunt the monster. If the opponent couldn’t hunt it, but instead let the monster escape, then the next opportunity was for them to shoot.

All three of them had physical reinforcements, and they were very fast. Soon they had arrived nearby, hiding in the shadows and looking at the battle.

What surprised them was that the two sides engaged in the battle were not monsters and Awakener, but two Awakener dials. To be precise, the two Awakener were confronting each other.

One of them is a woman wearing a red leather jacket with flaming red lips and a fiery figure, quite sexy.

On the other side, there was a man with a clean face and no beard, his eyes were deep, dark and quiet.

“What are these two people?”

Fang Ping asked.

“It is the Yao Family who worships Zhu Lian and the Liao Family who worships Gong Liang. Both of them are Tier 2 Awakener.”

Xu Qing said.

“I didn’t expect these two people to meet, there will be a good show!”

Xu Wei has some interest.

“Yao Family and Liao Family?”

Fang Ping looking thoughtful.

Both Yao Family and Liao Family are Awakener families who have solicited Fang Ping, and they are the suspects of sending people to assassinate Fang Ping. Fang Ping once sneaked into these two families and overheard some conversations from the top leaders of the two families.

The plot against each other is simply not too exciting. If given the opportunity, he is sure that both sides will wipe out each other without the slightest hesitation. The bad relationship between the two families can be described as violent.

As Zhu Lian and Gong Liang worshipped by these two families, the relationship is naturally impossible.


Gong Liang condense a bow and arrow in the void, and then pulled the string to shoot, and suddenly an azure rays of light shot at Zhu Lian.

Hula –

A crimson lotus flame appeared in front of Zhu Lian, and it quickly grew to face the cyan ray.

Hong long!

When the two collide, azure and red are intertwined, and then exploded, like fireworks in the night sky.

Hey, hey, hey!

Gong Liang fired with bows and arrows from the condense, and suddenly one after another cyan ray beams shot out. These cyan ray beams moved in an arc in the void and finally gathered together, and the center of the convergence was where Zhu Lian was.

“hmph -“

Zhu Lian tenderly snorted, with her as the center, suddenly a huge flame lotus appeared, and the solid flame lotus enveloped her, and she was like a sleeping beauty sleeping in the lotus.

Bang, bang, hong long!

The azure rays of light impacted on the flame lotus, causing a loud noise after another, but the flame lotus was unusually strong, blocking all the cyan ray.


In the end, the two sides fought for a long time, each stepped back, glanced at each other with dread, turned and left towards the second end of the street.

Fang Ping and other onlookers couldn’t help leaving, and began to search for monsters.

On the first day, Fang Ping 3 people failed to find the monster.

On the 2nd day, Fang Ping 3 had searched Huaixi Road completely, but they still couldn’t find the monster.

On the 3rd day, Fang Ping 3 people had searched beyond Huaixi Road, but they still could not find the monster.

A lot of time is spent on searching, this is Fiend Hunter’s daily life.

Although hunting an ordinary monster has an income of about 10000, it is not easy to find and hunt it.

Monsters can hide and transfer. When they are aware of danger, they will hide and transfer. Even if Fang Ping has the ability to search, there is no way to face the transferred monsters.

Fiend Hunter, who has no search ability, finds it more difficult to hide and transfer monsters. Because of this, Fiend Hunters often snatch prey between them.

Many Fiend Hunters who snatch prey do not want to hunt monsters by themselves, but have not encountered them after searching for a long time, so they are jealous and have the idea of ​​snatching.

On the fourth day, the Fang Ping 4 people again chose an area close to Huaixi Road to search. At midnight, Fang Ping’s Kenbunshoku Haki finally sensed the sound of a monster.

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