Monster Altar

Chapter 51

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The gust of wind roared in the room, and all kinds of small objects were swaying around.

Lu Yu, a pale-skinned man, appeared next to the bookshelf at a speed that almost afterimages appeared. He overturned the bookshelf and looked behind the bookshelf.

But behind the bookshelves there is nothing but the smooth stone walls.

“Master Lu Yi, what’s wrong?”

The black clothed person stood up and looked at Lu Yu suspiciously.

“I just felt the strange fluctuation.”

Lu Yu frowned and said.

“Unusual fluctuations?”

The black clothed person is alert and looks vigilantly for 4 weeks.

He did not at all suspect that Lu Yu was wrong. According to his knowledge, one of Lu Yu’s abilities is perception ability, which is absolutely impossible to perceive wrong.

Hey, hey, dong!

There was a knock on the door, accompanied by a questioning voice.

“Lord Lu Yu, what happened? I just heard you have a big movement here?”

“I felt a strange fluctuation, did anything happen outside just now?”

Lu Yu solemnly asked.

“No, oh, yes, Li Ling came just now, not at all walking through the passage, but sneaking in directly with Earth escape.”

The voice outside the door replied.

“Earth escape? It seems that the fluctuation that he had just sensed was caused by his Earth escape. I warned him that next time I would dare to enter the stronghold with the Earth escape, I skinned him.”

Lu Yu’s frowning eyebrows stretched out.

“Yes, Lord Lu Yu!”

The people outside responded quickly and ran away.

After finding the reason, Lu Yu and the black clothed man in the room sat down again and continued the conversation, everything returned to normal.

“so close!”

In the space inside the door, seeing the two people sitting down again and returning to normal, Fang Ping took a long sigh of relief as if not at all.

He just wanted to open a door and eavesdrop on the conversation between two people, but he didn’t expect that the other party would be able to detect it.

If he hadn’t reacted in a timely manner, he would close the door immediately, I am afraid the opponent would have noticed.

He couldn’t hear the conversation of the two people and couldn’t overhear. Fang Ping decisively exited the office and wandered around in the basement for a while. His energy was about to maintain the space inside the door, so he quickly retreated.

Find your own car and quickly get away from the old town.

He originally wanted to sneak into the eavesdropping to see why Hellfire wanted to deal with him, whether the organization Hellfire wanted to deal with him, or was hired by other forces to deal with him.

But I didn’t want to. There was no Doa Doa no Mi ability exposed among the 8 Awakener families, and it was almost exposed. Naturally, there was no way to listen to the news about the assassination.

“What should we do now? Can we only wait for the assassination to come again and again?”

Fang Ping was driving while thinking about how to deal with the subsequent assassination.


Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he already had a way in his heart. He turned his direction and headed to the Monster Countermeasures Division.

In an organization like Hellfire, he doesn’t want to provoke 10000 people, but since the other party has been eyeing him, even if he doesn’t want to, he can only find a way to deal with it.

The coping method he thought of was murder a person with a borrowed knife, borrowing the magical countermeasures department to attack Hellfire.

The Monster Countermeasures Division repeatedly encircled Hellfire. Obviously, there is zero tolerance for Hellfire. If he reveals the current location of Hellfire to the Monster Countermeasures Division, the Monster Countermeasures Division will definitely attack Hellfire.

In this case, no matter whether Hellfire can survive the attack of the Monster Countermeasures Division, there should be no time to pay attention to him, and his crisis will naturally be resolved.

Fang Ping, who parked his car far away from the Monster Countermeasures Division, had recovered a lot of physical strength, and used Doa Doa no Mi’s ability to sneak into the Monster Countermeasures Division.

When he arrived at the place where the reward was submitted, Fang Ping quietly put a note on the table.

The most effective way is actually to put this note on the desk of a high-level person in the Monster Countermeasures Division. However, organizations like Hellfire can detect him, and the Monster Countermeasures Division may also be able to detect him.

For safety, he put this note on the place where it was handed over to Bounty Mission, which was not heavily guarded.

In the morning, a man walked out of the lounge behind the Bounty Mission office.

He is a night shift person and rests in the lounge at night. At this time, he is preparing to sort out documents and wait for the handover with his colleagues on the day shift.

As soon as he arrived at the office, he immediately saw the very eye-catching note on his desk, picked up the note slightly puzzled, and looked at the note.

“Hellfire is located in the old city south of the city…”

Seeing the content on the note, he couldn’t help laughing.

“Whose prank is this?”

He subconsciously thought it was a prank, so he wanted to throw the note in the trash can, but he stopped.

“Isn’t 10000 one?”

After hesitating for a while, he took this note and found the direct leader who was also on the night shift.


Seeing the content of the note, the direct leader immediately took it seriously, preferring to believe that it was untrustworthy and not. After submitting it in layers, the note was handed over to a deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division.


In the next few days, Fang Ping went to the house of the red clothed woman and took out the bank card of the other party and took out the 150,000 in the card. As if nothing happened, Fang Ping immersed himself in the cultivation and did not go to the Hellfire site again. Probe.

If he guessed right, the Monster Countermeasures Division should have been secretly confirming the authenticity of the news. If he ran to investigate, he might be treated as a member of the Hellfire by the Monster Countermeasures Division. When the time comes, I am afraid that it will be more wronged than Dou’e.

In order to prevent this from happening, he restrained his curiosity, not at all, went to explore the stronghold of Hellfire again.

After a few more days, Fang Ping got up in the morning, while eating breakfast, while browsing the local forum in He’an Base City.

Next moment, I was stunned. A few posts completely attracted his mind.

“Last Night Monster Countermeasures Division Raided Hellfire Base”

“Monster Countermeasures Division Thunder shot, Hellfire was encircled again”

“The Hellfire organization was devastated”


There are dozens of posts, all about the news of the monster countermeasures department’s attack on Hellfire, and some of them are photos of Hellfire strongholds after being destroyed.

Obviously, after several days of exploration and preparation, the Monster Countermeasures Division finally took action against Hellfire.

“I don’t know if Hellfire has been wiped out. Even if it hasn’t been wiped out, I don’t have the energy to attack me, right?”

Fang Ping was in a relaxed mood, and even his appetite improved a lot. Not surprisingly, the Hellfire crisis should have been resolved.

Although he is extremely confident in his life-saving ability, it is also very stressful to be targeted by a huge monster like Hellfire.

But it’s fine now. Starting today, there is no need to worry about being assassinated by Hellfire suddenly.

“Well, by the way, Xu Wei said before that there was an Awakener rally today. Well, go and see.”

In a good mood, he decided to go to the Awakener rally.

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