Monster Altar

Chapter 91

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“Not good, dangerous!”


The black mist splashed in 4 places, and each group had formidable power beyond the bullet. Where it was splashed, there were clear corrosion marks, with 1000 sores and 100 holes around.

Some Awakener people who were closer screamed and hurriedly avoided. They thought they were far enough away, but they didn’t expect to be affected.

While avoiding, they kept flashing the punch just now in their minds, and the formidable power of that punch was almost imprinted in their minds, making them extremely impressed, and they would never forget it.


Punched by the black misty tentacles, Fang Ping slammed close to Liao Chong.

Liao Chong opened his mouth and wanted to hit Fang Ping with sound waves, but before he opened his mouth, Fang Ping’s fist was already punched in his face.


With the dull sound of hard objects colliding, Liao Chong flew out and rolled on the ground several times before finally stopping.

This was a very violent punch. The Awakener onlookers felt pain in their faces when they saw it, but Liao Chong, who was affected by this fist, only had a slightly swollen face.

The ability to strengthen his body gave him a strong defense, allowing him to face Fang Ping with such a heavy punch, still almost without injury.

“Fang Ping ——”

Turning to his feet and getting up, Liao Chong’s eyes burst into flames, but he was “slapped in the face” by a Tier 3 Awakener who was a Tier 2 Awakener.

His feet all turned into mist, extending and raising his body into the air more than ten meters, while his hands turned into black mist tentacles, attacking Fang Ping from different directions.

Clang, clang, clang!

The misty tentacles were strongly corrosive, hitting Fang Ping like a long spear, but Fang Ping didn’t see the slightest damage, even his clothes.

What is strengthened is not only his body, but also the clothes on his body.


With his powerful body, Fang Ping smashed out of the envelop of misty tentacles, kicked his feet on the ground violently, his body ejected and shot towards Liao Chong in the air.


With a punch in Liao Chong’s abdomen, Liao Chong’s body bends like dried shrimp and fell to the ground, and potholes appear on the concrete floor.

Before Liao Chong got up from the pothole, Fang Ping had already stepped on Liao Chong’s body after landing, pressing Liao Chong on the ground.

Then he grabbed Liao Chong’s hand with the silver bracelet and pulled it vigorously, then tore off the silver bracelet.

As soon as the silver bracelet was torn off, Fang Ping immediately felt that the confinement of the surrounding space ceased, and the Doa Doa no Mi abilities could be used again.

The guess is correct, the silver bracelet is indeed confining the surrounding space.

Boom, bang, bang!

Putting the bracelet in his pocket, Fang Ping hammered Liao Chong with two fists one after another. The already large potholes became deeper and larger under Fang Ping’s successive blows.

He was like a violent pile driver, beating tirelessly one after another.

“Who just said that there is still a big gap between him and the Tier 3 Awakener?”

The faces of the Awakener onlookers were dull. A Tier 3 Awakener was beaten by Fang Ping without any backhand. This reminded them of the initial evaluation of an Awakener.

This kind of strength can be regarded as a big gap with Tier 3 Awakener, so what is meant by a Tier 3 Awakener?

Boom, bang, bang!

The ground vibrated under the hammer, and the surrounding Awakener felt as if it were an earthquake, one after another.

But even under such a violent blow, Liao Chong’s injuries were still limited, not even the bones were broken, only ordinary redness and swelling.

“You can’t kill me!”

Repeated attempts to break free Fang Ping climbed up but failed, Liao Chong gave up breaking free.

Staring at Fang Ping, he gnashing teeth said.

Being beaten on the ground by a Tier 2 Awakener of the opponent, his face is completely lost, but he is extremely confident in his defense. Although the opponent’s strength is beyond imagination, it is absolutely impossible to kill him with the opponent’s strength.

Now he is not like before, not at all poisoning, and the longer he drags on, the closer to death.

“is it?”

When he stepped on the ground with one foot, Fang Ping was full of murderous intention.

The opponent’s defense is indeed very strong, with his current destructive power, it is indeed difficult to kill the opponent.

If there is still poison at this time, you can open the opponent’s mouth and pour it into the opponent’s mouth, killing the opponent with the poison.

Unfortunately, the poison was used up the last time the Demonic Scaled Scorpion was hunted.

After spending a full 1010000 yuan, he still couldn’t kill the opponent, which really made him unwilling.

Thinking of this, he had a decision in his heart.

“Strengthen hundreds thousand more!”

Thinking like this in my heart, the bank card on my body revealed golden light, a stronger and fuller feeling, filling Fang Ping’s body.


The fist thumped out, and there was a terrifying whistling sound, as if a meteorite was falling from the sky, the surrounding air was quickly repelled under this fist, and a gust of wind was formed.

This fist fiercely hit Liao Chong’s chest fiercely.


With a terrifying loud noise, Liao Chong’s body sank half a meter under this fist, and his chest collapsed slightly, with ribs broken.

“How can the formidable power become stronger…”

With blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, Liao Chong’s face became flustered and frightened.

The opponent is a Tier 2 Awakener, and the battle strength can reach Tier 3 is already extremely terrifying.

But I don’t want the opponent’s battle strength to be improved on the basis of Tier 3. Although it did not reach Tier 4, it also greatly increased the strength that threatened him.

Boom, bang, bang!

Fang Ping was full of murderous intention, his fists punched one after another, venting his anger.

Hundred thousand ah, it’s hundreds of thousands again. There is no more money. The money in his bank card now does not even reach hundreds of thousands. When he thinks about this, he is extremely distressed and angry.

After hitting dozens of punches in succession, when Fang Ping stopped, he found that Liao Chong had been dead for a long time.

His chest was bloody and completely collapsed. Not only did his ribs break, but even the inner heart was beaten and exploded.

His face remained horrified and desperate. At the last moment, he once asked Fang Ping for mercy.

It’s a pity that under the horrible hammering sound, not only the surrounding Awakener could not hear clearly, even Fang Ping could not hear clearly, of course, even if he heard clearly, Fang Ping was impossible to spare the opponent.

Searching the other party, found a wallet, which contained a large stack of banknotes and a bank card.

Without the password, the bank card is useless unless the bank is hacked to transfer the money in the card.

But if he did so, he would be an enemy of a government agency and wanted by a government agency. He would not do it unless it was necessary.

The only gain is this large wad of banknotes, the amount is 5,000-6,000, which is totally incomparable with the 200,000 he spent, but it can make up for some losses anyway.

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