Monster Factory

Chapter 1058: : I have a mean plan here.

This is not a matter for an agency of the Social Security Administration.

The Social Security Administration is an internal organization, in the case that they send a team to the Chinese team twice.

The Social Security Bureau can only pin its hopes on the side of the White House.

Asked if the matter caused by the Yuanshen hand continued to ferment, the representative of the White House office patted his cheek, but his face did not have much embarrassing expression.

Secretary Nei South Bona continued to sneer. "Now you and me, don't think about counting the reasons for the behemoth industry."

"Every country's TV stations have blown the behemoth industry and China into the Garden of Eden, but those who have certain economic conditions are not flying or taking a ship to China."

"Then those who can't get on the flight and the weak economic ability can only squeeze into our Social Security Bureau and ask us to give them an accurate time."

"But the reason is indeed in the behemoth industry." The representative of the White House office closed his eyes and muttered: "This time we have already released enough goodwill, not only promised to lift all chips, but also invites further cooperation and win-win. ”

"Do you think that the people below are willing to listen to you like this?" Director Nei South Bona asked.

The White House office representative opened his eyes. "I know that they don't want to listen, so I am sitting here."

"Mr. Secretary, I suggest that you go to China in person."

The director of the South China Bona Mohama's movement of the chin, it is incredible to see him.

"You let me go to China?"

"You know that our deputy director Peins a few days ago, what is the treatment for going to China?" Director Nei South Bona knocked on the table. "He spent three days on the road and passed the embassy relationship before he saw the person. Young president."

"As a result, our deputy director only talked with him for twenty minutes, and didn't even drink hot tea."

"Do you know what happened after twenty minutes?"

"Talked about the use of a hand of the gods, this notice completely blocked the American people's plan to install the Yuanshen hand in the nearest country."

Not to mention this is fine, mentioning that the Secretary of the South China Bona is full of fire.

Now the White House wants him to go there?

"Yes, go to China." The representative of the White House office looked calmly and did not hide and greet Mr. Director. "This is the meaning of the White House and the only solution we can think of now."

"After I went, I met the young president for ten minutes and ran back again?"

"Mr. Secretary, this time is different." The representative of the White House smiled slightly. "Is the public not always asking us to give an accurate time?"

"We can't give you the introduction time of the Yuanshen hand project, but we can give a negotiation schedule."

"At seven o'clock tonight, Mr. President will publish an article on Twitter that is eager to introduce Yuanshen products into the United States. In the content of the article, there will also be words that criticize your Social Security Bureau."

"Followed, the Social Security Administration will immediately explain the President and the public."

"The explanation is not that you are not willing to introduce, but that you have already sent two teams, but there is no gain."

Said here, the representative of the White House Office, Mr. Chong Director raised an eyebrow and smiled: "At this time, the President will order, let you personally lead the team to China to find the giant beast industry negotiations."

"The President has personally ordered that the citizens of the United States and the media around the world will pay close attention to this negotiation."

"After, Mr. Secretary should understand what to do?"

Secretary Nei South Bona is a smart man who quickly understood the White House’s intentions.

There is a moral abduction in the White House!

They must push the contradiction to the behemoth industry!

The ordinary people are not aware of the contradictions between the giant beast industry and the US. They simply think that the people in the Social Security Bureau have a vegetarian meal and they are not considered for them at all.

Now, Mr. President speaks directly to these vulnerable groups.

In this way, Mr. President will gain prestige, and the Social Security Administration will be held accountable. But at the same time they also have an opportunity to explain to the general public, explaining that they have sent two negotiating teams.

Then the President ordered that Nenan Bona lead the team to China.

Secretary Nei South Bona does not have to guess that this time, the team he brought will definitely be followed by a large number of American media reporters.

The president spoke, and the director of the National Social Security Bureau went to China for a grand banquet, and invited the young president of the giant beast to invite him, but what?

In the scene of the situation, a number of large media participated in the event and relayed the content of the talks.

The young president promised not to agree?

If Nei South Bona is very sincere and promises some preferential terms to the behemoth industry, he promised not to agree?

If you don't agree, you are right against the people of the United States.

Americans can ignore the behemoth industry and their official grievances. They only know that the behemoth industry can cooperate with other countries, and it is very simple to set up a cooperation point for the hands of the gods.

Since you can cooperate with other countries, you must also cooperate with the United States.

Without cooperation, the reputation of the behemoth industry in the United States will immediately break down and withstand tremendous moral pressure from the world.

This plan is not too clever, but it is very powerful and very effective.

Secretary Nei Bona has been tossing and turning over the past two days and has been thinking about ways to deal with it.

He even thought about putting pressure on the Huaxia official in the name of the Social Security Administration. In conjunction with the business sector, the Chinese government gave some concessions in the field of trade cooperation in exchange for official nodding.

A two-pronged approach, let Huaxia officially urge the giant beast industry to introduce the Yuanshen hand project.

However, the Secretary of the South China Bona is worried that the preferential treatment will be given to the Huaxia official. If the benefits of the giant beast industry are not available, it will resist the cooperation with the US, and the final result will be full of variables.

Now finally have a better solution.

The White House took the lead in giving the best solution, and Mr. President will also participate in it, putting pressure on the behemoth industry.

"I agree with this plan." Director Nei Bernarda did not wait for him to finish, and immediately made a decision.

“Very good.” The representative of the White House office showed a satisfied look. “That’s a grievance to Mr. Secretary this evening. When Mr. President sent a tweet, you have to be in the media and give him a report. ""

For many years of political career, the Secretary for South Africa Bona did not know what was wronged.

It’s just a report, and it’s drizzling.

"When do I leave, I will hand over the work in advance with the bureau."

“The day after tomorrow.” The representative of the White House office got up from the seat. “We will arrange a special plane when you arrive, and you and the 11 American media will go to China together.”


The efficiency of the White House office is not generally high.

At 7:00 that evening, the Social Security Administration still gathered a large number of people who lost their hands.

There are volunteers who are sending bread to them, and some reporters are interviewing them.

Just as people’s anger and sympathy are getting higher and higher, Mr. President’s Twitter has suddenly updated an article.

This article expresses a high praise for Yuanshen's products. The president believes that the emergence of Yuanshen's hand can help countless vulnerable groups who have lost their hands and return to normal life. This is the most embarrassing result of technology changing life.

With its extremely low profit value and serious and responsible attitude, the giant beast industry promotes the hands of the gods to the disadvantaged groups around the world.

This spirit is more worthy of learning by American companies.

But ~

Mr. President’s words turned around and began to criticize the Social Security Administration’s inaction in a harsh tone.

Why did other countries implement the introduction time of the Yuanshen hand project, but the United States did not have any movement?

Is it that the Social Security Bureau wants to watch the vulnerable groups and spend a high price to go to China to install the Yuanshen hand?

The tweet released at 7:00, it took only half an hour to harvest more than 100,000 messages.

If the message content can be converted into a support rate, then the president’s support rate is 100%.

At the same time, the vulnerable groups gathered at the door of the social security departments across the United States have also found the backbone. They began to become incited and excited, asking the Social Security Administration to give a statement immediately.

Not surprising.

The Secretary for Social Security, Nei Bonna, was severely questioned by the President, "scared to the soft legs."

He was in a hurry and made a review report to the President and the vulnerable groups in the United States at 8:00 local time in the White House Press Room.

In the report, there was no mention of any white eyes and cold encounters that they had sent to discuss the team twice in the behemoth industry.

The Secretary of the South China Bona only said that the two negotiations did not achieve substantive results, which is their job dereliction of duty.

Mr. President expressed dissatisfaction with his work and asked him to lead the team in the morning afterwards to go to Huaxia to discuss with the giant beast industry.

When the news came out, the whole country was sensational.

Mr. President personally ordered!

The Secretary for Social Security, Nei Bonna, personally led the team.

At this moment, those who gathered around the social security department were only full of excitement, and they shouted celebrations.

At this moment, the focus of the news in the United States immediately gathered in the giant beast industry far from the other side of the ocean.

Ten p.m.

The Social Security Bureau officially called the Behemoth Industry and submitted the appointment to the Director, Mr. Ye Qing, to the Director of the South China Bona.

Two days later, the Commissioner Nei South Bona departed from the United States and arrived in China on the third day.

At that time, the Director of the South China Bona will welcome the arrival of Ye Qing in the hotel on the outskirts of Shanghai.

Shanghai Xijiao Yingbin Hotel is famous for its special guests. The meeting will be held here, which shows that the Social Security Bureau attaches great importance to and respect for the behemoth industry.

The letter did not mention the Secretary of the South China Bona, but also invited many famous media from around the world to participate in the fair.

Of course, mentioning and not mentioning, this fair is destined to be paid attention to by the media all over the world, and it has attracted the attention of the whole people.

When the news spread across the sea to China, the Chinese network did not know how many netizens were cheering.

They do not know the inside story, only think that the behemoth industry is extremely domineering, almost invincible in the world, even the old beauty must be bent.

Ordinary citizens look at the excitement, and those official national and corporate organizations that are aware of it are always paying attention to the official reply of the behemoth industry.

This is an ethical abduction initiated by the President, led by the Commissioner Nei South Bona!

He carries the will of the whole country, such as nine days of thunder, such as the raging sea, no man can block.

The behemoth industry is even more unlikely to stop.

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