Monster Factory

Chapter 822: : Unacceptable usage specifications

Meet the multi-functional conference hall on the 66th floor. There is a huge panoramic glass of nearly 180 degrees in the conference hall. Sitting here, you can overlook the most of the cloud city.

Fifty representatives from all countries came here. On the side of the giant beast industry, Ye Qing and the sales department and the legal department are composed.

Now every representative has a detailed parameter data of ghost synthetic fiber armor written in English. The data also lists the service life of the ghost armor, the use environment, and various limit test parameters.

"Ghost synthetic armor, made of bio-fibrous material. Dear delegates, at the press conference in the morning, everyone has already visited the manufacturing process of the ghost armor. I think everyone has understood that the mass of the ghost armor There is no difficulty in production.” Kong Tao, general manager of the sales department, said: “Ghost armor is fit to wear, so it needs to be customized according to the height and weight of each soldier.”

“And the liquid printer perfectly solves the cumbersome custom process.”

“Everyone just needs to use a 3D scanning device to scan the outline of the soldier. Our industrial version of the liquid printer will automatically print the ghost armor.”

It sounds very convenient, but the representatives of the countries frowned slightly.

Because they heard from this sentence, at least two bundled products. Industrial version of liquid printers, and 3D scanning equipment.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kong, if the ghost armor is printed from liquid materials, what about the metal protective layer we saw before?" British representative Ai Sissen nodded and asked: "It is the metal inside the ghost armor. Does this require us to customize?"

“No, metal guard bones can be resized manually before printing.”

"We sell not only ghost armor, but a complete line of ghost armor."

“At the same time, the core liquid printer of our production line is different from the publicly available version. It is specially customized. The general industrial version of the liquid printer cannot print ghost armor.” Here, Kong Tao reveals an elusive Smile, let the next employee give each representative a price list.

Customized version of the liquid printer, one million yuan.

3D model drawing integrated scanning equipment, 10 million units.

Alloy protection bones, fifty thousand one.

Liquid biofiber material, fifty liters is a unit of weight, each unit is priced at 30 million.

Three...30 million?

Seeing this price, the delegates of the countries almost thought they were in the country or in South Korea. Because the currency settlement ratio is lower, the price of 30 million 50 liters seems to be more acceptable.

But here is Huaxia. Representatives from all over the world have been making eye contact with each other. Then, Aishgsen of the United Kingdom was somewhat unhappy. He directed the spearhead directly at Ye Qing, who did not speak. "Mr. Ye, is your company’s pricing unit wrong? Already?"

“Yes.” Ye Qing smiled lightly. “Technology is priceless. According to every five liters of liquid material, you can print a set of ghost armor. The price of each armor is only two million. Two hundred Tens of thousands of yuan, but in exchange for the absolute safety of the soldiers. Imagine that soldiers are sacrificed or disabled because of the bullet, the cost of the countries of the delegates is definitely more than this number."

If you can, Mr. Ai Sissen especially wants to jump up and give the young president a foot.

Two million, according to common sense, biting your teeth is not expensive. The problem is that the data clearly states that the ghost armor is only valid for one year. After one year, the ghost armor will gradually lose its protective ability due to the aging of the material.

Two million can buy a high-tech armor that won't expire, which is really not expensive.

It is worth two million yuan a year. This is not a high price. What other products are called sky-high prices?

"Mr. Ye, do you know how much it costs to equip an American soldier?" Amos, the American representative who was mixed in the French team, touched some surprised lips and said in a mouthful of American English: "Take a US The soldiers are fully armed and only need 30,000 US dollars. We are not abandoning your price, but the shelf life of the ghost armor is too short. I think if there is a five-year probation period, we will feel acceptable. ”

“There is no product, just developed, it is perfect. Technology is always improving a little, and our products are also slowly improving.”

Ye Qing picked up an eyebrow. "This gentleman, you can't use the equipment of the American soldier to compare with the ghost armor. If you want armor of $30,000, we can provide it."

“In the future, we will continue to invest in technology to improve bio-fiber materials. I think in a few years, we can improve this short-lived shortcoming.”


"But it's really too expensive." Amos's face did not hide his complaint.

The United States, which has always been rich in civilization and wealth, feels a bit too much at this moment. I spend two million a year. This price wants to arm all the army. I am afraid that only the aliens will have the financial resources to do it. Of course, it is ok to install special forces on a small scale.

But who is willing to be a big head?

"Ladies and gentlemen~ The price is based on the production cost of the materials, together with the R&D funds invested, after strict accounting." Kong Tao saw the representatives of the countries unanimously complaining, and immediately laughed: "This representative uses American soldiers as an example. Then I will give an example of a US company."

“This is a US biopharmaceutical company. In 1998, the company officially launched a drug called Avonco. The effect of this drug on men is no less than the effect of ghost armor on soldiers.”

“Aiwan can sell for 120 yuan in China, but it costs only one yuan per piece. In this yuan, there is a price of 0.8 yuan.”

"Do you think that our ghost armor, the profit may be one hundred and twenty times?"

One hundred and twenty times is naturally no, delegates are converting in their hearts. If you spend 16,000 yuan to buy a ghost armor, it is really a fantasy. This price, even if you buy an internal alloy to protect the bones is enough.

Two million dollars can be bought for one year, and they are seriously exceeding their psychological expectations.

Ye Qing coughed twice, and the ghost armor profit was indeed not one hundred and twenty times, but close to 1,500 times.

Kong Tao is serious and serious. "I can guarantee that after we sign a long-term cooperation agreement, the raw material price of the ghost armor will definitely decrease with the improvement of our technology."

"But I would also like to ask delegates to open the following information on the quotation form, which reads our specifications for the use of ghost armor raw materials."

“This special liquid biomaterial can be used not only to produce ghost armor. It is also used in the civilian sector for a wide range of applications. However, we are currently only testing technical products for ghost armor products in other fields. Applications also require follow-up technical testing."

"So, the body biomaterials of the purchasing liquids can only be used for ghost armor production."

"What do you mean?" After Amos turned over the following usage specification, his face was unbelievable. This kind of expression, perhaps in the late Qing Dynasty, the old Zhang, when the signing of the Xinqiu Treaty, showed a similar.

Amos gas almost slammed the table, not standing behind the United States, he was arrogant, but this specification was too bullying.

Look at what has been written above...

Terms of Use:

Article 1: The liquid printer in this production line is different from the ordinary industrial liquid printer in printing technology. Countries can only be used for ghost armor production, and the liquid printers on the driver do not support any products other than ghost armor.

Article 2: In view of this type of industrial liquid printer, it is a high-tech sensitive product. When countries use this product, they must connect to the Internet. Only the Beast Industrial Headquarters can send digital keys in real time to work properly.

Article 3: In view of the particularity of liquid biomaterials, every 50 liters of one unit of material consumables will be embedded with a key chip inside the container at the factory. Only the key chip, after verifying with the liquid printer, can pass the key verification of the headquarters.

Based on the order information and the raw material consumption data returned by the liquid printer, the headquarters will judge whether each material consumable is used to print the ghost armor.

Article 4: If Party B violates the regulations, the biological materials are used in other fields. The corresponding digital liquidated damages shall be paid according to the contract and the supply of liquid biological materials shall be cancelled.

Article 5: Party A's giant beast industry has power...

Article 6: ...

Serious, angry, angry, unbelievable, glaring, etc., all kinds of negative emotions inevitably appear on the faces of representatives of various countries.


Why does the behemoth industry have such arrogant confidence that they will recognize this specification?

If this is not a public occasion, they will definitely slap the table and erect the arrogant middle finger, pointing to the face of the young president.

Facing an angry face on the oval conference table, Ye Qing slowly stood upright and smiled in his smile. "Die representatives, please forgive us for customizing these non-intentional usage standards."

"But if you don't do this, I think liquid biomaterials are likely to be stuck in customs, or at the airport of international air express. The importance of this material, I think delegates understand. Change to your country, I think even With more regulations, these materials are not likely to flow to China."

"Of course, from a business perspective, these specifications are not excessive."

"Since the manager of Kong Kong gave an example, I will also give a few commercial examples."

“For example, Demaggio, which plays an important role in the field of high-precision machining, the five-axis machining center that the company exports to China, all of which are restricted versions. Some functions that may be used in the military processing field are strictly removed. Lost."

"For example, before our giant beast industry wanted to buy a freighter, we contacted the European Airbus company. As a result, they told us that it is not possible to make any modifications without the purchase of such a freighter."

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