Monster Girl Harem

Chapter 24: Dorms

I slide my hand slowly over Nyans ass, going lower and lower until I'm slowly rubbing her fuck-hole. Nyan moans, and starts to slide along my hand. My other hand is stroking Toys breasts, going under her shirt and grabbing one of her tits--she turns to me and pouts before grabbing my hand and letting me squeeze. 

It's then that the Arachne comes over, her tits are covered in transparent webbing, and her pussy is covered in the same way. She slowly puts a hand down my pants and starts to stroke my cock--making it go from half-mast to throbbing. Nyan moans again, and my fingers slip in--rubbing her clit.

The Cow is watching us all in amusement before laughing and coming over, "Sorry to break up the fuck-fest but I need to show you to your rooms." I glare at her and my women glare with me, but I need to have The Cow on side and I'm a month behind. I'll have plenty of time to play with my harem.

[Progress! You almost had a foursome, sadly you let an old cow with saggy tits tell you off. Your grandfather is laughing at you. 2 Mod points recieved.]

Damn it. 

My decison is already made though and I slip my hand out of Nyans pussy, slick with her juices, and remove my other hand from Toys breasts. We start moving down the hallways, this time I do see students moving around, beastkin and orcs, demons and elves, it seem that the acadmey is open to anyone huh?

I also see plenty of hot, hot, bodies.

The Cow continues to lead us, and I notice some of the other guys in the hallway eyeing me up...most specifically eyeing my dressed up entourage. I notice that the Arachne (How do I not know her name?) breaks off... The Cow gives her a glance but carries on, the Weaponmistress whispers to me "I'm making some boundaries known."

She slaps me on the ass and moves off.

Meanwhile Nyan and Toy are talking among themselves quietly, I listen in for a little bit but it's just discussion about where they're going to be staying. I know that there is a servants wing but hopefully The Cow will pull some more strings and get them in there with me.

After a bit more walking, we finally come to a huge door, with the words: Special Accomodation.

The Cow turns to me and says, "I wasn't able to get you a room by yourself so you're going to have a roommate. On the bright side you each pretty much have a house of your own. The maids will be coming in during your class hours, they'll be seperated from you mostly."

Dissapointing but not unexpected. I motion toward the door and The Cow throws the door open... revealing...

Oh, shit.


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