Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 31: Bonny Plays for Keeps
I took off into the forest after Bonny, suddenly filled with a growing sense of urgency. First of all, if she killed monsters without me, I wouldn’t have any chance at gaining XP without being close and contributing to the battle in at least some way. And then there was the prospect of losing. It would be a bad outcome to today’s patrol, so I immediately darted into the brush behind her after collecting myself, gripping my lance tightly in my hands. I wasn't too concerned about monster souls today, though, having just acquired some new feats.
I entered a clearing where I found the bunny girl dicing apart a few goblins. “That’s four,” she grinned over her shoulder at me as her axe removed the head from one of their wiry necks. A gout of blood spurted from the wound and the now lifeless body slumped to the forest floor. Before I could even reply, she’d taken off again, but this time I was ready.
The second pack of monsters we found was a swarm of giant bees, about the size of my forearm. I got some kills in this time, counting them off with each successful strike. “Two,” I grunted, then, “Three--no, four!”
“Six!” giggled Bonny. “Looks like I’m going to be riding you today.” Her little cottontail wiggled adorably just before she started hopping off in another apparently random direction. I followed after her, desperate to keep up. Things were looking bad, but there was still time to even up the score.
And catch up I did. The game made us remarkably efficient killers, bestowing a sense of desperation on the whole process of patrolling and monster slaying. Autumn would probably kick herself for not designing it herself once she'd heard about it. We tore through thicket after thicket, brush after brush as we laid waste to scores of lesser monsters over the next few hours.
“The sun is setting soon,” Bonny said, panting hard at the end of the day. “Would you like to call it now?”
“I’ve got twenty-five kills,” I grinned with confidence.
“We can verify each other’s kills, actually,” Bonny said, grinning right back at me, a bit too cockily for my liking.
“Oh?” I asked. “How?”
She reached out her palms. “Hold my hands.” I did as she suggested and saw my HUD open up, but it wasn’t the stat screen I was used to. Instead, it was a specific screen that displayed only one message.
XP-Granting Creatures Slain Today
Bucky W. Drake: 24
Bonny Poofytail: 39
“Well, there it is,” she grinned, pulling her hands back. “I don’t think you have much chance in catching up in the next twenty minutes, Mr. Drake.” She was leaning on her axe, biting into a carrot that Daisy had no doubt given her--mocking me. My danger sense was pinging hard as I saw her eyes give me the fabled bedroom gaze. A fear boner flared in my leather breeches as the reality of my predicament settled in, coursing like ice in my veins.
“Well, hold on,” I said, trying to stall, “How do I know you didn’t do some of those this morning before we came out here?”
“I’m flattered you think I had time for that. I was finishing your armor all morning,” she said giggling, and then she frowned. “Which is now totally covered in blood."
I looked down. I hadn’t bothered to deactivate Sprinkle’s enchantment because I didn’t have time to puzzle it out once the action started so abruptly. The whole time we’d been carving our way through the forest’s monsters, I’d been splattered in blood and viscera. At first it was shocking, but after the ninth or tenth monster or so I was already numb to it. By the end I had totally forgotten just what a mess I was.
“Sprinkle, you beautiful maniac,” I muttered, begrudgingly admiring the filthy mess, seeing it as a possible way out.
“What’s that?” Bonny asked, catching a bit of my private uttering.
I shook my head, “I think we should probably delay the payoff until tomorrow, don’t you? Just look at me. I’m covered in gore."
Bonny smirked at the idea, likely seeing right through it. “I don’t mind.”
Fuck. So much for that.
Bonny licked her lips as she reached for the buckle that held the leather strap in place that covered her breasts. “Don’t be shy with me, Mr. Drake,” she said. “I want to get the full experience. And I’ll be one hundred percent focused on making sure our first time together is an experience you never forget.”
“Go easy on me, though,” I pleaded with a defeated whimper, dropping my pants and letting my cock spill out.
“Oh fuck,” Bonny said as she saw it in front of her for the first time. “This is gonna be wild.” She dropped her strap to the ground, and her breasts were liberated before me, orbs of fleshy perfection. They were incredible as all the breasts in Tater Town tended to be, but being of a more tanned complexion, her tits were a smidge bronzer than the average girl in town, and it provided a welcome bit of diversity. Her brownish gray bunny ears and tail waggled anxiously as she tugged her loincloth off all too easily and became fully naked before me.
The awesomeness of her body wasn’t a surprise. Since she’d dressed so skimpily, I pretty much knew exactly what I was in for this whole time, but I wasn’t complaining about the big reveal. It was like being a kid on Christmas morning after sneaking a peek at your presents the night before and knowing you were going to get exactly what you wanted. The lack of suspense didn’t make the unwrapping of the gift less enjoyable.
My cock was a testament to that fact. She eyed it ravenously, like a wolf in a bunny’s skin. “Mr. Drake, why don’t you just lie on the ground for me. Make yourself comfy." She was plotting something behind those huge conniving eyes.
I hesitantly obeyed. My cock was pointing straight up and skyward as I lay myself down, waiting for the punishment for my hubris in agreeing to this rigged challenge.
Bonny knelt beside me, taking but a moment to hoist herself over me. “There it is,” she said, her huge eyes wide and gawking at my dick like it was a golden carrot. “My ticket to happiness.”
“Don’t put my penis on a pedestal,” I cautioned her, laughing nervously. “It’s not magical.”
“Not your cock,” she shook her head. “The seed inside of it. I’m… sooo fucking close.” She leaned down and gave my cock a long, labored lick as a hot and heady sigh exhaled out across my thighs and balls.
I felt myself growing even more nervous, if that was possible. “Be careful with those buck-teeth,” I cautioned her.
She giggled. “I won’t be using them today,” she said. “I was just getting your dick wet and ready.”
“I don’t suppose we could do anal,” I groaned as she positioned herself astride my lap. Her slit started gliding across the length of my cock, and I watched the erotic display as my heart pounded in my chest, loud enough for me to hear.
She looked almost disgusted. “And waste that baby gravy? You’re insane.”
I balked at that. “I’m the insane one. Right.”
She grinned at me broadly, but that grin rapidly faded into an ‘o’ face as my tip slipped inside her folds and made its way into her hot wet channel. It was a hell of a pussy, but nothing new. Maybe I could handle this. Just think about baseball.
“Okay,” I said, “So I can remove you when I’m about to cum, right?”
“Good fucking luck,” she grinned.
“No leg locks. No cheats. If I pull you off, you have to accept it,” I said sternly.
“I said ‘good fucking luck,’” she winked with a flop of her ears. “You’re gonna need it.”
“I appreciate your cockiness,” I laughed. “It’s almost out of character for you.”
“I’m not cocky,” she beamed at me as she gyrated in my lap, getting a feel for my cock inside her, burrowing it as deep as she could get it. “I’m a realist.”
And then shit got real. She lifted her hips up, her hands pressed against my chest, so that only my cockhead was still inside her cunt--and then, without any warning, she slammed down hard, her heavy, thick, juicy ass spanking itself against my upper thighs. Before I could even react to that insane pleasure, though, I found myself entirely outgunned by her bunny sex powers.
Her hips were slamming into me, taking my cock from tip to base, slapping my wet flesh again and again at an insane rate of at least six times per second. It was like getting fucked by the Flash. It was like being jacked off by a pussy. Her ass thumped into me on repeat, and by the third second, or the twentieth collision--whichever came first--my eyes were bulging out of my head and my whole body was twitching already.
“Hoooooly ffffuuuck!” I shouted, my voice vibrating from the repeated barrage of lewd downward thrusts.
Bonny said nothing, but she was a fucking mess, too. Tears streamed down her face, which was contorted into a lip-biting grimace of pure focus. This was a woman on a mission. It wasn’t even about enjoying it at this point for her. She was trying to milk my cock for all it was worth, and by golly, she was kicking my ass.
I heard her humming whines and vaguely felt the flexing and contracting of her inner walls around my shaft, but I almost completely missed the sensation because the thrusts were just happening so fast. Within a few seconds of starting I’d lost count of the number of times her booty had smacked my thighs, the number of times her cunt had massaged the entire length of my cock. The fact that I was still yet to cum, even after she herself had apparently climaxed, seemed to perplex her.
“You’re a worthy foe,” I groaned. Fuck. I was about to burst, and God help me, the idea of letting myself finish inside her was just… too good. Too fucking good. I don’t think I’d ever felt a pleasure like what that was going to entail.
But for once in my life, when the chips were down, I had some self-control, and as I felt my balls boiling, signaling their intent to spray the inside of her bunny girl cunt with my frothing hot jizz like I was creating an homage to Jackson Pollock in her uterus, I summoned all my courage and strength and grabbed her by the hips.
When my hands gripped her, she knew what was up, and she tensed, even slowed. I could tell she was considering a cheat. She wanted to lock me in, despite my warnings, but in the end—bless her heart—she didn’t. She just pouted and shouted “Nooo! Gods-fucking-dammit!” as I lifted her off my dick and held her over my head like a ballerina or star cheerleader. She kicked and screamed and complained and cried. “So fucking close!”
She was right. No sooner had I lifted her off of me than did I erupt, but I didn’t have a free hand to control the blast or coax it on, so I had that unpleasant feeling building, the one you get when you leave an orgasm in progress unattended--and this was set to be an orgasm unlike any I’d ever had.
Bonny, though, turned out to be a better sport than she at first appeared, because once she became aware of my jizz shooting upwards and catching her in the ankle, she maneuvered her feet back down and started giving me a footjob in the air even as I continued to hold her above me, scowling in my face as she helped me to come down safely from my orgasm.
I groaned, biting on my lip as I looked up at her absolutely exhausted countenance. I was more than a little relieved to see it’d taken almost as much out of her as it had out of me. She had a ceiling, at least, and I knew what to expect next time.
The rest of my ejaculate spent, covering her feet and my own thighs, I placed her gently on the ground beside me.
“I’m so fucking mad at you right now, Mr. Drake,” she hissed as she got herself up to a sitting position.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game,” I said, throwing my hands behind my head. “Goddamn. Those are some magic hips you have.”
She kept on frowning and eyed a glob of jizz on my thigh. With two fingers, she lifted up the glob, studied it, and slowly started lowering it to her pussy lips.
“No!” I said, grabbing her wrist. “That absolutely counts as cheating.”
She thought about it for a second. “I think I’m okay with it,” she grinned. She was gorgeous, but her pigtails were totally disheveled, her hair and face covered in sweat, and tears from exertion were still drying on her cheeks. After a minute of me glaring at her, she blew a loose strand of brown hair out of her face and conceded. “Fuck. Ffffine. I’ll be ready next time, Mr. Drake. DON’T bring your unicorn. You go with her on your own time. This is Bonny’s breeding time. Got it?”
Fuck. I’d never seen her so determined. I was scared-horny at the sight of her normally sweet bunny face leering at me with ferocity and dark purpose. “Uhhh… Sure.”
“Good. This was just a warm-up. Next time, I’m going to clamp my pussy down on your cock so hard that it’ll rip your dick off if you try to take it out.”
I laughed nervously. She didn’t.
“Let’s fucking go,” she said, standing up abruptly and taking off in the direction of the Sanctuary and Tater Town.
“Uh, Bonny?” I said, picking up her loincloth and the leather strap she used as a top. “I think you’re forgetting something."
She looked back at me with cold eyes lit by the icy flames of passion. “You think I have time to worry about that, Mr. Drake? I’m doing pelvic floor exercises until the sun comes up. Putting on clothes can wait until after I’m filled to burst with your beautiful babies. Keep the clothes,” she scoffed. “Vale can make me a new maternity outfit when this is all over.”
I wasn’t sure how much I liked this game.
No wait. Yes, I was. I liked it. I liked it a lot.
I entered a clearing where I found the bunny girl dicing apart a few goblins. “That’s four,” she grinned over her shoulder at me as her axe removed the head from one of their wiry necks. A gout of blood spurted from the wound and the now lifeless body slumped to the forest floor. Before I could even reply, she’d taken off again, but this time I was ready.
The second pack of monsters we found was a swarm of giant bees, about the size of my forearm. I got some kills in this time, counting them off with each successful strike. “Two,” I grunted, then, “Three--no, four!”
“Six!” giggled Bonny. “Looks like I’m going to be riding you today.” Her little cottontail wiggled adorably just before she started hopping off in another apparently random direction. I followed after her, desperate to keep up. Things were looking bad, but there was still time to even up the score.
And catch up I did. The game made us remarkably efficient killers, bestowing a sense of desperation on the whole process of patrolling and monster slaying. Autumn would probably kick herself for not designing it herself once she'd heard about it. We tore through thicket after thicket, brush after brush as we laid waste to scores of lesser monsters over the next few hours.
“The sun is setting soon,” Bonny said, panting hard at the end of the day. “Would you like to call it now?”
“I’ve got twenty-five kills,” I grinned with confidence.
“We can verify each other’s kills, actually,” Bonny said, grinning right back at me, a bit too cockily for my liking.
“Oh?” I asked. “How?”
She reached out her palms. “Hold my hands.” I did as she suggested and saw my HUD open up, but it wasn’t the stat screen I was used to. Instead, it was a specific screen that displayed only one message.
XP-Granting Creatures Slain Today
Bucky W. Drake: 24
Bonny Poofytail: 39
“Well, there it is,” she grinned, pulling her hands back. “I don’t think you have much chance in catching up in the next twenty minutes, Mr. Drake.” She was leaning on her axe, biting into a carrot that Daisy had no doubt given her--mocking me. My danger sense was pinging hard as I saw her eyes give me the fabled bedroom gaze. A fear boner flared in my leather breeches as the reality of my predicament settled in, coursing like ice in my veins.
“Well, hold on,” I said, trying to stall, “How do I know you didn’t do some of those this morning before we came out here?”
“I’m flattered you think I had time for that. I was finishing your armor all morning,” she said giggling, and then she frowned. “Which is now totally covered in blood."
I looked down. I hadn’t bothered to deactivate Sprinkle’s enchantment because I didn’t have time to puzzle it out once the action started so abruptly. The whole time we’d been carving our way through the forest’s monsters, I’d been splattered in blood and viscera. At first it was shocking, but after the ninth or tenth monster or so I was already numb to it. By the end I had totally forgotten just what a mess I was.
“Sprinkle, you beautiful maniac,” I muttered, begrudgingly admiring the filthy mess, seeing it as a possible way out.
“What’s that?” Bonny asked, catching a bit of my private uttering.
I shook my head, “I think we should probably delay the payoff until tomorrow, don’t you? Just look at me. I’m covered in gore."
Bonny smirked at the idea, likely seeing right through it. “I don’t mind.”
Fuck. So much for that.
Bonny licked her lips as she reached for the buckle that held the leather strap in place that covered her breasts. “Don’t be shy with me, Mr. Drake,” she said. “I want to get the full experience. And I’ll be one hundred percent focused on making sure our first time together is an experience you never forget.”
“Go easy on me, though,” I pleaded with a defeated whimper, dropping my pants and letting my cock spill out.
“Oh fuck,” Bonny said as she saw it in front of her for the first time. “This is gonna be wild.” She dropped her strap to the ground, and her breasts were liberated before me, orbs of fleshy perfection. They were incredible as all the breasts in Tater Town tended to be, but being of a more tanned complexion, her tits were a smidge bronzer than the average girl in town, and it provided a welcome bit of diversity. Her brownish gray bunny ears and tail waggled anxiously as she tugged her loincloth off all too easily and became fully naked before me.
The awesomeness of her body wasn’t a surprise. Since she’d dressed so skimpily, I pretty much knew exactly what I was in for this whole time, but I wasn’t complaining about the big reveal. It was like being a kid on Christmas morning after sneaking a peek at your presents the night before and knowing you were going to get exactly what you wanted. The lack of suspense didn’t make the unwrapping of the gift less enjoyable.
My cock was a testament to that fact. She eyed it ravenously, like a wolf in a bunny’s skin. “Mr. Drake, why don’t you just lie on the ground for me. Make yourself comfy." She was plotting something behind those huge conniving eyes.
I hesitantly obeyed. My cock was pointing straight up and skyward as I lay myself down, waiting for the punishment for my hubris in agreeing to this rigged challenge.
Bonny knelt beside me, taking but a moment to hoist herself over me. “There it is,” she said, her huge eyes wide and gawking at my dick like it was a golden carrot. “My ticket to happiness.”
“Don’t put my penis on a pedestal,” I cautioned her, laughing nervously. “It’s not magical.”
“Not your cock,” she shook her head. “The seed inside of it. I’m… sooo fucking close.” She leaned down and gave my cock a long, labored lick as a hot and heady sigh exhaled out across my thighs and balls.
I felt myself growing even more nervous, if that was possible. “Be careful with those buck-teeth,” I cautioned her.
She giggled. “I won’t be using them today,” she said. “I was just getting your dick wet and ready.”
“I don’t suppose we could do anal,” I groaned as she positioned herself astride my lap. Her slit started gliding across the length of my cock, and I watched the erotic display as my heart pounded in my chest, loud enough for me to hear.
She looked almost disgusted. “And waste that baby gravy? You’re insane.”
I balked at that. “I’m the insane one. Right.”
She grinned at me broadly, but that grin rapidly faded into an ‘o’ face as my tip slipped inside her folds and made its way into her hot wet channel. It was a hell of a pussy, but nothing new. Maybe I could handle this. Just think about baseball.
“Okay,” I said, “So I can remove you when I’m about to cum, right?”
“Good fucking luck,” she grinned.
“No leg locks. No cheats. If I pull you off, you have to accept it,” I said sternly.
“I said ‘good fucking luck,’” she winked with a flop of her ears. “You’re gonna need it.”
“I appreciate your cockiness,” I laughed. “It’s almost out of character for you.”
“I’m not cocky,” she beamed at me as she gyrated in my lap, getting a feel for my cock inside her, burrowing it as deep as she could get it. “I’m a realist.”
And then shit got real. She lifted her hips up, her hands pressed against my chest, so that only my cockhead was still inside her cunt--and then, without any warning, she slammed down hard, her heavy, thick, juicy ass spanking itself against my upper thighs. Before I could even react to that insane pleasure, though, I found myself entirely outgunned by her bunny sex powers.
Her hips were slamming into me, taking my cock from tip to base, slapping my wet flesh again and again at an insane rate of at least six times per second. It was like getting fucked by the Flash. It was like being jacked off by a pussy. Her ass thumped into me on repeat, and by the third second, or the twentieth collision--whichever came first--my eyes were bulging out of my head and my whole body was twitching already.
“Hoooooly ffffuuuck!” I shouted, my voice vibrating from the repeated barrage of lewd downward thrusts.
Bonny said nothing, but she was a fucking mess, too. Tears streamed down her face, which was contorted into a lip-biting grimace of pure focus. This was a woman on a mission. It wasn’t even about enjoying it at this point for her. She was trying to milk my cock for all it was worth, and by golly, she was kicking my ass.
I heard her humming whines and vaguely felt the flexing and contracting of her inner walls around my shaft, but I almost completely missed the sensation because the thrusts were just happening so fast. Within a few seconds of starting I’d lost count of the number of times her booty had smacked my thighs, the number of times her cunt had massaged the entire length of my cock. The fact that I was still yet to cum, even after she herself had apparently climaxed, seemed to perplex her.
“You’re a worthy foe,” I groaned. Fuck. I was about to burst, and God help me, the idea of letting myself finish inside her was just… too good. Too fucking good. I don’t think I’d ever felt a pleasure like what that was going to entail.
But for once in my life, when the chips were down, I had some self-control, and as I felt my balls boiling, signaling their intent to spray the inside of her bunny girl cunt with my frothing hot jizz like I was creating an homage to Jackson Pollock in her uterus, I summoned all my courage and strength and grabbed her by the hips.
When my hands gripped her, she knew what was up, and she tensed, even slowed. I could tell she was considering a cheat. She wanted to lock me in, despite my warnings, but in the end—bless her heart—she didn’t. She just pouted and shouted “Nooo! Gods-fucking-dammit!” as I lifted her off my dick and held her over my head like a ballerina or star cheerleader. She kicked and screamed and complained and cried. “So fucking close!”
She was right. No sooner had I lifted her off of me than did I erupt, but I didn’t have a free hand to control the blast or coax it on, so I had that unpleasant feeling building, the one you get when you leave an orgasm in progress unattended--and this was set to be an orgasm unlike any I’d ever had.
Bonny, though, turned out to be a better sport than she at first appeared, because once she became aware of my jizz shooting upwards and catching her in the ankle, she maneuvered her feet back down and started giving me a footjob in the air even as I continued to hold her above me, scowling in my face as she helped me to come down safely from my orgasm.
I groaned, biting on my lip as I looked up at her absolutely exhausted countenance. I was more than a little relieved to see it’d taken almost as much out of her as it had out of me. She had a ceiling, at least, and I knew what to expect next time.
The rest of my ejaculate spent, covering her feet and my own thighs, I placed her gently on the ground beside me.
“I’m so fucking mad at you right now, Mr. Drake,” she hissed as she got herself up to a sitting position.
“Don’t hate the player, hate the game,” I said, throwing my hands behind my head. “Goddamn. Those are some magic hips you have.”
She kept on frowning and eyed a glob of jizz on my thigh. With two fingers, she lifted up the glob, studied it, and slowly started lowering it to her pussy lips.
“No!” I said, grabbing her wrist. “That absolutely counts as cheating.”
She thought about it for a second. “I think I’m okay with it,” she grinned. She was gorgeous, but her pigtails were totally disheveled, her hair and face covered in sweat, and tears from exertion were still drying on her cheeks. After a minute of me glaring at her, she blew a loose strand of brown hair out of her face and conceded. “Fuck. Ffffine. I’ll be ready next time, Mr. Drake. DON’T bring your unicorn. You go with her on your own time. This is Bonny’s breeding time. Got it?”
Fuck. I’d never seen her so determined. I was scared-horny at the sight of her normally sweet bunny face leering at me with ferocity and dark purpose. “Uhhh… Sure.”
“Good. This was just a warm-up. Next time, I’m going to clamp my pussy down on your cock so hard that it’ll rip your dick off if you try to take it out.”
I laughed nervously. She didn’t.
“Let’s fucking go,” she said, standing up abruptly and taking off in the direction of the Sanctuary and Tater Town.
“Uh, Bonny?” I said, picking up her loincloth and the leather strap she used as a top. “I think you’re forgetting something."
She looked back at me with cold eyes lit by the icy flames of passion. “You think I have time to worry about that, Mr. Drake? I’m doing pelvic floor exercises until the sun comes up. Putting on clothes can wait until after I’m filled to burst with your beautiful babies. Keep the clothes,” she scoffed. “Vale can make me a new maternity outfit when this is all over.”
I wasn’t sure how much I liked this game.
No wait. Yes, I was. I liked it. I liked it a lot.
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