Monster Girl Sanctuary
Chapter 57: Is Daddy in Trouble?
If I could go back in time one year and tell Mickey D’s Bucky that in just a few months he was going to be whisked away by a hot catgirl to a fantasy world, I’d punch my own damn self in the face. Now, add to that the fact that in said fantasy world I would end up as some kind of superhero with powers that made me the ideal sperm donor for a whole bunch of preternaturally sexy monster girls—I think I’d kick myself in the nuts for saying something so ridiculous.
Add to that that within several months of arriving I’d be engaged to someone called The Goblin Queen, a seven foot tall Amazonian goddess of an orc brood mother, with my own doting harem of elf and monster girl concubines—well shit.
Not to mention I slayed a freaking dragon.
These were the thoughts that went through my head as I listened absently to the prattling of Darkmaw as she explained the way the wedding ceremony would work. In a nutshell, in about a week it was estimated that my injuries would be convalesced to the point where a coronation could happen. The coronation would involve cutting open a fresh wound on our neck and suckling the blood from one another to symbolize being “United by Blood,” the weird unicorn-friendly theme of the wedding.
I didn’t give a shit. A little public display of blood-drinking affection wasn’t gonna scare me off at this point. Sprinkle once bit one of my nipples off during foreplay—right in front of Daisy and Bonny, too. If I could get through the pain and embarrassment of that, I could handle a little aggressive necking.
What I was a bit more trepidatious about was what would happen after I get my cute little crown. Similar to the old medieval marriages between nobles I used to read about in history class back in the day, the first time we had sex we were expected to have witnesses to ensure that the marriage had been consummated and made official under the eyes of the Lusterian gods, who Marrowheart was trying to win back the trust of after centuries of playing the bad guy on and off.
The issue with the so-called consummation was not so much that it required a witness, but that Marrowheart wanted my whole harem to attend. It felt weird, asking them to witness me going to town on the Goblin Queen. I just knew May Belle was going to give me shit and get all grumpy over it for days afterward.
But we’d have to cross that bridge when we got there. For now I just nodded and uttered a polite affirmative grunt every now and again to signify I was listening—which I almost was. I probably picked up every other word or so, but at the moment all I could think about was how out of hand my life had gotten and how much I wanted to just bail on this meeting and make out with the girls in my harem and visit Bonny to see my daughters.
“Are you paying attention, Apex Hero?” Darkmaw frowned at me.
“I’ve got the basics down,” I grunted back. “Don’t worry, it’ll go off without a hitch.”
“I’m surprised you’ve been so willing to cooperate,” Autumn noted.
I shrugged. “Almost dying twice within a few days and then landing in a prolonged coma kind of puts things into perspective. If you girls want me to do it, I’ll do it. If it keeps Lusteria safe, then so be it. End of story. Nothing else matters.”
A cold silence fell over the room, and I just basked in it. I realized that I had really changed after everything that had happened. I was a lot more focused on the things that mattered to me, and maybe even a bit wiser. Taking the licks I’d been getting really beat some sense into you, as you might expect.
When the meeting wrapped, I excused myself, promising to join up with Autumn and the other chicks back in our room. For now, though, I knew I was expected at Bonny’s, and though I was sure I was going to get my ass reamed out, I couldn’t find myself giving a fuck. All I looked forward to was seeing the mother of my children and my seven little girls.
It was raining when I left the keep. I saw Ivy perched in a tree looking forlornly out at the fields, no doubt bemoaning the fact that she’d spent an hour of her time watering the crops earlier in the day only for it to deluge in the evening. I smirked sympathetically and waved. She waved back, leaning against a large branch and smiling at me sweetly.
I flashed back to that Lusterian Double Cuntjob for a split second. Woof. That was a good time.
Walking through Tater Town, I ended up at the smithy, just as I’d intended, with no interruptions. I rapped on the door.
The door opened, creaking on its hinges as light from the hearth and a dozen or so candles beckoned to me warmly from inside. Bonny, though, with the daughter I recognized as Flopsy in her arms, greeted me with a less welcoming expression.
“Mr. Drake,” she grunted curtly. “Come in.”
I chewed the inside of my cheek and buried my hands in my pockets in shame. “Hey, sweety,” I said, evoking a flicker of a smile on her pretty face for the briefest moment before it was banished back into frown—still pretty.
She set Flopsy down onto the ground and swatted her back gently. “Flopsy, go join your sisters in your hutch bed. Mommy needs to say a few words to daddy.”
“Is daddy in trouble?” Flopsy said, her voice easily the highest and squeakiest of all the bunny girls.
Bonny’s lack of an answer was very conspicuous and foreboding. “Go to your room or no carrots later.”
“Eep!” Flopsy said, suddenly obediently hopping toward the door to her hutch in the back. She disappeared moments later.
“Look, Bonny,” I started, “I’m sorry, but—”
Bonny didn’t let me answer. Instead, she took a sudden lurching step forward and grabbed my cheeks in her paws, pulling me tight against her lips. She was… kissing me?
I kissed her back, very confused. But… I wasn’t about to argue with this. The alternative seemed much worse.
“Am I… not in trouble?” I asked cautiously.
I couldn’t see the look on her face because she kept it pressed against mine as she replied. “By Hierophant's wisdom, no!” she said. “Oh, of course I had to play it up in front of the girls, but you’ve made me so happy, Mr. Drake.”
“Just remember, you can call me Bucky,” I smirked, returning her assault of kisses in kind.
She ignored that. “Mr. Drake, you’re such an amazing father. I heard about everything from Carrotina and Autumn! You love my girls so much, don’t you?”
“Our girls,” I said, “and of course I do. I fell in love with them the instant I knew they existed.”
Her kisses became more feverish, her paws confused about where they wanted to go, so they settled on my back. “You took her for her first dragon ride, and you ate carrots with her in the field. You—I can’t believe it. It’s beyond my expectations. I thought you would—”
“Thought I would, what?” I asked, genuinely intrigued. “Show no interest in my own kids?”
“Frankly, yes. I thought you only had enough love for your marked girls. I didn’t dare dream you’d make time for my daughters.”
“Our daughters,” I grinned. “And I’m glad you brought up my marked girls.”
“Oh?” she asked, her lips parting to make the sound, cutely exposing her bucked teeth.
“I actually have two points for marking new girls. Obviously, Autumn is overdue—but so are you. If you’re interested, of course,” I said, backing off a bit at the last part, hoping she wouldn’t feel too pressured.
She pulled back from the kissing and for a moment I thought I’d made her uncomfortable, but the dewy, emotional look in her eye said otherwise. “Me?” she asked. “You would—you, Apex Hero Bucky Drake, would choose to mark me?”
I nodded. “If you’re willing. No pressure. Take some time to think about it if—”
“Yes!” she shouted, her voice high and luxurious in tone, her happiness seeping through every aspect of her, from her posture to her expression to her words. “Yes, Bucky! Of course, it’s the easiest yes of my life!”
I felt a wave of relief transform my tense face back into a beaming smile. “I’m so relieved to hear you say that.”
“I can’t wait to tell the girls!” she said, clapping her hands.
“You mean Daisy, May Belle, and Sprinkle?” I asked hopefully.
“No,” she said, “well, them too, actually, but I meant my—our daughters!”
I cringed and took a step back in disgust. “What? Why would you tell them?”
“Why shouldn’t I?” she replied, crossing her arms and cocking an annoyed eyebrow at me. “You’re making a bonded woman out of me. It’s a great comfort! They should know!”
“Well, but… the logistics of it, I mean,” I said, pantomiming the universal gesture for ‘sex’ with my fingers.
She laughed, a throaty, musical sound that caught me off guard. “Oh, Mr. Drake—did you think we’d tell them how it happens?”
I blinked. “Oh. I guess that isn’t necessary, is it?” I said, scratching my head in embarrassment. “What do we tell them, then?”
“Nothing,” she said, “except that you’re marking me, and that means that you and I and our girls will all always be connected.”
I nodded. “Okay, fair enough,” I said. “Go ahead and tell them.”
“Now?” she asked.
“What? No, I mean—when I’m gone.”
Bonny frowned at me. “Don’t you want to be there when I tell them?”
“There’s always a chance I could fuck something like this up,” I noted. “Personally I would advise keeping me as far away from a situation like this as possible.”
Bonny leaned against her table, jutting out her breasts accidentally, but I appreciated the view. “I see your point,” she said. “You would probably utter something profane”
“Hey, come on. I have a filter in front of the kids,” I said.
She flashed a skeptical look, cocking her head sideways. “Really? Carrotina told me you said ‘fuck’ in front of her.”
I pursed my lips. “I thought she couldn’t hear me.”
Bonny sighed. “We’re definitely going to have to work on that self control of yours.”
Saying that somehow triggered something in me. I took a step toward her, admiring the way her proffered chest was angled so perfectly toward my gaze. “How about we test your self control?” I said. “What do you say, mommy?”
She bit her lip. “The girls are in the next room—”
“Look right here,” I said, pointing at my face. “Who do you see?”
She looked confused—somewhere between confused and horny, anyway. “I see… Mr. Drake?”
“You see a guy who got burned by dragon blood and cut open by an ogre general. I’m going to fingerblast you right here, right now, until you cum so loud that they all come out to check up on you.”
“Mr. Drake, that’s too—”
“Call me Bucky,” I said, growling as my finger danced up her thigh, slipping inside of her loincloth. Before even reaching her slit, I felt her wetness, sticky and hot, caking her thighs.
“Bucky—are you sure? Cottontail always comes out for a drink of milk around this time,” Bonny said, her voice going hoarse as I felt her surrendering to the lust I was working to inspire in her.
“Where do you keep the milk?” I asked, looking around.
“In my tits, of course,” she giggled, but her giggle broke into a heady moan as my finger teased her entrance.
But then I stopped. “Hold up, you have milky tits, too?”
She nodded, looking somewhat disappointed. “Yes, I have to prepare a bottle for her soon.”
I whimpered. “You were just going to live your life as usual without letting me know you were lactating this whole time?”
“I—sorry, I guess?” she said, confused by the genuine hurt on my face. “Would you—like some?” She tugged lightly at the strap around her breasts.
“Like some what, mommy?”
I had never taken a backward step more rapidly in my life than when I heard Cottontail’s little voice and saw her appear, silent as death, just a few feet away from us.
“Cottontail!” Bonny shrieked in surprise. “Mommy was just going to pour you a bottle!”
“Why do you look so excited, mommy?” our daughter asked. She was dragging a doll made out of burlap and corn husks. It was kind of creepy, but cute at the same time.
Bonny did look pretty excited. She was breathing heavily, and her tanned cheeks were reddened with a rosy blush, lit up incandescently with her arousal.
“I think I should get going,” I said, not wanting to interrupt the mother-daughter ritual or cut it short with my presence. “Let’s pick this up again soon, okay?”
She nodded. “Okay. Right. Thanks for stopping by Mr. Drake—Bucky.”
I grinned, leaned forward, pecked Cottontail on the forehead, and headed off into the night, hands in my pockets.
I wouldn’t make it back to the keep that night.
Add to that that within several months of arriving I’d be engaged to someone called The Goblin Queen, a seven foot tall Amazonian goddess of an orc brood mother, with my own doting harem of elf and monster girl concubines—well shit.
Not to mention I slayed a freaking dragon.
These were the thoughts that went through my head as I listened absently to the prattling of Darkmaw as she explained the way the wedding ceremony would work. In a nutshell, in about a week it was estimated that my injuries would be convalesced to the point where a coronation could happen. The coronation would involve cutting open a fresh wound on our neck and suckling the blood from one another to symbolize being “United by Blood,” the weird unicorn-friendly theme of the wedding.
I didn’t give a shit. A little public display of blood-drinking affection wasn’t gonna scare me off at this point. Sprinkle once bit one of my nipples off during foreplay—right in front of Daisy and Bonny, too. If I could get through the pain and embarrassment of that, I could handle a little aggressive necking.
What I was a bit more trepidatious about was what would happen after I get my cute little crown. Similar to the old medieval marriages between nobles I used to read about in history class back in the day, the first time we had sex we were expected to have witnesses to ensure that the marriage had been consummated and made official under the eyes of the Lusterian gods, who Marrowheart was trying to win back the trust of after centuries of playing the bad guy on and off.
The issue with the so-called consummation was not so much that it required a witness, but that Marrowheart wanted my whole harem to attend. It felt weird, asking them to witness me going to town on the Goblin Queen. I just knew May Belle was going to give me shit and get all grumpy over it for days afterward.
But we’d have to cross that bridge when we got there. For now I just nodded and uttered a polite affirmative grunt every now and again to signify I was listening—which I almost was. I probably picked up every other word or so, but at the moment all I could think about was how out of hand my life had gotten and how much I wanted to just bail on this meeting and make out with the girls in my harem and visit Bonny to see my daughters.
“Are you paying attention, Apex Hero?” Darkmaw frowned at me.
“I’ve got the basics down,” I grunted back. “Don’t worry, it’ll go off without a hitch.”
“I’m surprised you’ve been so willing to cooperate,” Autumn noted.
I shrugged. “Almost dying twice within a few days and then landing in a prolonged coma kind of puts things into perspective. If you girls want me to do it, I’ll do it. If it keeps Lusteria safe, then so be it. End of story. Nothing else matters.”
A cold silence fell over the room, and I just basked in it. I realized that I had really changed after everything that had happened. I was a lot more focused on the things that mattered to me, and maybe even a bit wiser. Taking the licks I’d been getting really beat some sense into you, as you might expect.
When the meeting wrapped, I excused myself, promising to join up with Autumn and the other chicks back in our room. For now, though, I knew I was expected at Bonny’s, and though I was sure I was going to get my ass reamed out, I couldn’t find myself giving a fuck. All I looked forward to was seeing the mother of my children and my seven little girls.
It was raining when I left the keep. I saw Ivy perched in a tree looking forlornly out at the fields, no doubt bemoaning the fact that she’d spent an hour of her time watering the crops earlier in the day only for it to deluge in the evening. I smirked sympathetically and waved. She waved back, leaning against a large branch and smiling at me sweetly.
I flashed back to that Lusterian Double Cuntjob for a split second. Woof. That was a good time.
Walking through Tater Town, I ended up at the smithy, just as I’d intended, with no interruptions. I rapped on the door.
The door opened, creaking on its hinges as light from the hearth and a dozen or so candles beckoned to me warmly from inside. Bonny, though, with the daughter I recognized as Flopsy in her arms, greeted me with a less welcoming expression.
“Mr. Drake,” she grunted curtly. “Come in.”
I chewed the inside of my cheek and buried my hands in my pockets in shame. “Hey, sweety,” I said, evoking a flicker of a smile on her pretty face for the briefest moment before it was banished back into frown—still pretty.
She set Flopsy down onto the ground and swatted her back gently. “Flopsy, go join your sisters in your hutch bed. Mommy needs to say a few words to daddy.”
“Is daddy in trouble?” Flopsy said, her voice easily the highest and squeakiest of all the bunny girls.
Bonny’s lack of an answer was very conspicuous and foreboding. “Go to your room or no carrots later.”
“Eep!” Flopsy said, suddenly obediently hopping toward the door to her hutch in the back. She disappeared moments later.
“Look, Bonny,” I started, “I’m sorry, but—”
Bonny didn’t let me answer. Instead, she took a sudden lurching step forward and grabbed my cheeks in her paws, pulling me tight against her lips. She was… kissing me?
I kissed her back, very confused. But… I wasn’t about to argue with this. The alternative seemed much worse.
“Am I… not in trouble?” I asked cautiously.
I couldn’t see the look on her face because she kept it pressed against mine as she replied. “By Hierophant's wisdom, no!” she said. “Oh, of course I had to play it up in front of the girls, but you’ve made me so happy, Mr. Drake.”
“Just remember, you can call me Bucky,” I smirked, returning her assault of kisses in kind.
She ignored that. “Mr. Drake, you’re such an amazing father. I heard about everything from Carrotina and Autumn! You love my girls so much, don’t you?”
“Our girls,” I said, “and of course I do. I fell in love with them the instant I knew they existed.”
Her kisses became more feverish, her paws confused about where they wanted to go, so they settled on my back. “You took her for her first dragon ride, and you ate carrots with her in the field. You—I can’t believe it. It’s beyond my expectations. I thought you would—”
“Thought I would, what?” I asked, genuinely intrigued. “Show no interest in my own kids?”
“Frankly, yes. I thought you only had enough love for your marked girls. I didn’t dare dream you’d make time for my daughters.”
“Our daughters,” I grinned. “And I’m glad you brought up my marked girls.”
“Oh?” she asked, her lips parting to make the sound, cutely exposing her bucked teeth.
“I actually have two points for marking new girls. Obviously, Autumn is overdue—but so are you. If you’re interested, of course,” I said, backing off a bit at the last part, hoping she wouldn’t feel too pressured.
She pulled back from the kissing and for a moment I thought I’d made her uncomfortable, but the dewy, emotional look in her eye said otherwise. “Me?” she asked. “You would—you, Apex Hero Bucky Drake, would choose to mark me?”
I nodded. “If you’re willing. No pressure. Take some time to think about it if—”
“Yes!” she shouted, her voice high and luxurious in tone, her happiness seeping through every aspect of her, from her posture to her expression to her words. “Yes, Bucky! Of course, it’s the easiest yes of my life!”
I felt a wave of relief transform my tense face back into a beaming smile. “I’m so relieved to hear you say that.”
“I can’t wait to tell the girls!” she said, clapping her hands.
“You mean Daisy, May Belle, and Sprinkle?” I asked hopefully.
“No,” she said, “well, them too, actually, but I meant my—our daughters!”
I cringed and took a step back in disgust. “What? Why would you tell them?”
“Why shouldn’t I?” she replied, crossing her arms and cocking an annoyed eyebrow at me. “You’re making a bonded woman out of me. It’s a great comfort! They should know!”
“Well, but… the logistics of it, I mean,” I said, pantomiming the universal gesture for ‘sex’ with my fingers.
She laughed, a throaty, musical sound that caught me off guard. “Oh, Mr. Drake—did you think we’d tell them how it happens?”
I blinked. “Oh. I guess that isn’t necessary, is it?” I said, scratching my head in embarrassment. “What do we tell them, then?”
“Nothing,” she said, “except that you’re marking me, and that means that you and I and our girls will all always be connected.”
I nodded. “Okay, fair enough,” I said. “Go ahead and tell them.”
“Now?” she asked.
“What? No, I mean—when I’m gone.”
Bonny frowned at me. “Don’t you want to be there when I tell them?”
“There’s always a chance I could fuck something like this up,” I noted. “Personally I would advise keeping me as far away from a situation like this as possible.”
Bonny leaned against her table, jutting out her breasts accidentally, but I appreciated the view. “I see your point,” she said. “You would probably utter something profane”
“Hey, come on. I have a filter in front of the kids,” I said.
She flashed a skeptical look, cocking her head sideways. “Really? Carrotina told me you said ‘fuck’ in front of her.”
I pursed my lips. “I thought she couldn’t hear me.”
Bonny sighed. “We’re definitely going to have to work on that self control of yours.”
Saying that somehow triggered something in me. I took a step toward her, admiring the way her proffered chest was angled so perfectly toward my gaze. “How about we test your self control?” I said. “What do you say, mommy?”
She bit her lip. “The girls are in the next room—”
“Look right here,” I said, pointing at my face. “Who do you see?”
She looked confused—somewhere between confused and horny, anyway. “I see… Mr. Drake?”
“You see a guy who got burned by dragon blood and cut open by an ogre general. I’m going to fingerblast you right here, right now, until you cum so loud that they all come out to check up on you.”
“Mr. Drake, that’s too—”
“Call me Bucky,” I said, growling as my finger danced up her thigh, slipping inside of her loincloth. Before even reaching her slit, I felt her wetness, sticky and hot, caking her thighs.
“Bucky—are you sure? Cottontail always comes out for a drink of milk around this time,” Bonny said, her voice going hoarse as I felt her surrendering to the lust I was working to inspire in her.
“Where do you keep the milk?” I asked, looking around.
“In my tits, of course,” she giggled, but her giggle broke into a heady moan as my finger teased her entrance.
But then I stopped. “Hold up, you have milky tits, too?”
She nodded, looking somewhat disappointed. “Yes, I have to prepare a bottle for her soon.”
I whimpered. “You were just going to live your life as usual without letting me know you were lactating this whole time?”
“I—sorry, I guess?” she said, confused by the genuine hurt on my face. “Would you—like some?” She tugged lightly at the strap around her breasts.
“Like some what, mommy?”
I had never taken a backward step more rapidly in my life than when I heard Cottontail’s little voice and saw her appear, silent as death, just a few feet away from us.
“Cottontail!” Bonny shrieked in surprise. “Mommy was just going to pour you a bottle!”
“Why do you look so excited, mommy?” our daughter asked. She was dragging a doll made out of burlap and corn husks. It was kind of creepy, but cute at the same time.
Bonny did look pretty excited. She was breathing heavily, and her tanned cheeks were reddened with a rosy blush, lit up incandescently with her arousal.
“I think I should get going,” I said, not wanting to interrupt the mother-daughter ritual or cut it short with my presence. “Let’s pick this up again soon, okay?”
She nodded. “Okay. Right. Thanks for stopping by Mr. Drake—Bucky.”
I grinned, leaned forward, pecked Cottontail on the forehead, and headed off into the night, hands in my pockets.
I wouldn’t make it back to the keep that night.
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