Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 202: yearning person

  Chapter 202 The Longing Person

  Walking around in the city of East Doruma, it took two days to get used to the new environment, and purchased some hunting props.

  This morning, Hayatta, who had made all the preparations, came to the meeting place fully armed.

  Beside the task counter.

  Seeing the very beautiful and impressive Miss Hunter approaching, Hurley, who was yawning a little, immediately perked up.

   Stepping forward, he took the initiative to prepare for the reception, and planned to chat a few more words along the way.

  Unfortunately, the eldest sister Hetty saw through her intentions in advance, reached out and took her aside, and taught her not to disturb the guests.

  The job of receiving Hayata naturally fell to the second sister Heta.

   "Good day, Miss Hayata." Herta smiled sweetly and had a friendly attitude.

   "Good morning." Hayata also responded with a smile.

   "How is the hunter's cabin? Is it comfortable to live in?"

   "It's very good, it's more spacious than I thought, it's very clean, and the household items are also complete." Hayata praised sincerely.

   "That is, the facilities of the East Doruma Hunter's Gathering House are the best in the whole continent!" Hertha said proudly, and then brought the topic back on track.

   "Miss Hayata, come so early today, are you ready to accept the task?"


  Hayata breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had made up his mind, he put his hunter notebook on the counter.

   "I hope to accept the assessment task for promotion to four stars."

   "Huh?!" Herta was startled when he heard the words.

  Hearing her words, Hurley and Hetty also surrounded her.

"Miss Hayata is only nineteen years old, isn't she already going to be promoted to a four-star hunter?!" Hurley, who has a lively personality, covered her mouth lightly, and said in surprise, "That's amazing! Julius was only promoted at this age. of!"

  Hayata lowered her chin shyly, "It's all because I have a good master. He took me with me until I was promoted to three stars, so I was a little faster than other hunters."

   "It's not a 'faster' thing."

  An old voice came from the edge of the counter, and the person who spoke was the guild leader who was still dozing there before.

   "Julius and Anshir are known as the 'East Doruma Twin Stars', they are four-star hunters who were promoted at the age of nineteen and twenty respectively.

   Oh, by the way, there is a young swordsman named Gordon who just came to East Doruma recently, and he was also promoted to a four-star when he was almost twenty years old.

   Not to mention setting new records, these three are definitely the best among their peers. In other words, little girl, you have already stood at the pinnacle of the younger generation! "

  The compliment from the guild director made Hayata blush.

  She waved her hands in a panic, trying to deny something, but suddenly heard a name that made her a little concerned.

   "Huh? Great Swordsman, Senior Gordon?"

   "Well, you know him?"

   "Is that the one with the hunting cat named 'Pork Chop'?"


  Hulley came over, "Cute Elle with golden and white hair, a fluffy little guy, so comfortable to hold!"

  Hayata also smiled and rolled his eyes, "Sure enough, it's Senior Gordon, is Pig Chop okay with him?"

   "Very energetic."

  The director of the guild smiled and said: "By the way, Gordon just applied for the assessment task of being promoted to five-star a few days ago. When he returns smoothly, he will be the youngest five-star hunter in the guild."

   "As expected of Senior Gordon~!"

  Hayata didn't show surprise at all, but took it for granted, "I have to work hard, and strive to be promoted to four stars smoothly!"

  Hearing what Hayatta said, the expression of the guild director became a little more serious.

  He took the hunter's notes from the former, flipped through them, and said, "Little girl, your number of missions and equipment level have reached the standard for applying for four-star assessment missions.

  But I still suggest you to polish it for a while, after all, you are still young, so there is no need to worry. "

  Hayata hesitated for two seconds after hearing the words, and finally bowed, saying: "Sorry, guild manager, but I still want to try."

  The director of the guild held the pipe in his mouth and exhaled the smoke.

  He was not surprised by Hayatta's choice.

  People who can reach this level of strength at such a young age are all strong-willed guys, and to put it bluntly, they are "stubborn".

  If he could listen to advice, would Julius take the risk of challenging the general sickle crab before he was twenty years old?

  Will Anshir sneak away to the volcanic area to find the general sickle crab to prove himself?

  Damn it, my liver hurts just talking about that kid.

  I am going to reject this little girl's request for promotion, one is unreasonable, and the other is...

  What if this well-behaved child also sneaks away? !

   "Oh, I'm also talking too much, I hope you know it."

  The director of the guild sucked the burnt ash into the ashtray, raised his hand to Hetty and the others, and said, "Take out all the suitable four-star hunting missions."

  As the center of the continent, the East Doruma Assembly Hall has a very large number of missions. Even the receipts for four-star hunting missions are thick.

   After careful selection among the nearly twenty mission documents, Hayata chose one of them.

  The guild director stretched out his neck and glanced, then frowned.

   "A male Charmander?"

   "My lord, is there any problem with Xiong Huolong?" Herta looked at the old dragonman with some confusion.

  The director of the guild stroked his snow-white beard, "It's not a problem, it's just that there have been some disputes between the guild and the paleontology scrivener team recently.

  Some scholars believe that the ecological level of male charmands is higher than that of female charmands, and the danger level should be classified as five stars.

  Another part of the voice believes that the size and danger level of the male fire dragon have not yet reached the five-star level, at most it can be regarded as the peak of the four-star level, and the level should not be adjusted at will. "

  Speaking of this, the guild director paused. He looked at Hayata and seriously suggested:

   "Even from the most realistic perspective of difficulty, I don't recommend that you choose the male fire dragon as the target of the four-star assessment. You can choose some relatively 'safe' opponents.

  Such as the female fire dragon, the general scythe crab, the peach-haired beast king subspecies and so on. "

   "Sorry!" Hayatta bowed to the guild supervisor again.

   Attitude speaks for itself.

  The guild director's eyebrows jumped violently.

   Foul words, are the brains of these young geniuses made of iron ore? How is one compared to one axis?

  Hayata pursed her lips, and said apologetically: "When I was still in Minagarde, I heard rumors that there was a young swordsman in Kokot Village who successfully hunted a male fire dragon and was promoted to four stars.

   is Senior Gordon.

  That senior has always been my longing and pursuit goal, so I also want to challenge myself to see if my strength has reached that step. "

   "Oh hoo~?" Hurley had a subtle smirk on her face, and she wanted to ask something, but was pushed aside by Hetty.

  The director of the guild sighed again, "Since this is the case, I will stop nagging."

  He picked up the quill and approved Hayata's promotion task.

   "But you have to be careful with everything. Prepare recovery medicine, antidote, and flash bombs. The male fire dragon is more than one grade stronger than those monsters you have hunted before. You must not underestimate the enemy."

   "I will prepare enough, thank you for your reminder." Hayata thanked the old dragonman earnestly.

"go Go."


   Here is a rough summary of the age of the protagonist and others

   Gordon officially became a hunter around the age of seventeen. After more than half a year, he will be two stars. When he is almost nineteen, he will be three stars. After about half a year, he will be four stars.

   The protagonist Anshir is less than a year old, four stars in his early twenties, and now he is nearly twenty-three.

   Fengying's age is blurred. In short, she is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old underage girl. The main reason is that I don't know how to count the growth period of the dragon people.

   Hayata was more than two years younger than Gordon. He met Gordon for the first time when he was almost fifteen years old. At that time, Gordon had just become an official hunter. Since she started training earlier than Gordon, Amos has been taking her to hunt, so she grew up faster. She was three stars at the age of eighteen, and then left Minagarde to practice alone. She is now in her early nineteenth year. , ready to be promoted to four stars.



  (end of this chapter)

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