Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 217: This is also a man's romance

  Chapter 217 This is also a man's romance

  After the dragon-human girl left, the hunters discussed.

  It was past noon at this time, and it might be too late to start hunting directly, and everyone was exhausted physically on the road before.

  But doing nothing and resting until tomorrow seems like a waste of time.

  Finally, Julius decided to eat at the camp, rest for an hour, and then set off for reconnaissance activities, familiarize himself with the surrounding terrain, and prepare for the official hunting tomorrow.

   It was said to be resting, but no one really lay down and rested.

  Gordon repeatedly checked the Explosive Knife Kai, which had not been used for a long time. He had been maintaining and oiling this sword, and it was in good condition. The claws popped out and retracted smoothly and flexibly.

   Julius is also checking his twin swords, which has become almost instinctive for swordsmen.

  Different from the water-attribute "sacred saber" carried by the volcano before, this time he chose a thunder-attribute weapon that is the most threatening to the beetle and relatively less harmful to the heavy beetle.

  The pair of swords are called "Execution Saws". They are very rare in shape. They are powered by the built-in electric bag. Press the switch, and the blades composed of chain saws will rotate at high speed, cutting the opponent with amazing power.

   It's just a man's romance. (?)

  Natia focused on checking the ammunition. She carried a lot of flame bombs. This kind of ammunition was a perfect match for her dragon light crossbow "Dragon Cannon". It was very useful no matter whether it was against the beetle or the heavy beetle.

  Pig Chop is also checking its bombs and props. It looks like a bunch of grapes with miniature bombs hanging on its body—this guy has gone farther and farther on the road of bomb cats.

   "Are you ready?" Julius looked at his companions.

  Gordon retracted the claws of the Explosive Knife, carried it behind his back, and pulled off his visor at the same time.

  Natia also carried the light crossbow across her shoulders, and made a "ready" gesture.

   "You can go at any time meow!"

   "Let's go then."

  The road to Sky Mountain is really difficult.

  Many times there is no road, and they need to climb vines or even rocks, straight up and down, but they are gradually getting used to it.

  The hunter team of three people and one cat started from the camp, and explored circles and circles, and recorded the terrain information they had confirmed bit by bit on the map that was so simple that it was almost useless.

  During the period, they carefully avoided the "forbidden place" repeatedly emphasized by the girls of the dragon race.

   I have to say that the child's ability to arouse people's curiosity is really top-notch. When passing by from a distance, everyone secretly glanced in that direction from the corner of their eyes.

  Unfortunately, they didn't see anything except a large mess of boulders and ruins.

  Climbing up a short peak along the vines, the pig chop suddenly stopped.

  It twitched its nose left and right, then looked in one direction, "There's a strange smell over there meow!"

  Julius gave the order without hesitation, and the pork chop led the way. Let's go and have a look.

   With a clear target point, the group speeded up a lot. After a few minutes, they came to a skeleton.

  There was a weird smell of fermentation in the air nearby. It wasn't exactly the smell of rotting animal corpses, but also a strange sour smell, similar to the kind of wine that went bad.

   "It's the skeleton of the spirit deer." Gordon said in a low voice.

  Julius nodded to confirm, "Well, the soft tissue has almost completely disappeared, and even a small half of the bone has melted, obviously not the result of natural decay."

  Natia broke off a branch from a nearby bush, and picked up a bit of semi-liquid pus and blood hanging on the skeleton, "Those guys like to use corrosive liquid to dissolve their prey, and then **** the juice."

   "It's them."

  Julius was very sure: "Only the beetle and the shadow spider of the horned species have similar habits, and the latter will not appear in Sky Mountain."

   "This corpse is quite fresh, and that beetle should be nearby." Gordon said suddenly.

   "How do you tell?" Nadia asked puzzled.

   It's not that she doubts Gordon's judgment, but she is really curious about how this severely fermented corpse with only half of the bones left can tell whether it is fresh or not.

  Gordon squatted down, pointing to some blades of grass under the bones covered in corrosive liquid.

   "The leaves of these grasses are all rotten, but they are still turning green near the roots. Even if these corrosive liquids are not so effective in decomposing living plants, they will not remain so after a long time of soaking."

   "It makes sense." Nadia nodded clearly.

  Julius also approved of Gordon's judgment, "Get ready for battle, it would be great if you can meet a single beetle."

  Although according to the original plan, the hunt will officially start tomorrow, but he will not be rigid enough to let go of the prey that is close in front of him.


   Pork Chop suddenly ran about ten meters in one direction, and Gordon and the others hurriedly followed.

   On a low shrub growing between rock crevices, Pig Chop found a few drops of thick blood, which should have dripped when the beetle left.

   "Well done, pork chop."

   Even Julius couldn't help but praise the pork chop.

  The beetle is good at flying and cannot be tracked by footprints. The trace found by the pork chop can help them roughly confirm the direction in which the beetle left.


   Three people and one cat explored forward quickly and lightly.

   A few minutes later, Nadia, who was protected by Julius and Gordon in the middle of the queue, suddenly stopped and raised her fist to signal a timeout.

  The three squatted down almost at the same time to reduce the probability of being discovered.

  Natia put her **** together, tapped the corner of her eye, and then pointed in a direction.

   Julius and Gordon looked in that direction.

  On a rock wall about 30 to 40 meters away in front, a huge beetle with the height of three or four people was lying there, folded its wings, and seemed to be resting.

   Julius gives Nadia a look.

  The latter immediately understood what he meant, set up the dragon cannon, pressed a colored bomb into the barrel, and pulled the trigger.


  The strong-smelling dye exploded on the back of the beetle.

   To deal with such flying monsters, mark them with dye **** or dye bullets before fighting, which can effectively improve the pursuit efficiency.

   Next, without anyone giving orders, Gordon and Julius launched a charge at the same time.

  Natia also put on the flame bomb and started firing continuously.

  The beetle that was awakened by the dye bomb immediately shook its wings and flew up. When it turned around, the flame bomb had already struck, exploding **** of flames in its abdomen.

  It let out a high-pitched chirp and seemed angry.

   But the hunters didn't care.

   Two five-star hunters, one four-star hunter, two-star dangerous monsters, be angry if you are angry.

   Gordon, who had a heavy sword and heavy armor, had only run two-thirds of the distance, and Julius had already rushed in front of the beetle.

  He clashed his swords, let out a soft drink, and directly entered the state of ghost-humanization, and his already swift speed was further improved.

  The weapon mechanism was activated, and amidst the slightly ear-piercing "buzzing" sound, the saw chain of the execution saw rotated at high speed.

  As Julius swung his swords dazzlingly, criss-crossing knife marks appeared on the body of the beetle, and the green blood flew.

  (end of this chapter)

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