Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 222: Pheromones Concentration

  Chapter 222 Pheromones Concentration

  Although it has only been a few months since he was officially promoted to a five-star hunter, Julius can already be regarded as one of the best five-star hunters in terms of technology and equipment.

  Just under the body of the heavy beetle, with the continuous attacks of the hammer-shaped legs and the round-moon tail pincers, and the fact that it is easy to toss and turn like a walk, it makes the petite pig chop feel inferior.

   Not to mention that he can always accurately grasp the short-term openings between monster attacks and launch a swift counterattack.

   It seems thrilling, but never made a mistake.

  This has nothing to do with luck, but actual technology and strength.

  Swinging the double swords, once again leaving several staggered wounds on the heavy beetle's soft abdomen, Julius quickly retreated to avoid the former's thumping of the legs.

  The lightning attribute damage attached to the execution saw is not very effective for the heavy beetle, but the high-speed rotating saw blade still makes it painful.

  It hissed, its hind legs exerted strength, and its heavy body slammed forward, but was once again dodged by the dual-knife master with a sliding step.

  The heavy beetle got angry, it raised its body, and the special glands in its abdomen opened.

  Julius, who had seen it once before, knew that the heavy beetle was planning to release the pheromones and forcibly summoned the beetle, so he rushed forward to try to interrupt it.

  Unfortunately, it was still a step late, the foul-smelling gas spewed out, blowing away the dual knives, and at the same time, the pheromones spread rapidly.

  On the other side, Gordon, who was chasing the beetle, found that the former's movements stopped suddenly, and he immediately understood what happened.

   Come again? !

  He cursed secretly in his heart, took half a step back, and started to charge up and slash.

  Under the continuous firing of the flame bombs, the beetle with more severely damaged wings was not as fast as the previous one. When it passed in front of Gordon, the power slash accumulated to the third stage was released just in time.

  Explosive knife changed to tear the air, and slashed heavily on the side of the beetle, cutting a horrible wound that could almost see the internal organs.

  The body of the beetle swayed violently, almost falling directly from the air.

  However, the effect of the pheromone made it ignore the pain. After adjusting its flight posture, it continued to fly straight towards the heavy beetle.

   Helpless, Gordon put away his great sword for the second time, and chased after the beetle.

   The thought of possibly going through the same thing two or three more times gave him some liver pain.

  Natia continued to shoot, trying to shoot down the carabiner before it reached the heavy beetle.

   But this guy looked seriously injured, but he just managed to fly to the heavy beetle, and he was about to land on the heavy beetle to complete the combination.

   Just when the hunters were having a headache, the pork chop, who had been wandering around the monster but had no chance to find any chance, jumped out.

  A small flash bomb was thrown in front of the heavy beetle.

   Strong light bloom.

  The sudden light deprived the heavy beetle of its vision. This unprecedented experience made it panic, dizzy and shaking, and it was difficult to complete the docking with the beetle that had lost its thinking ability.

   "Beautiful! Pork Chop!"

  Gordon cheered and quickened his pace again.

   Chased until he tried to land on the heavy beetle, but because of the latter's dizziness and disturbance, he landed behind the beetle on the ground instead, and began to prepare for the real charge slash.

  Julius also turned on the ghost-human transformation, ran over at full speed, and performed a super-high-speed ghost-man flurry at the somewhat stupid Chi Beetle.

  The fragile head and chest of the beetle was hacked in a mess by Julius' execution saw. The golden electric current was guided into its body along the blade, continuously destroying its muscles and nerves, making its movements even more rigid.

   It was Gordon's true charge cut that really had the final say.

   Carrying Gordon's accumulated power to the limit, the steel fierce blade fell heavily, directly cutting the scarred soft abdomen of the beetle completely.

   Messy internal organs and dark green body fluids flow all over the place.

  The body of the Torch Beetle twitched violently for a while, and finally fell stiffly.

  The third one!

   It wasn't until the carabiner was completely dead that the heavy beetle finally escaped from the blinding effect caused by the flash bomb.

  It naturally doesn't feel sad or anything like that, it just feels annoyed.

  The relatively simple thinking of the beetle-like creature made it behave quite stubbornly. After neighing at the hunters for a while, it began to release pheromone gas again, summoning the beetle.

  The hunters did not bother it as usual, and Gordon even secretly took out a whetstone and sharpened his knife

  However, a few seconds later, Julius discovered the anomaly.

  Is the amount of pheromone odor this guy released this time too much?

   "Something is wrong."

   Julius muttered something to himself, then suddenly raised his voice and shouted, "Nadia! Break it!"

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

  Three rounds of flame bombs whistled in succession, and precisely hit the beetle's stinky gland. The deflagrating flames made the heavy beetle shriek.

   However, it was too late.

   A sharp buzz sounded from afar, and approached here at an extremely fast speed.

   It was a beetle that was sprinting desperately and flying at full speed.

  Gordon and Nadia tried to intercept it, but they couldn't do it at all. From the dull but crazy action pattern of this heavy beetle, it can be seen that it has completely fallen into the control of the heavy beetle.

  The hunters finally knew why the heavy beetle released the pheromone gas for an exceptionally long time this time.

   Whether the beetle is "attracted" or "held" seems to be determined by the concentration of pheromones in the air.

  Release pheromone gas for a long time, so that the concentration of pheromone in the nearby area directly rises to the level of "control".

   Therefore, as soon as the beetle came nearby, it rushed towards it like crazy.

  Pig Chop threw a flash bomb again, trying to prevent the carabiner and heavy beetle from merging.

  However, it is not known whether the heavy beetle was on guard, or it was just pure luck. It grew near its face, and the small shield-shaped legs used to protect the vital parts of the head and face were just closed to block the strong light.

  The beetle was somewhat affected, and the landing position was a bit off. The heavy beetle clamped it with the round moon tail pliers, and pressed **** its back.

   Both complete the combination.

   "Tsk, I'm in trouble."

  Gordon looked at Julius, "The back-scratching move just now, can we do it again? Shall I lead them to the slope?"

  Julius pursed his lips, "No, the previous beetle was seriously injured, so I was able to use the terrain to swing my upper back and kill it.

   This carabiner was almost at its peak, and the heavy beetle was on guard again, so that trick was useless. "

   "Then I can only leave it to Miss Sagittarius to grind slowly." Gordon said helplessly.

  The caracal beetle was too high on the heavy beetle's back, and there was nothing he and Julius could do about it.

   "Well, let's draw the heavy beetle's attention and create a shooting opportunity for Nadia."

  The two swordsmen separated again, double-teaming the opponent from different directions.

  Natia also started to run, and sports shooting is her strong point. Although the stance output is comfortable, it is too dangerous in front of the heavy beetle with the breath of water cannon.

   Facing the three people and one cat moving separately, the heavy beetle hesitated for a moment, and finally locked on the largest one with the brightest "carapace" color.

  Looking at the aggressive heavy beetle rushing madly, Gordon cursed.

   "Why is it me again?"

  (end of this chapter)

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