Chapter 234 Dust City

  View from the air.

  Loklark in the middle of the sand sea is like an isolated island in the sea.

  The turbulent waves formed by the boundless wind and sand are continuous and slapping, and the tall giant rock platform is an island reef standing in the sea, which is stable and unmoving, guarding the town and the people on the island.

In the airspace near   , there are surprisingly many hot air balloons, airships, and even large airships.

  Among the earth-rock buildings built layer by layer according to the topography of Juyan Platform, airship platforms can be seen everywhere.

  Even in the male city of East Doruma located in the center of the mainland, it is extremely difficult to see such a large number of aircraft at one time.

  According to the jeweler, at least 70% to 80% of them are merchants and tourists who came here specially for the Harvest Festival.

  Locklark's prosperity can be seen.

  Amidst the sound of "jingling, jingling" from the fog clock, the airship landed steadily next to a platform.

   Politely declined the jeweler's invitation to visit Locklark Commercial Street together, Gordon and his party jumped off the airship and followed the crowd towards the famous stone gatepost.

  The huge stone gatepost standing tall on the outskirts of Locklark is one of the most famous attractions in this city of Shacheng, and it is also the "entrance" of the city.

  The wide doorway through which several large vehicles can pass side by side, promotes the open attitude of Rock Clark.

  On the other hand, there are only gateposts, without the special design of city walls and lintels, which symbolizes the city's continuous upward and never-ending spirit of entering.

   "So tall, so tall. Meow!"

  In front of the boulder gatepost, in order to see the top of the pillar, the pig chop kept raising his head, and finally lost his balance and turned over on his back.

  Hayata smiled lightly and helped the pork chop up.

   "Welcome to Loklark Meow, how many of you need to lead the way?"

   A shrill but polite voice sounded. Gordon and the others looked around and found that the voice was a female Elle with silver-white fur.

  It is wearing a uniform-like orange-red blouse and a delicate top hat, looking cute and professional.

   Pork Chop quickly stood up, it didn't want to lose face in front of its kind.

  Silver Elle folded her paws on her chest and bowed gracefully—this is a common etiquette in desert areas.

   "I'm Shizumiao, Illumiao who belongs to the Locklark Tourist Association."

  The silver-fur cat Ellu introduced himself: "If you need it, I can show you the way, or guide you to visit Loklark.

  Of course, these are free meows, I just hope you all have a good time in Locklark meow~. "

  Gordon glanced around from the corner of his eye, and found that it wasn't just Dianthus, but also many Elu cats in the same uniform nearby, serving businessmen and tourists.

  I haven’t seen such a scene when I came to Locklark before. Is it a newly added measure to benefit the people?

   Gordon thought about it, and felt that there was no need to refuse.

  Although I have been to Locklark, I am definitely not as familiar with the city as these little tour guides.

  So, he nodded, "Then please, we are going to the meeting place, please give us a brief introduction along the way."

   "Of course you can meow~."

  Dianthus consciously walked to the front of the team, and introduced by the side of the road, "This is the gate post of Locklark. If you want to enter the city of Locklark, you usually pass through here first.

  After entering the gate pillar, it is the commercial street meow, everyone came at a very good time meow, the Harvest Festival is about to start, and the commercial street will become very lively meow. "

  As Dianthus said.

  Although the commercial street here is not as neat and spacious as Dongduoluma, the interweaving of various shops, small stalls, and tents, coupled with the vendors hawking along the way, does have a special vitality.

  At the suggestion of Shizhu, they bought some local specialty dates from a roadside vendor to try.

  Due to the sufficient sunlight and the huge temperature difference between day and night, this rustling fruit is very sweet, so sweet that it is so sweet that Gordon doesn't particularly like it, but the hayata and pork chops are very happy to eat.

   After a short stroll in the commercial street, the group continued forward under the leadership of Shi Zhu.

   "From here to the west, there are many houses and hotels. Foreign tourists, caravans, hunters, desert corps, and even some single members of the walled guerrillas will choose to rent here."

   Speaking of this, Shi Zhu hesitated.

  It lowered its voice and whispered: "The hotels in this area are more affordable, but the space and comfort can't be expected meow. If possible, I suggest you go to a better hotel meow."

   Gordon twitched the corner of his mouth.

  At that time, he and Anxiertu found a random place to live in that hotel street, and the conditions were indeed quite ordinary.

   "Where are the Walled City Guerrillas?" Hayata asked curiously.

  Gordon directly explained: "If you see armed men wearing uniform lightweight armor, hats or turbans, they are guerrillas in the fortress.

  The Citadel Guerrilla Force is the official armed organization responsible for defending Locklark. It is divided into two parts, the 'Guerrilla Force' and the 'Archer Force'. Well, they are actually swordsmen and archers. "

   Speaking of this, Gordon pointed to the sky.

   "You saw it when the airship landed just now. There are many snake dragons living in the airspace near Locklark. From time to time, monsters like Huang Velociraptor will randomly enter the city and cause damage.

  Hunters deal with these monsters easily, but the loosely organized hunters don't react so quickly.

  Fortress guerrillas are different. They patrol around and will rush to the scene as soon as possible to deal with monsters and avoid personal injury.

  At the same time, the fortress guerrillas are also the last line of defense for Locklark.

  In case the sandy fleet fails to intercept Feng Shanlong, their task is to repel Feng Shanlong desperately. "

   "I see." Hayata nodded knowingly.

  Dianzhu glanced at Gordon in surprise, "This Mr. Hunter has been to Locklark? I know it very well!"

   "Probably." Gordon replied with a dry smile.

  One or two years ago, he and Anshir came to Locklark, and after staying in Hotel Street, they found that the room in that store was a common shop, and the guys who slept with them were the guerrillas from the Fortress, so they learned a lot about it.

  A group of people passed the intersection and continued forward.

  Dianthus is very responsible for its tour guide work. Along the way, it introduces forging workshops, item shops and other facilities that are very important to hunters.

  Unknowingly, the Locklark meeting place is already in sight.

   "This is the hunter's gathering place, please enjoy your time in Locklark." Shizhu saluted politely again, and was about to leave.

  Gordon and his party also thanked each other one after another. The pork chop even took out dried fish and wanted to share it with the other party, but Shi Zhu politely declined.

   This frustrates the little one a bit.

  Similar to the assembly house in Tangia Port, the Locklark assembly hall is also not a "building", but an open-air facility.

  The sunshade roof composed of black tarpaulins blocks the harsh sunlight.

   Such a "ceiling" can't keep out the rain, but this is a desert, so it doesn't matter.

   Gordon looked around.

  Finally, at a wine table, he found the elder of the dragon clan with a red cap on his head.

  Looking at the leisurely look of the little old man drinking some wine with side dishes, Gordon smiled and walked forward.


   We quite like the various settings. A lot of information is hidden in the equipment introduction, npc dialogue and so on. It’s interesting to discover it by accident.

   However, this set of equipment for the Fortress Guerrilla, emmm, is said to be the standard equipment of the local guards in Loklark, and at the same time requires a lot of materials for Lanlong and Fengshanlong.

   Didn't Luklark raise Lanmei on a large scale?

   In short, here I set the Fortress Guerrilla set as a low-grade mass-produced equipment, similar to the Cloud Set and Flame Set, otherwise it would be too outrageous.



  (end of this chapter)

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