Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 240: see everything like the wind

  Chapter 240 See everything like the wind

  Seeing that the hunter appeared in time to intercept the monster, the crew on the sand boat cheered again.

  A crew member also teased Cessna, "Look at you, why can't you stop the sublosaurus like others, that lady hunter may not be older than you!"

   Cessna made a rude gesture.

  "My God, do you think everyone can hunt dragons by themselves in their early twenties or even in their early twenties like those geniuses?

  Why don't you compare yourself with that hunter brother? My old lady is still young and a 2-star hunter is fine, okay? "

   "Hey hee hee."

  The two sand boats flew away quickly.

  The cautious captain still didn't dare to let them lower their sails and slow down. Who knows if there is a third submerged dragon underground?

  The battle with the previous Qiankoulong made Hayata realize that the carapace on the head and back of this monster is very thick and hard. Although it can be cut with the sharpness of the flying dragon knife [Kwai], the attack effect is not good.

  Its weak points should be the mouth exposed after the giant mouth is opened, and the soft abdomen without carapace covering.

   However, it is not easy to attack these two vital points.

  The huge mouth after opening is not only the weakness of Qiankoulong, but also its strongest weapon. If it bites from the front, the female Charmander may not be able to withstand it.

  The abdomen is always hidden under the sand, and it has to find a way to make it "turn over", just like what Senior Gordon did before!

  Qiankoulong lunges forward and bites, and Hayata responds with the reverse cassock cut, taking advantage of the momentum to dodge to the side.

   She also took aim at the short forelimbs of Dracosaurus.

  Evolved in the sandy sea so far, the body characteristics of Dioctosaurus, which is very close to that of fish, does not rely on limbs to move, but there is a reason why the limbs, especially the forelimbs, have not completely degenerated.

  —In order to maintain a "semi-submerged" posture with only its hard head and back exposed to the sand, it needs to borrow the strength of its forelimbs to facilitate its "lying" on the sand.

  Keep hitting the forelimbs and it might tip over!

  Hayata gave up using continuous sword moves, but relied on the relatively flexible characteristics of the Taidao, and constantly used vertical cuts, stabs, reverse cassock and other hard, straight, small and fast moves to deal with Qiankoulong and hurt.

   Can only be beaten passively, but always can't touch the opponent, which makes Qiankoulong very irritable.

  It retracted its forelimbs, and its whole body fell into the sand, leaving only the hard top of the head and back exposed to the sand, like a turtle with its shell shrunk.

   This made Hayatta wary.

  Anyway, attacking the Qiankoulong in this posture is difficult to really hurt it, so Hayata simply retreated a certain distance and confronted it.

  She believed that, with Qiankoulong's greedy and violent character, this peace would not last long.

   Sure enough, after a few seconds, Qiankoulong, which had accumulated enough strength, launched a surprise attack on its own initiative.

  It frantically twisted its streamlined body and long tail like a fish, and at the same time, its limbs worked hard to plan the sand surface, providing extra propulsion for the body.

   In a very short distance, it obtains a higher speed.

  The Qiankoulong opened its huge mouth, and launched a charge brazenly with a terrifying momentum that wanted to devour everything along the way.

  It is similar to the straight-line collision of the dragon chariot, but with the blessing of the huge mouth with amazing bite force, the power of the Qiankoulong's charge and bite has been improved to a higher level.

   This is a move that must not be hard-wired!

  Hayatta tightened his nerves, and at the moment when the Qiankoulong was about to bite, he flew and rolled, and successfully avoided it.

  However, the Qiankoulong's attack was not so easy to end.

  Swinging the giant head horizontally, coupled with the assistance of the long tail and limbs, the Qianshoulong that rushed over the head quickly completed the turn and change direction, and continued to rush towards Hayata who had just got up.

  Hayata had no time to think about other things, and continued to dodge and dodge, once again passing the huge mouth of Qianshoulong with an amazing opening and closing angle.

  But Qiankoulong still didn't intend to give up, turned around and changed direction again, and attacked her again.

  Continuous rolling and swooping made Hayata a little tired, but she didn't panic.

   It can be seen from the fact that the radius of Qiankoulong's second turn is obviously larger than that of the first time, this guy's physical strength is not endless.

   Its charging speed has been slowed down!

  Hayata took the flying dragon knife and the scabbard into his hand, ready to deal with it with Iai.

   "Come down meow! Hayata, get away from meow!"


  Pig Chop came trotting all the way holding the big barrel of bombs. It took some time to get the bombs from the sand ship.

  Pork Chop rushed to Hayata, dropped the barrel bomb on the ground, then pulled Hayata back and ran away.

  Placing explosive bomb barrels on the path of the monster's charge is actually a very common method. The monster does not know the power of the explosive bomb, and it will detonate it when it hits it head-on. Sometimes it can even stop the dragon car if it is lucky.

  Hayata and Zhu Chop had just run a few steps away when the terrifying giant mouth of Qiankoulong had already arrived.

  However, the large barrel bomb was detonated, and the scene of stopping the Qiankoulong did not appear.

  Qiankoulong's soft and wide mouth directly swallowed a large barrel of explosive bombs that was almost as tall as a person.

   "Meow meow?!" The hair on the tip of the pork chop's tail stood up.

  It never thought that there are monsters that can swallow large barrel bombs.

  Hayata also stared in shock at the Qiankoulong who was not choked at all, but felt that something strange had been swallowed, temporarily buffering the front, shaking his head.

   Just when Zhu Chop felt that his worldview was about to collapse, a dull explosion came from Qiankoulong's bulging belly.


  A large cloud of gunpowder smoke mixed with blood and splintered wood spewed out from the giant mouth of the submerged dragon.

  Like an earthworm that had been electrocuted, Qiankoulong jumped out of the sand with its upper body, leaned back, and twitched violently.

  Although it has an iron stomach that can digest the whole head of a living Ankylosaurus, it still looks a little weak in the face of the power of the barrel bomb.

  The explosion in the abdomen caused severe damage to Qiankoulong.

   "Good job! Pork chop!"

  Hayata cheered, and quickly approached Qiankoulong's exposed soft abdomen, slashed his hands vertically, and quickly connected several swords.

  In the shadow of sword light and blood, Hayata completed a whole set of combos, and finally ended with a beautiful turning cut, and his aura suddenly increased.


  The abdomen was severely injured, and the submerged Qiankoulong finally regained consciousness after being blown out. It struggled to wriggle its fat body, trying to recover its posture.

  Hayatta took the opportunity to continue wielding the Taidao and continued to attack.

  Noticing that Qiankoulong has gradually recovered its ability to move, Pig Chop wanted to remind Hayata not to be greedy for knives, but it was a step too late.

  The Qiankoulong opened its mouth and bit.

  Seeing that the giant mouth was about to swallow her, Hayata seemed to be prepared, and staggered her steps and slid back a certain distance, avoiding the bite of the submerged dragon just right.

   Immediately afterwards, she slid forward again, slanting the blade to fight back, adding a new wound to the submerged dragon.

  See you!

  The momentum of the sword condensed in an instant, and Hayatta, who was wielding the long knife, gained another level of momentum.


   Pork chop let out a burst of surprise.

  Gordon’s Great Sword’s True Power Slash is strong, but it’s true that Hayata’s Taidao is more handsome.

  How can there be such a handsome weapon as a Taidao in the world? Meow!


   Since the master is a high-ranking hunter, he can use swords and knives, so Hayata will naturally know how to cut these things. (Let's get in touch with Denglong later, and you can't be completely body as soon as you come up)

   In the game, these two tricks can only be used in combos. This is to increase the difficulty of operation. Otherwise, the swordsmen will probably do nothing except Juhe Jianche (see Qi Xia and Na Dao Monsters?)

   In the real world, I will not describe it like this.

   At least Iai is like this, why, I can't just take the knife without cutting it? (Of course, it is still necessary to save some Qi Blade)



  (end of this chapter)

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