Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 245: Senior Pork Chop, I'm sorry, meow!

  Chapter 245 I'm sorry, senior pork chop, meow!

   Pandan's voice suddenly became a little louder, and Gordon and Pork Chop from the next door hunter's lodge were also attracted.

   Knowing the cause of the incident, Gordon was surprised and somewhat nostalgic.

  The self who was practicing the big sword in the training ground back then, came to him suddenly and said that he wanted to be his pork chop for hunting cats. Was he as overwhelmed as Hayata?

   "You can't meow! At least you can't meow right now!"

  Pig Chop jumped out. It hugged its arms like Gordon, and meowed seriously, "Hunting is a very dangerous meow. It's not a meow that you can participate in if you want to!"

  Looking at the imposing, strong and almost half the size of the pork chop, Pan subconsciously shrinks her neck.

  But it quickly regained its courage, and faced the pork chop directly, and it was a bit tit-for-tat.

   "Although it is a competitive relationship, meow, I will not lose to senior, your meow!"


  Gordon raised his hand embarrassingly at the side, "Then what, the pork chop is actually my hunting cat, not Hayata's."

  Little Silver was gradually taken aback.

  It saw the pork chop fighting side by side with Hayata that day, and thought that the pork chop was the latter's partner.

   "Senior Pork Chop, I'm sorry, meow!"

  Pang Lan, who is also quite straightforward from some angles, bowed decisively and apologized.

   Facing the little guy who apologized earnestly, the pig chop beard trembled, feeling like everything he wanted to say was choked back.

  Xiang Lan’s older sister, Shi Zhu, spoke at this time, “Mr. Pig Chop is right, meow, hunting cats are different from tour guides like my sister, they need professional training and screening.

  If the strength is not enough, not only can't help, but also become a burden to the hunter. "

  To be honest, Shizhu doesn’t really want her younger sister Xianglan to become a hunting cat.

  This mentality is the same as when Hariyata's uncle didn't want her to become a hunter.

  Go deep into the wild hunting grounds and fight monsters. The job of a hunter may seem glorious and handsome, but it is the most dangerous job in the world, not one of them.

   "I, I will work hard to train meow!"

  Xiang Lan tried to stand up straight, trying to make herself appear taller, "When I am strong enough, I hope Lord Hariyata can accept my meow!"

  Hayata and Gordon looked at each other.

  She actually likes this cute and stubborn little guy, which reminds her of herself who insisted on becoming a hunter back then.

   There is another thing that makes her feel that she and this little guy are destined.

  —The name Hayata means "vanilla, pandan" in the northern dialect.

  She rubbed Little Pandan's round cheeks, thought for a while, and looked at Gordon and the others, "How much training do hunting cats usually have to participate in hunting activities?

  Give Xiao Xianglan a goal, let it have a direction to work hard. "

   "This standard is hard to come by." Gordon scratched the back of his head.

  If Hayata is just a one-star novice, then there is no need for any standards. As long as Pan has the courage to face monsters, the hunter and the cat will progress together, just like him and the pork chop before.

  But Hariyata is already a four-star hunter.

   This is a height that most hunters can't reach in their lifetime. Hunting dragons is also commonplace, and the degree of danger is not the same.

   "Pig chop, what do you think?" Gordon still planned to ask his partner for his opinion.

  From the perspective of a mature hunting cat, maybe Pork Chop has other insights?

  Pig Chop still folded his arms, pretending to walk a few steps back and forth, "I believe that experience and technology can be cultivated slowly, and the two most important points are 'physical fitness' and 'guts'.

   If you can’t wear armor, hold a cat pick, or throw explosive bombs, then it’s definitely not good.

  As for guts, it means the courage to face monsters. When I first became a hunting cat, I was afraid of meowing when I faced blue velociraptors. This is actually quite normal meowing.

   But what we are dealing with now is definitely not a miscellaneous fish like Athlon. You must have the courage to face the wyvern directly. "

  Xiao Xianglan listened very carefully.

  Gordon thought for a while, and said: "Be brave, let Hayata take it to the hunting ground when you have a chance in the future, Elu is good at making holes, and she is really afraid to hide in holes.

  It's normal to be scared of hunting for the first time, but if it doesn't improve after a while, it can only mean that you are not suitable to be a hunting cat. "


  Zhu Chop nodded in agreement, "Make a hole in which you can hide yourself within three or four seconds, but the basic meow in the foundation, this can also be used as a standard meow, proving that you at least have the ability to protect yourself meow."

   As he spoke, the pork chop demonstrated, and the dust flew up. In less than three seconds, the whole cat got into the ground.

  Xiang Lan flashed her paws and was eager to try, "Come and try meow, I am very good at this meow!"

   As he spoke, another burst of dust flew up, choking Gordon and the others to cough again and again.

  Dianthus covered her face with her small paws, and seemed to have some unbearable memories, such as her young and ignorant sister digging holes everywhere, and she apologized to people everywhere.

   But I have to say that Xiao Panlan is really not bragging. Its digging speed is not slower than that of pork chops.

   This is more powerful.

   With such a drilling speed, as long as you don't panic when facing monsters, you can basically protect yourself.

   "Meow must admit meow, your digging speed has passed meow." Pig Chop shook off the dust on his body, "But this is just the basics meow!

strength! Strength is also necessary meow! "

  Pig Chop looked left and right, and finally chose the landscape potted plant at the entrance of the hunter's hut. It ran over and lifted it up with the flower pot vigorously.

   "I only used 60 to 70% of my strength meow! Of course this is the result of years of exercise meow, as long as you can lift this potted plant, your strength should be almost qualified meow."

   After finishing speaking, the pig chop put down the potted plant steadily, apparently with some strength left.

  Pang Lan walked over with some hesitation, imitating the appearance of pork chops, hugging the edge of the potted plant with two small paws, and began to exert strength.

  Gordon is actually looking forward to the fact that Pandan is like Fengying, who belongs to the kind of small "girl" with strange strength, who can easily lift potted plants and slap pig chops in the face.

   Unfortunately, such an interesting scene did not happen.

  Even if it tried its best, it would only lift the potted plant off the ground, and there was still a long way to go before it could be lifted.

   However, this result is enough to surprise the pork chop.

  The little pandan has obviously not yet fully grown. It is quite rare for a juvenile Elle to have such strength, coupled with the super fast digging speed.

   So, this little guy is actually quite talented?

  It hesitated for a while, and leaned close to Hayata and whispered: "It's already very powerful, it's still young, and it still has a lot of room for growth, Meow.

  If there is no problem with courage and personality, it should be able to become a very good hunting cat. "

  Hayata, who was already a little moved, rubbed Xiao Panlan's head again after hearing this.

   "Let's make an agreement, when you can fully lift the weight of the potted plant, I will take you into the hunting ground for a try.

  If you have faced real large monsters and experienced the danger between life and death, you still insist on being a hunting cat.

  We sign a contract and become partners. "



   In this chapter, Ai Lu has a lot of content in human language, so I will explain it here.

   In the original book, there are actually very few Ailu who can use human language so fluently. It seems that the only Ailu who speaks a lot is the guild envoy in Pokai Village? .

   But considering the convenience of communication, I ignore this point. I can’t let everyone guess what the meaning of meow meow in the whole article--



  (end of this chapter)

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