Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 248: Belated monsoon, emergency meeting

  Chapter 248 Belated monsoon, emergency meeting

  The Rock Clark Guildmaster organized a meeting.

  Participants included the captain of the ship, anthropologists from Wang Li's Paleontological Scholars Team, local dragon researchers from the Gulong Observation Bureau, the leader of the Fortress guerrillas, and citizen representatives, etc.

  Gordon was also drawn to participate as an important force in the attacking team due to his high hunter level.

  The guild leader is no longer smiling as usual, and the narrow corners of his eyes even give people a "sharp" feeling.

   Aisha who brought tea over couldn't attract his attention.

  He got straight to the point, "In previous years, the monsoon came mostly in the middle to middle to late October, and rarely in the late October.

   And it’s already November, and the monsoon still hasn’t come. What do you think? "

  The town representative is a potbellied spice merchant.

  He stroked his meticulously combed beard, and there seemed to be some disapproval in his eyes.

  In his opinion, the guild leader is making a big fuss. The monsoon comes a few days earlier and a few days later. God has the final say, so what's the matter?

  He also wished that the monsoon would come a few days later so that the Harvest Festival could be extended for a while longer.

  There are many people, it is lively, and the business is easy to do, how good is it?

  As for Fengshanlong, will it become more powerful as the monsoon comes a few days later? It's been fine for so many years, what's there to worry about?

  Of course, he dared not say these words in front of the guild leader.

  Lockark is a businessman who is a little bit more respectable, and they all know that this little man will grow "energy" in trade.

   If you offend him, your own chamber of commerce can also prepare to close down.

  The scribes team and the two scholars from the Gulong Observation Bureau looked much more serious.

   "In theory, occasional monsoon delays are not uncommon, but it is difficult for us to determine whether this climate anomaly will cause more direct and serious impacts."

  The anthropologist frowned and said, "After all, this is not an ordinary monsoon, but a monsoon that descends with Fengshanlong."

  The Dragon Terran scholar nodded in agreement, "Whether the Fengshan dragon came with the monsoon, or the existence of the Fengshan dragon brought the monsoon, this point has not yet been determined.

  If it is the latter, it means that there is an abnormality in the migration of Fengshanlong. This is not something that can be summed up in a sentence 'the monsoon is late'. "

  Gordon, wearing a helmet, folded his arms and nodded slowly.

  Although he didn't know why he nodded.

   I just feel that the two old scholars seem to have said something very important, but they seem to have said nothing

  At this time, the captain of the ship said, "We have searched through all the records and materials left by the previous heads of the sandy ship regiment.

  In the past two hundred years, the monsoon, or the situation that the peak mountain dragon does not appear until November, has only appeared once, and that was 120 to 30 years ago. "

   "So what happened then?" the anthropologist asked eagerly.

  The captain of the ship took out this note that was aging and in pieces, and said helplessly: "I don't know, the key pages of the book are damaged and lost, and we don't even know the exact year.

  The approximate time was obtained by rummaging through the warehouse, the succession and replacement documents of the captains of the previous generations. "

  The guild leader added: "Moreover, from the few words at the end of the notes, we know that the casualties of the Saudi Flotilla were very serious that year.

   This is one of the main reasons why the captain and I feel nervous. "

   "The data from more than a hundred years ago, it's too old."

  The dragon-human scholar frowned, "The management of Loklark in the past was chaotic, and it was difficult to keep the materials for such a long time, but there may still be archives in the headquarters of East Doruma and the archives of the Great Library.

  Have you sent a letter to assist in the investigation? "


  The guild leader nodded and said: "Just after confirming the approximate age of the notes yesterday, the letter has been sent by a peregrine falcon. The journey is far away, and it may take a few days before there is an answer."

  The anthropologist of the scriveners team said: "Although the hope is slim, the scriveners will still try their best to search for past documents, hoping to get some clues."


  The guildmaster turned his head to look at the dragonman scholars of the Gulong Observation Bureau, "I hope you can send out all the observation balloons to spread around with Loklark as the center, looking for possible anomalies.

  Once you find something, immediately report it with a peregrine falcon. "

  Theoretically, the Gulong Observation Bureau and the Hunter's Guild are equal organizations, and the former does not need to obey the latter's instructions.

  But the dragon-human scholar knew that now is not the time to care about these things, he nodded his chin, and readily agreed: "I will arrange it."

   Gordon raised his hand at this time.

   "I have a proposal, since the situation is serious, should the high-ranking hunters be organized, just in case?"

  Hearing this, the guildmaster knocked on his forehead, "That's right, I almost forgot about them, Aisha, go to the kanban girls to find out which high-ranking hunters are still in Locklark."

   "Okay President." Miss Aisha, who was standing by the table like a secretary, left in a hurry.

   "Does martial law need to be in the city?" The person in charge of the walled city guerrillas asked a black-faced strong man with two knives on his back who looked like a sand bandit.

   "No need." The guild leader shook his head immediately, "Don't cause panic, citizens, tourists and businessmen flee in chaos when Fengshan dragon strikes, it is the most dangerous.

   But you must be prepared to organize and avoid danger at any time. The giant rock platform is strong enough. As long as the citizens hide in the city, they will not be in danger. "


   After discussing a few more key points about organizing and avoiding danger, Aisha trotted all the way back.

  She reported to the president: "The seven-star sledgehammer Mary Dan, the six-star bowhunter Abel, and the six-star long spear Hisham, these three are currently in Locklark City."

   Gordon grinned.

  Good guy, a female seven-star sledgehammer is really rare, and I don't know what kind of female warrior she is.

   "Send someone to find them and let them come here as soon as possible." The guild master ordered with his head turned.

   "Okay." Aisha trotted away again.

   "Should I organize them into the sand fleet and participate in the subsequent counterattack?" The guild leader looked at the captain of the ship, "Don't consider the issue of 'cost performance', money is a trivial matter right now."

  —He is not good at commanding battles, and the guild leader doesn't want to make random decisions.

  The captain of the ship hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said: "No, joining the Sandy Ship Regiment requires a break-in, and Gordon Hayata and the others also trained for half a month before they were qualified.

   Mary Dan has stayed in the boat regiment, so it's okay.

  The heavy bed crossbows, artillery and dragon guns of the Keshadi fleet are the main weapons. Their addition will not significantly improve the strength of the fleet.

   not as good as"

   "If you have any ideas, just say it."

   "I suggest that the high-level hunters can join in the preliminary reconnaissance work. I will send the three fastest sand boats to carry them to the direction where Fengshanlong may attack to conduct active reconnaissance.

   Once you find something, report back immediately.

   Of course, the hot air balloons of the Gulong Observatory are also doing similar work, but the perspectives in the air and on the ground are different, which may be able to make up for the loopholes.

  Using high-level hunters in this way may be a waste of their combat power, but the opponent is an ancient dragon, and ordinary hunters may not be able to do reconnaissance work. "

   "Then do as you say!" the guild leader said.

  (end of this chapter)

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