Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 255: It shouldn't be too dangerous meow

  Chapter 255 should not be too dangerous meow

  Lingshanlong was shaken away from Fengshanmaru by the big gong, which made everyone in the sandy boat group heave a sigh of relief.

  Although the heavy bed crossbow on the sand ship can make Lingshanlong feel "pain", it is difficult to play a role in deciding the outcome.

  It's like stabbing someone with a cactus thorn is very painful, but it is very difficult to stab someone alive.

   Therefore, Mineyama Maru, who possesses the decisive weapon of the Dragon Striking Spear, has become the absolute core of the battle. As long as Mineyama Maru can be kept, the sand ship can even sacrifice itself.

  For example, now, in order to avoid Lingshanlong, go to trouble with the Dragon Boat.

  Several sand ships connected themselves to Lingshanlong with restraint bombs, and began to turn the winch, twist the rope, and actively approached Lingshanlong.

  They intend to mount the dragon's back and attack.

   "Send a signal, stop climbing the dragon!" The captain of the ship quickly issued an order.

   Mounting on the back of a dragon to attack, or mining minerals, generally can only be done when the target is tired or emotionally stable.

  Otherwise it is very easy to be thrown off.

  Although Lingshanlong has just been knocked back by the big gong, he is obviously in a very excited state.

  Dragon climbing is too dangerous at this time!

  But the crew members of the Sandy Fleet, who were also emotional, did not notice the signal from the Dragon Fighting Ship, or they may have selectively ignored the order of the captain of the ship.

   There are at least four sand boats, still persistently approaching Lingshanlong, and gradually approaching the latter.

   Several daring hunters or city fortress guerrillas have already grabbed the rope, using all fours, and are climbing towards Lingshanlong.

   "Stop shooting!" The captain of the ship reluctantly issued an order to stop shooting.

   One is afraid of further angering Lingshanlong, and more importantly, he is worried about accidental injury.

  The power of the heavy bed crossbow and artillery may not be able to really hurt Lingshanlong, but if it falls on humans, it will definitely end in pieces.

   The first one to fall on Lingshanlong's back was a local hunter of Loklark, a three-star swordsman.

   After shaking for two steps and barely standing still, he didn't have time to think about anything else, so he directly picked up the big sword and began to charge up to slash.


  The big sword swung down smashed a piece of amethyst, and then it was bounced back by the bullet knife. The attack effect was not too obvious.

  This feeling is like cutting mountains with a big sword.

  Lingshanlong didn't feel any pain, but those slight vibrations made him shake his body at will.

   This is no less than shaking the earth for hunters trying to climb up.

The great swordsman who was the first to climb on the dragon's back was thrown away, and several people who were still hanging on the rope while climbing also fell down. Almost capsized.

   "Send another retreat signal and let them stop climbing the dragon!" The captain of the ship shouted an order.

   Just when everyone in the sand fleet tried their best to entangle with Lingshanlong.

  Locklark, twenty kilometers away.

  A peregrine falcon took advantage of the night and landed on a railing somewhere in the hunter's meeting place.

  The staff of the guild caressed and comforted the peregrine falcon, who was obviously in a panic, took the small metal tube for storing important letters from its leg, and hurried to the guild master.

   "An urgent letter from East Doruma." The staff whispered in the ear of the guild leader.

  The irritated guild leader quickly took the letter box, took out the small roll of letter paper, checked the sealing wax of the guild seal on it, and quickly opened it to read.

  [According to the search and speculation based on the literature and materials provided by you, the target is likely to be the subspecies of Fengshanosaurus, Lingshanosaurus.

  Lingshanlong, a mysterious ancient dragon that lives in the deepest part of the sand sea, hardly emerges from the sand surface, so there are very few sighting records, and they are all on the night of the full moon, so it is inferred that their whereabouts are related to the moon.

  They devour the quartz-rich minerals in the depths of the sand sea, fuse with body fluids, and then separate out from behind, finally turning into special ores like purple crystals.

  Through the study of a very small number of amethyst samples in the Gulong Observatory, we found that this crystal is not resistant to high temperatures.

   Therefore, it can be inferred that the flame may be more effective against Lingshanlong.

  In addition, scholars speculate that the special crystals behind Lingshanlong may also be the source of their amazing physical strength, and destroying a large number of crystals may make them tired and weak.

   Hope this information helps.

  —Gulong Observation Bureau. ]

  The guildmaster thumped the table angrily.

  The information sent by the Gulong Observation Bureau is very useful, but unfortunately it is half a day late.

   "This information must be sent to the Sandy Fleet immediately. If you have any suggestions, please come forward!" The guild leader looked around.

  The people who can act as his "consultants" at this time include the staff just now, his wife who came to deliver meals to him, the Kanban lady on duty, the temporary waiter girl Ai Xia, and the little Ai Lu Xianglan in Ai Xia's arms.

   "Is peregrine okay?" The president's wife proposed.

  The staff of the guild shook their heads, "I'm afraid not. The perception of animals is much more sensitive than that of humans. Even if the distance is tens of kilometers, the peregrine falcons are as shocked as a finch. They dare not fly to the convoy."

   "Sand boat? Fast airship?" Aisha made two suggestions one after another.

  The guild leader squeezed his beard and said: "There is a high-speed mobile battle over there, the sand boat may not be able to catch up with them, but let's send it out.

  Powered airship should be the best way, immediately notify the airship to take off! "

  The guild staff ran away quickly.

   "Then how can the airship deliver the letter to the convoy?" Miss Kanban carefully raised a blind spot.

  The guild leader's expression sank.

   This is indeed a very serious problem. Now that the monsoon is howling, it is already very difficult for the powered airship to approach the airspace near the convoy, and it is impossible to descend.

  The turbulent and strong airflow near the ground will smash the airship into pieces on the sand sea.

   "Is it okay to pass the signal light?" Aisha proposed again, "Extract the important information in the letter, and use the signal light to communicate repeatedly in the air. The people in the Sand Boat Regiment should notice."

  Miss Kanban Niang happily clapped her hands and said, "This is a good idea!"

  The guild leader picked up a pen and wrote down a short sentence on a note, "weak fire, attacking crystals may weaken physical strength".

   Then he frowned and said: "But this is still not safe, the dark night, sand, and tense battles may cause the sand fleet to fail to obtain information.

  Considering the brightness of the signal light, the airship cannot fly too high, and low-altitude turbulence is also a big risk. "

   Pandan in Aisha's arms suddenly jumped onto the table.

  It didn't know where the courage came from, and it meowed loudly: "I'm meow! I can deliver the letter meow!"

  All eyes were on Xiao Ailu.

   "How do you want to send it?" The guild leader was at a loss.

  Pang Lan scratched her ears, and there was a trill at the end of the sentence, "I, I used to be in Baru Barre, jumping from the top of the mast of a big dragon boat to parachute meow."

  Everyone: "."

  I don’t know whether to say this guy is brave or timid.

   "It's too dangerous!"

   Aisha tried to hug Panlan back, but the latter jumped aside.

   "I, I want to try meow!" It hugged its head to encourage itself, "Even if the parachute fails meow and falls on the sand, I can hide under the ground meow.

   Yes, it shouldn't be too dangerous meow? "

   "Are you serious?" The guild leader stared at Xiao Ailu's round eyes.

  Xiang Lan plucked up the courage to look at her, "Senior Pig Chop said that if you want to be a hunting cat, you have to take the first step!"

  The guild leader was silent for a moment and exhaled.

   "Your first step is a bit big."

   (There is another chapter tonight, paralyzed.


   I forgot where I saw the statement that Lingshanlong’s crystal is the source of his physical strength, is it on the forum or in the game?

   This is also mentioned in the video explaining Fengshanlong ecology at station b.

   I can't guarantee that it is an official design, but I think it is reasonable (reasonable under the mh worldview), so I will use it here.



  (end of this chapter)

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