Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter

Chapter 265: deja vu picture

  Chapter 265 Deja vu picture

  The pork chop hung behind Gordon's back and refused to come down.

  Before, when it and Hayata discovered that Gordon had disappeared from Lingshanlong's back, one person and one cat began to feel uneasy.

  When they fell into the sea of ​​sand and accidentally found the blood-stained Canghuolong helmet, their uneasiness reached its peak.

  Pig Chop ran aimlessly with the helmet on his back, his shrill howl echoed in the boundless sand sea, and Hayata couldn't even catch up.

  Everyone knows the danger of fighting the ancient dragon, and it is certain that there will be casualties.

  But when the heavy word "sacrifice" falls on a close partner, the feeling of panic like falling down is even more terrifying than when you face death yourself.

  Hayata's lips were already bitten and bleeding.

   Her mind was also in a mess.

  Why did I say "want to go"? What should I do after the pork chop? How should I explain to those two teammates who have never met? Where is Lingshanlong, and how can he get revenge? Such self-examinations kept flashing in her mind.

   Until Gordon appeared in front of them in a sand boat.

   "Phew—as long as you're fine, aha, it turns out that the helmet was picked up by you!"

  Gordon first relaxed, then was surprised, and then turned into surprise again, "What are you screaming about, pig chop? Huh? Why is Hayata crying so much that his nose is coming out?"

  Hayata was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned away to wipe his face.

  The pork chop jumped directly onto Gordon's face and scratched.

   "Ah, it hurts! What are you doing, pork chop?!" Gordon hurriedly tore the pork chop off his face, and then saw Hayata staring at him.

   "We thought you were sacrificed." Hayata pointed at the **** helmet with a low tone.


  Gordon roughly understood the reason for the strange reaction of the two, but it seemed awkward to say anything at this time, so he had to try to change the subject.

   "Well, what, Lingshanlong has been successfully repelled!"



  Hayata and pork chops are expressionless.

  Gordon scratched his cheek, and tried to explain again, "Before, Senior Maridan called me to participate in a special operation to attack Longya. Lingshanlong reacted violently and fell into the sand first."



   Gordon is numb.

  Actually, Hayata and Pig Chop also know that this resentment is unreasonable, but such things as being awkward are not unreasonable in the first place.

   It’s about a mood.

  Maybe it will be fine after a while.

  When the banquet in the Great Desert comes to an end.

  The Sterling family's fleet across the ocean also arrived at the southeast coast of the Western Continent in a rather thrilling manner.

  —They encountered a storm near the Frozen Islands, and two cargo ships hit the rocks. Fortunately, they did not sink, but they were seriously damaged and needed repairs.

  Considering safety factors, most of the fleet members stay on board temporarily.

  The head of the chamber of commerce, several caravan backbones, and the vanguard team composed of two hunters, Anshir and Fengying, will land first and contact Yanhuo Village.

  If all goes well, the caravan will rest in Yanhuo Village for a period of time to repair the ship, relieve fatigue, and prepare for the harder and more dangerous second half of the journey.

  The director of the chamber of commerce is an old man in his sixties. After everyone set foot on land in a small boat, he seemed a little unaccustomed to it. He shook a few steps before finally standing still.

   "The Western Continent is finally here." The old man sighed.

   "Yes, yes!" Fengying, who came to the familiar environment, seemed extraordinarily active.

  A backbone of the caravan looked back at the bay where the merchant ships docked, and said thoughtfully: "There are no reefs nearby, the water is deep, and the water flow is stable. It is an excellent place to build a port.

  We may discuss with the people of Yanhuo Village to establish a commercial port here, so that the trade line on the south coast of the Western Continent can also be established. "

   Everyone looked at the only Yanhuo villager in the team.

   "What are you looking at me for?"

   During the six months since she left her hometown, she has grown a lot. The little girl shook her head and said, "I don't understand these things. If you have any ideas, you can talk to the village elder."

  The people in the caravan habitually wanted to insinuate a few words to understand Yanhuo Village's attitude towards trade, but they were interrupted by Anshir's words.

   "How far is it from Yanhuo Village?"

   "It's close!"

  Fengying stood on tiptoe and looked around, pointing to a not-so-luxurious jungle, "In that direction, ah! I can see the smoke, that's over there! It's the smoke from the melting pot in the village!"

   "It looks like two or three kilometers."

   "It's not far. As long as the road is paved, it will be very convenient after the port is built."

   Several caravan backbones communicated in low voices.

   "Let's go."

  The director of the chamber of commerce spoke, "Those things can be considered later, and the meal needs to be eaten in one bite. Don't forget that the goal of our trip is Jieyun Village."

  The prestige of the old executive is very high, the key members no longer procrastinate, and under the leadership of Feng Ying, everyone walked towards the direction of rising smoke.

  As soon as he stepped into the jungle, Anshir confirmed that the forest was safe.

   It doesn’t have the wild feeling of deep mountains and old forests at all. It should be that hunters often clean it up. Let alone large monsters, wild boars probably rarely appear.


  A swift shadow flashed across the treetops.

   Anshir subconsciously set up the heavy crossbow, but immediately retracted it.

  Because he discovered that the visitor was not a monster, but a human being.

  The man stretched out his hand, as if grabbing something invisible, his body unexpectedly moved across the air for several meters, and landed in front of everyone.

   Anshir narrowed his eyes, it seemed to be some kind of silk thread?

   This is a mysterious man in strong clothes and a mask. He stands firmly in a T-step, with his hands folded and making a strange handprint.

   "Guests from afar, welcome to the Land of Fire."

   "Uncle Ni Tai!" Feng Ying lifted her helmet and cheered.

  The man named Ni Tai swayed, as if he was startled by Fengying's cry.


   Looking at Fengying, who was completely different from half a year ago in terms of clothing and hairstyle, and her face was still round, he didn't recognize it all at once.

  He took off his mask and said in surprise, "You're back!"

   Then he seemed to remember something again, and sternly said, "What's the matter with 'Uncle Ni Tai'?! How many times have I said, I want to be called 'Brother Ni Tai'!"

   "Slightly slightly!" Fengying grimaced.

   Anshir quietly looked at this man who was obviously Fengying's acquaintance.

  The age is estimated to be in his twenties. Judging by his body shape, he should be a user of light weapons such as a one-handed sword or two knives, with a sharp aura

  Well, at least when he first appeared on the stage, he felt very sharp, and his strength should be very strong.

   "Are you planning to visit Yanhuo Village? Come with me." Ni Tai waved to everyone.

  After seeing the white and chubby Fengying in the team, his attitude became obviously much more friendly, and he was no longer as polite and alienated as before.

  A group of people followed Ni Tai through the jungle, and finally came to a beautiful lake.

  It is already late autumn, but it is as warm as spring here. The cherry blossoms that should only bloom in March and April can be seen everywhere, embellishing the islands in the center of the lake with elegant cherry pink.

  The great lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a huge waterfall slides down the mountain and falls into the lake, stirring up moist water vapor, enveloping the island in the center of the lake and the prosperous village on the island like a paradise.

  It's like a fairyland.

  Everyone in the caravan is still immersed in this amazing beauty.

  Fengying had already ridden on the hound Hu Po, turned into a wild dog, passed through the gatehouse all the way, and rushed to the large painted red wooden bridge connecting the lake shore and the village in the middle of the lake.

   "I'm back la la la la!"

   "Wow woof woof!"

  Anshir covered his face with a headache.

  This familiar picture


   Here is a brief explanation of the terrain of Yanhuo Village, including judging from the game and illustrations, it should be surrounded by mountains, there is a large lake in the basin, and the island in the center of the lake is Yanhuo Village.

   At the same time, the Great Lake seems to have a channel leading to the outside world, should it lead to the sea? Otherwise, Yui Ogura's trading ship would not be able to enter.

   However, due to the location of the landing, the merchant fleet did not come directly to Yanhuo Village from this river, and the small pier in Yanhuo Village should not be able to dock a fleet of ships.

   Some people may have doubts, so I will explain it in a nonsense.



  (end of this chapter)

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