Monster Hunter: This fire dragon has special characteristics

Chapter 130: Preparation Complete, Migration

Deep in the forest, with the cover of miasma, the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon slowly walked down to the bottom of the ancient tree forest.

I didn't expect that I would be repelled by two, or more precisely, that special male fire dragon. This experience is really novel.

In this regard, the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon did not have any extra thoughts. If I lost, I lost. It was no big deal.

The only pity was the monster skins destroyed by Luo Yun.

The forest is not like the Miasma Valley. There are not so many monster bodies that can be piled up. It will take a while to find something to fill the gap.

Because it relies on hard monster skins as external protection for many years, the silver-white scales of the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon itself are not as defensive as other ancient dragons.

Once it encounters an evenly matched opponent during this period, this blank defense area will be the key reason for his defeat.

Decades ago, the Yangyan Dragon couple was like this. The Flame King Dragon used nuclear explosions to break through the outer layer of monster skin defense, and the Flame Queen Dragon used continuous high-temperature heat waves to not only clear all the spores and miasma in that area, but also burned the small monsters called by the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon.

As a result, the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon was unable to replenish the miasma for a long time, and finally had to reluctantly retreat to the Miasma Valley.

One-on-one, the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon was not afraid of the Flame King Dragon or the Flame Queen Dragon, but they were two-on-one without martial ethics, which made the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon particularly uncomfortable.

Just after the Mist Miasma Corpse Dragon and Luo Yun left that area for a while, the fiery red figure rushed down, even sliding on the ground for a long distance, and then successfully stopped.

The Flame King Dragon looked at the scarred land. The landforms and environment here were changed, as if there had been an explosion, and a large pit appeared.

The pit was surrounded by charred land, and the center of the pit was a bit like solidified magma.

The Flame King Dragon stood by the pit and looked down at the center of the pit, with a big round face that looked like a lion full of doubts.

The fire attribute energy remaining in the air was very active. Why did this burning smell seem to be blown out by another Flame King Dragon?

Could it be that there was another Flame King Dragon chasing the owner of this miasma?

They also had a fight here?

But why did they stop fighting after fighting for such a while?

You know, the Flame King Dragon rushed here immediately after sensing the fighting atmosphere here, and his wings were flaming all the way, but he still didn't catch up.

I can't understand it.

After searching for a circle and finding no other traces, the Flame King Dragon slowly flew up and continued to look for the traces of the Misty Corpse Dragon in other directions.

Here, Luo Yun, who returned to the ancient tree, saw Jia Li standing at the entrance of the nest at a glance.

All the fire dragons who went out returned safely, but Luo Yun didn't come back.

From the cats brought back by the male fire dragons, I learned that Luo Yun and Hao Huo Long seemed to have discovered a formidable guy. In order to cover them, they stayed behind to continue intercepting.

Ya Ji knew Luo Yun's temperament very well. If it was just a simple monster, Luo Yun would not let Hao Huo Long stay with him.

At the same time, because the fire dragons were unlikely to be of any help, they were asked to leave first.

Thinking of this, Ya Ji couldn't help but start to worry.

So she squatted in front of the nest and waited. If he didn't come back, she might not be able to help but leave.

Seeing Luo Yun return, Ya Ji immediately stood up and kept looking at Luo Yun's situation. In the end, she found that he was just breathing a little fast and some scales were scattered on his body. There were not many other wounds, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

As always, she let Luo Yun rest in the middle of the nest. After Ya Ji licked his wounds, she quietly guarded Luo Yun.

At this time, except for the familiar cats, other creatures would be the targets of Ya Ji's attack.

The power of the "Lovely Star Flying Crash" in the Jieyan state is indeed much stronger than the normal state.

The Jiaoxiang body strengthened by the Jieyan also made Luo Yun's scales strong enough to withstand the impact after the explosion.

But the Jiaoxiang body strengthened the scales, not his physique. After the explosion, the scales withstood the impact, but the internal organs and muscles could not withstand it completely.

I didn't feel it during the battle, and it was okay when I flew back, but when I lay down, the soreness almost made Luo Yun groan.

Fortunately, a lot of food was stored during this period. After Luo Yun used all his strength to stimulate the regeneration power to repair his body, he was able to get replenishment quickly. After a night of regeneration, the injuries were almost healed.

Except for the occasional tingling sensation in the fire bag, there was basically no abnormality.

In the forest, perhaps because of this battle, the fog corpse Because the dragon was injured, the spread of miasma slowed down, and the miasma spores were not flying densely in the sky.

The cats' preparations were accelerated a lot.

Two days later, five large baskets were successfully completed.

The cats tested it and found that these baskets could hold all the cubs and cats.

In addition to the one made by the fire dragon Detel before, it can be used to hold food.

The preparations were completed.

On this day, the male fire dragons went out collectively, directly swept two large hunting grounds, brought back the prey, and all the fire dragons had a good meal. Under the leadership of Luo Yun, the ancient tree fire dragon group collectively took off.

Thirty special fire dragons were responsible for carrying the baskets, and the rest of the fire dragons flew around to guard.

The entire fire dragon group began its migration journey in a mighty manner.

On the way, cats lay on the edge of the basket, shuttled through the clouds, looked at the forest under their feet, and kept making surprised meows.

In the whole ancient tree, nearly a hundred fire dragons traveled together. If it were in the past, the monsters in the areas they passed along the way would avoid them, and even cause a lot of turmoil.

But at this time, the forest was silent, as if it had entered the end of the world. In addition to the yellow miasma, there were the painful roars of some small monsters.

This miasma disaster was much more terrifying than the poisonous fog caused by the Xialong that year, and it was not inferior to the disaster caused by the battle between the steel dragon and the ancient dragon ten years ago.

It just so happened that this behavior of the fog miasma corpse dragon was normal behavior. Before the mission was completed and the nutrition of the forest was not sufficiently supplemented, this disaster would not stop.

The migration of the fire dragon group was much more troublesome than the migration of Luo Yun and Yaji that year. Not only because the big baskets delayed the speed, but also the predation of the fire dragons was a big problem.

Although there is food stored, it must be given priority to cats and cubs. This means that after flying for a while, the fire dragons have to find a high point to stop and then go out to hunt collectively, which slows down the overall speed again.

In order to solve this problem, Luo Yun negotiated with the experienced fire dragons and decided that the fire dragon group would not stop except for a few fixed time periods during the flight.

The fire dragons went out hunting in batches, and those who could bring back prey would try to bring back prey, and those who could not bring back would quickly replace the work of other fire dragons, allowing other fire dragons to go out to hunt, so as to ensure the speed of migration.

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