Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 63 Multi-cavity Creatures

The fat man’s question is rude.

The fat man’s question is interesting.

When everyone thinks the fat man's problem is interesting, politeness is naturally thrown aside by these unscrupulous guys.

Anyway, the tribe warriors were several hundred meters away from them, so even if they shouted, they might not be heard clearly by the other side. What's more, the fat man kept his voice very low with a guilty conscience.

"Well, this is indeed a problem." Zhang Jixin held his chest with one hand and held his chin with the other hand. He carefully looked at the female centaur warriors not far away and murmured: "Considering that their reproductive systems are on horses, I It is believed that they feed their offspring with mare’s milk.”

As he said that, he nodded extremely confidently.

This made the fat man who asked the question shake his head.

"Have you ever dissected a centaur or seen their breastfeeding scene? In other words, have you seen what they look like in front?" Fatty Xin asked: "If you haven't, how can you confirm that what you said is right? If you can't confirm , why do you say the word 'absolutely'!"

Seeing that the discussion between the two on this strange topic became more and more absurd, Zheng Qing coughed loudly several times to interrupt their argument.

"Ahem, polite! Polite!!" The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team squeezed forward, stood between the two warriors, looked around, and cursed in a low voice: "Pay attention to your appearance, you represent the Exorcism Hunting Team. image of!"

As he spoke, he glanced left and right with a gesture of approval.

Not far away from them, several witches were looking back at them with interest, as if they were eager to join their conversation.

This gave Zheng Qing a strange feeling.

After a pause, he added a reminder: "What is there to argue about this kind of thing? The doctor is right next to you, can't you just ask him directly? I don't believe that with such a long history of Centaur, there are no other wizards who are interested in this matter. Something interesting!”

These words made the two of them wake up.

Zhang Jixin and Fatty Xin immediately turned their heads and looked at Dr. Xiao who was beside them. They looked at him eagerly, hoping that he could give a definite answer.

Xiao Xiao lived up to his reputation as a doctor, and without even flipping through his notebook, he analyzed incessantly:

"To analyze the breastfeeding problem of centaurs, we must start with the species classification of centaurs."

"Centaur, as the name suggests, is a half-man, half-horse magical creature. In the Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World, centaur is listed in the Kingdom of Magical Creatures, Phylum Chordata, Class Polycoela, Order Mammalia, Subhuman Family, and Centaur. , Centaur...specifically, the tribe in front of us should belong to the 'Silent Forest Centaur species of Phuket Island'."

Zheng Qing couldn't help but sigh heavily in his heart as he listened to a bunch of dizzying terms.

He knew clearly that the doctor had the habit of being a teacher, but he instigated the elder and the fat man to ask the doctor questions. It would be difficult to pique the doctor's interest now and interrupt him by fooling him.

It’s really a typical case of if you don’t do it, you won’t die.

"...You see, centaurs and tauren both seem to be semi-human creatures. Do they look similar? Do you think they are the same type of magical creatures?" At this point, Xiao Xiao looked at him as if asking a question. The eyes of several companions who were watching were full of encouragement: "Tell me what you think."

"Yes, I think they are the same type of magical creatures." Zheng Qing immediately raised his hand and forcibly ended the question and answer session.

"Wrong, absolutely wrong!" Having achieved the desired effect, Dr. Xiao Da shook his head with great satisfaction and said in denial: "Although the Minotaur has a special image, it can ultimately be classified into the genus Hominidae, Hominidae, and the Minotaur... …That is to say, on a large scale, they are still human beings.”

"It's just that they belong to a kind of human beings with alienated heads, hoofs and feet."

"Not so with centaurs."

"Among the magical creatures, centaurs, ostriches, horofish, fat relics, etc., these creatures belong to the same category. They all belong to the polycoel class under the phylum Chordata, which is also commonly known as 'multibody creature'."

"In other words, they are all creatures with two or more cavities."

"For example, Hui is an owl with one head and three bodies; Holuo fish is a fish with one head and ten bodies; and Fat Yi is a fish with one head and two bodies. Well, let me add here, Fat Yi not only has two bodies , and has six legs and four wings! It really illustrates the concept of biodiversity.”

"Of course, the above-mentioned creatures are in sharp contrast to the 'multi-headed creatures' such as the 'nine-headed bird', 'three-headed dog' and 'two-headed worm'... We will not discuss it here for the time being."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Dr. Xiao would turn the battlefield into his personal classroom, which would make the atmosphere on the scene very strange.

Next to him, Xiao Xiao had already begun to make a concluding statement: "A centaur also has one head and two bodies. It's just that unlike similar multi-cavity creatures, the centaur's two bodies belong to two different creatures."

"They have the ribcage of a man and the ribcage of a horse."

"So, when discussing the breastfeeding issues of centaurs, we must discuss them in the context of the corresponding biological species to avoid making mistakes. In the mainstream concepts of contemporary wizards, multi-chambered creatures are generally referred to by their 'head' or Let’s divide it by saying it’s the part that the ‘soul’ belongs to…”

The irritable Zhang Jixin finally couldn't hold himself back and shouted: "Can't you just tell us who is right and who is wrong?"

Xiao Xiao stopped analyzing, adjusted his glasses, and gave him a contemptuous look.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved," he snorted, and finally stopped extending it and gave the final answer: "What you two said are wrong, but they are also right."

"Centaur calves are suckled by the human body for the first month after birth, and foals that are over one month old and less than three years old are suckled by the horse's body."

Zheng Qing immediately clapped his hands, interrupted Xiao Xiao's words, and praised repeatedly: "Okay, okay, very good, everyone has learned some new knowledge today... Let us give warm applause to thank the doctor for teaching everyone!"

Then, he changed the subject and reminded everyone: "Well, it's getting late. Everyone, please pay attention to the market gate and be ready for battle at any time!"

Xiao Xiao sighed regretfully, and added in a low voice: "...In fact, the centaur in the modern sense is a failed work. The original great wizard wanted to create a kind of horse that has the strength and endurance of a horse. , creatures with human intelligence and skill. Their upper bodies should be like necks, with only muscles and bones inside, not in this current form..."

He ultimately failed to elaborate the supplementary part as clearly as he wanted.

Because in front of the position, a centaur warrior carrying a short gun on his back and waving a spear in his hand was galloping left and right while shouting: "Waiting to fire!"

"Wait to fire!"

"Wait to fire!"

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