Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 71 Lack of ability

After the flame face was crushed, those crimson sparks scattered in all directions, alternating with the Venus in Zheng Qing's eyes, leaving elegant traces on his retinas.

After Su Shijun blew into the palm of his hand, he snapped his fingers.

The restraints around Zheng Qing's body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The wizard immediately stood up nervously and touched the gray cloth bag at his waist. But this stupid move only lasted a few seconds before he came to his senses and sat back down in embarrassment.

"Sorry," he stared into Su Shijun's eyes and whispered, "it was just a conditioned reflex."

The witch tilted her head, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"It's really interesting," her voice was as lazy as before: "The first time a wizard is in front of me, my conditioned reflex is to attack... It seems that now is not the right time to chat. If there is nothing else..."

As she said that, she curled her lips and turned to look out the window. Her meaning was very clear - if there was nothing else, she would respond to the request of the "Fire Face" and help Beta Town deal with the Kuroshio incident.

The expression on Zheng Qing's face froze slightly.

"You haven't told me what danger I'm in." The young public-funded student complained in a light tone. In order to show closeness, he once again abandoned the use of honorifics.

"Oh, this is a question." Su Shijun stretched out a finger, pressed it between his eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and then slowly answered: "Because your identity is relatively sensitive, from now on, until the right time comes, , you cannot participate in any off-campus hunting, or other disputes... to avoid accidents."

"For example, the accident that occurred during winter hunting last year." Zheng Qing murmured.

"Bingo!" The witch snapped her fingers and continued: "To be specific, you can't go outside the scope of the school's protective formation...for example, if you open a small shop on the pedestrian street or want to go to a wandering bar to drink with friends. , try to do this as little as possible.”

"When is the right time? Will someone inform me?" Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting Su Shijun. He felt as if he was being strangled by an invisible rope, and he was a little breathless: "Why can't you just tell me the truth?"

Mr. Wu, Su Shijun, and even Professor Yao, etc., they all seem to know things about themselves, but they don't. It's a terrible feeling to be kept in the dark.

Very bad.

"Because you are too weak." Su Shijun did not shy away from those bad adjectives, and pointed out very clearly: "You are not even a registered wizard... carrying a Merlin Medal and a Major Arcana title have already given way. You are exhausted and looking for help, so what about the bigger and heavier responsibility? "Do you think you can handle it now?"

The words left Zheng Qing speechless and immediately fell into a deep silence.

"My talisman learning is not bad." After a long silence, he forced a smile, trying to save some face.

"It's indeed good," Su Shijun nodded, and then glanced at him: "But that's all. When you can kill the descendants of Tsathogua with a spell without using a rune gun, you will probably have enough power. Bear the truth.”

Zheng Qing sighed deeply.

He knew that he could not get any more information from Su Shijun.

Picking up the teacup on the table and swallowing the already cool tea in one gulp, the young wizard suddenly remembered something else.

"Professor Monteria." He whispered the name.

"What?" Su Shijun raised his eyebrows.

"Professor Monteria, a professor in charge of bloodline research at First University, you know him, right!" Zheng Qing just remembered a certain instruction from Old Yao after the end of the hunt for the moon, as if he was holding on to a rope. As if, he looked at Su Shijun: "Some time ago, Professor Yao once suggested that I consult Professor Monteria about my physical condition... He said that you are familiar with Professor Monteria and can help me write a letter of introduction."

After saying that, he looked at the witch eagerly, his unfinished intention was obvious.

There was a hint of displeasure on Su Shijun's face: "Old Yao is the dean of Jiuyou College. Doesn't he have more respect than me? What do you mean... why do you want me to write it!"

Naturally, Zheng Qing couldn't follow Su Shijun and call Lao Yao 'Old Yao'.

"Maybe the professor thinks this is more appropriate." He replied vaguely.

"It's damn appropriate." Su Shijun closed his eyes, exhaled heavily, and disappeared from the sofa in an instant.

Zheng Qing was stunned and reached out to touch the fruit plate on the table.

He had been staring at the big bunch of purple grapes for a long time, but because the witch kept eating, he was too embarrassed to reach out. Now that she was gone, the wizard felt he should seize the opportunity.

But before he could peel off the grape skins, Su Shijun appeared in front of him again.

However, this time, the witch had already put on a bright red fur cloak, looking ready to go out.

"I will write you a letter of introduction," her eyes were fixed on Zheng Qing's hand holding the grapes, and her tone was slightly unkind: "It depends on your performance... The winter vacation is less than a week away, you should be here Poseidon behaves more responsibly."

Zheng Qing wanted to throw away the grapes in his hand, but he felt it was rude. It would be even more rude to eat them directly.

Hesitating, he simply pinched the grape and replied.

"Okay." Feeling a little pressured to answer while sitting on the sofa, the young public-funded student stood up and hid the hand holding the grapes behind his back: "I also feel that Poseidon is a little naked during the winter vacation. Tomorrow, no, Tonight, I will take him to the library to do his homework!”

This answer seems responsible, but also a bit weird.

Su Shijun frowned, hesitated, and finally did not continue to struggle with this issue.

"Also, don't discuss today's events with your companions... If you don't want me to give you a powerful memory erasing spell, then completely forget what we just said and saw." Su Shijun Seemingly knowing what he wanted to ask, he waved his hand and stopped: "This is good for everyone. Limited benefits."

Without her advice, Zheng Qing would not talk about this matter with his friends.

To be precise, he didn't know anything, so he couldn't talk to them.

"Oh, by the way." Before leaving, Su Shijun reminded him casually: "There is a little girl named Jiang Yu in your class who knows about Poseidon's relationship with me... Of course, she is very smart. , signed a silence agreement. Well, I just want to inform you, don’t act too stupid in front of other people.”

Zheng Qing's face turned pale as he watched the bright red color disappear into the living room.

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