Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 95: The first spells class of the second semester

The incident of Satugua's big eyeball being blown out only lasted for a few minutes in the minds of the students before it was erased by a strange force.

The next morning, when class was on Monday, Zheng Qing was shocked to find that except for him, all the members of the school, including Astronomy Class 08-1 and the Forgiveness Hunting Team, were concerned about the big eyes in the night sky last night. I have completely forgotten about my son and that flash of cyan light.

Even for Zheng Qing, the images in his impression became increasingly blurry, leaving only a clear concept of the matter.

Obviously, this is someone, or some people with great power, who are eliminating the influence of the appearance of evil spirits. For Zheng Qing, the results were mixed. The good thing is that he doesn't seem to have to worry about Tsatogua coming to trouble him in the short term, but the bad thing is that he seems to have offended the big evil monster even more.

Moreover, the methods used by the relevant departments to eliminate the influence of evil spirits also made the young wizard feel sad, and he became increasingly thirsty for more powerful magical power.

This requires him to study harder and harder.

After more than half a year of college life, Zheng Qing already had a vague understanding of his future path as a wizard, as well as a vague but predictable expectation - such as graduating on time and becoming an excellent registered wizard.

Of course, all this is still a bit far for a student who has just enrolled for half a year. What he can do now is to earn as many credits as possible, and then master the magic knowledge taught by the professors.

According to the teaching plan of First University, the first year of university is a process for young wizards to adapt and lay a solid foundation. Most young wizards have received a good secondary school magic education before entering college. They are able to control their magical power so as not to go berserk. They are able to skillfully use magic to cast some standard spells or prepare some standard potions that are not difficult.

Some young wizards with relatively high talents may even develop some less practical but whimsical little spells at this stage before entering college.

But that's not all a college education is.

At First University, in addition to mastering sufficient standard magic spells, potions and other professional knowledge, young wizards must learn to establish a correct world view and view of magic, and learn to touch the essence of magic through spells and divination.

This point has been very clear to everyone since the first spells class in the second week of the first year of college.

The class schedule for the second semester is basically unchanged from the first semester, and even the class schedule is basically the same. The first class on Monday is Professor Yao's Charms.

The only thing that has changed is the elective course on Thursday afternoon. Everyone needs to choose a new one.

Zheng Qing browsed on the course selection tree in the Academic Affairs Office for a long time and selected a course called 'Fishman Common Language'. Although he was not a person with very good language skills, his curiosity about other intelligent life, coupled with his previous experience of dealing with fish-men many times, made him finally choose this course.

According to the senior in the Academic Affairs Office who was responsible for adjusting the class schedule at the time, the professor of the 'Muslim Common Language' was a very special old fish man. The reason why it is special is because this old fish-man does not have the same stench as those barbaric guys in Linzhong Lake, and it is also a fish-man who has lived for a long time and also has a seat in the joint meeting of professors.

Back to business.

Like last semester, Professor Yao still likes to hold his crimson pipe in his mouth in class. But I don't know if he was complained about, but Zheng Qing didn't see him vomiting in the two classes.

But none of this affected the professor who casually called Zheng Qing's name in class and asked him to stand up and answer the question.

"What do you think the essence of magic is?" Old Yao chewed his pipe, put his hands on the desk, leaned forward slightly, and looked at the young publicly funded students in the back row of the classroom - the same as Arcana's list, the publicly funded students The quota is also assessed once a year, so although Zheng Qing's test results are not satisfactory, he is still a publicly funded student of Jiuyou College.

After hearing Lao Yao's question, Zheng Qing couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart.

He felt that topics involving the 'nature of magic' seemed more suitable to be discussed in the 'Philosophy of Magic' class on Wednesday afternoon, rather than in a Charms class.

Of course, he would only dare to murmur this kind of slander in his heart, and would definitely not raise it in front of Lao Yao.

"I remember what you taught last semester. When a high dimension collapses into a low dimension, a large amount of magic power will be released. This is the source of the power for us to cast spells."

Zheng Qing considered it carefully and answered slowly word by word: "So, I think the essence of magic is some kind of control over dimensional fluctuations."

On the podium, the professor raised his eyebrows.

"You're not very knowledgeable, but you're very courageous." Old Yao straightened up, took the pipe back into his hand, and commented on Zheng Qing's answer: "If those guys from the Dimension Sect know that you use the word 'control' so carelessly, I'm afraid... I need to wash the signboard of Jiuyou Academy with the spittle."

Zheng Qing smiled awkwardly and didn't make any excuses - he felt that the old man was causing trouble for him because of the final exam. It would be better if he could be more polite and not cause trouble. In any case, Old Yao is the dean of Jiuyou College. If he acts more conscientiously, no one will laugh at him.

Naturally, Lao Yao didn't know the rich inner activities in Zheng Qing's heart.

He waved his hand and motioned for Zheng Qing to sit down. Then, instead of looking for a new classmate to stand up and answer the previous question, he reached out, grabbed a piece of chalk, and threw it on the blackboard.

The chalk twisted around and slid across the center of the blackboard, creaking and leaving behind a string of flying characters.

"On the Nature of Spells, and the Charm of Magic."

Still like a philosophy class, Zheng Qing rested his arms on the table, his body straight, staring at the traces of chalk on the blackboard, and silently complained in his heart.

Unlike him, Dr. Xiao Da next to him had already spread out his notebook, holding a brush full of thick ink in his hand, as if he was ready to copy at any time.

After glancing at Xiao Xiao, Zheng Qing's eyes subconsciously turned in the other direction. On the other side of the classroom, the gypsy witch was lying behind a stack of thick books, sleeping soundly. This made Zheng Qing extremely worried, fearing that Lao Yao would grab the chalk on the desk and drop it.

Oh, I should have known better to sit with her, the young wizard thought to himself.

But he would only think about this kind of thing. As two male and female witches and wizards in different small circles, especially Zheng Qing, who is also the person in charge of his own small circle, he needs to sit in the right position at the right time.

This is a consistent tradition in the wizarding world.

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