Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 99 Untitled

In February, there is already a hint of greenery on the shores of Linzhong Lake.

Just like what is described in Zhu Ziqing's "Spring", the mountains are moist, the water is rising, and the sun's face is blushing.

The ice on the lake surface has melted, and the large fiery red birds and buffaloes that had disappeared for most of the winter began to reappear in groups on both sides of the lake shore. At noon, young wizards and witches who have just finished class pass by the lake shore, and they always drop some broken bread, cereal, or dried beans to add a little nutrition to the emaciated guests in the lake.

The beginning of school is similar to the beginning of spring, both bringing a burst of vitality to the world.

Zheng Qing walked with Elena on this vibrant land, full of passion from the inside out - this was also the main factor that caused him to unknowingly go astray during the chat.

Fortunately, the young public-funded student realized his fallacy in time and changed the topic back to the witch.

"Don't always blame me, what about you?" Zheng Qing glanced at the large reference books held in Elena's arms, and asked curiously, "Are you still studying those ancient talismans? Do you need my help?... …You just need to buy me two juggling sugar figures from Shuangtangji. There is no limit on sucrose or maltose, I’m not picky.”

Hearing the wizard's self-recommendation, the gypsy witch couldn't help laughing.

"It can't be cheaper," Zheng Qing pretended to be distressed and emphasized, "Wizards who can master all basic talismans are rare among the students of First University."

"It's unique." The witch smiled and corrected, "As far as I know, among all the students, you are the only one who has mastered all the basic talismans."

This compliment was sincere and not artificial, which made Zheng Qing feel elated when he heard it.

The early spring sunshine filtered through the gaps between the branches and fell on the witch's hair and shoulders, coating her fair skin with a beautiful glaze color. Coupled with the smile she showed at this moment, the young public-funded student couldn't help but be stunned.

Sensing Zheng Qing's blank gaze, Elena seemed a little embarrassed and turned her face slightly, pretending to be watching the big red birds stretching their necks to beg for food in the lake.

Her burgundy wavy hair spun briskly in mid-air as she turned her head. The tip of his hair brushed against Zheng Qing's cheek, but it made his heart itch.

In this way, the atmosphere was entangled in silence. In the silence, without realizing it, the two of them had passed the lakeside, walked through the small square in front of the library, walked through the forest path, and arrived at the fork in the back garden.

To the left is the boys' dormitory, and to the right is the girls' dormitory.

Elena finally remembered to answer Zheng Qing's previous question.

"I haven't studied them for a while. I don't need help for the time being... and I'm helping a senior sister handle personal matters recently. These tasks may be suspended for a while."

Saying that, Elena patted the reference book in her arms and politely rejected the wizard's application, but gave him a little sweetener. "But there is no problem with Sugar Man... I just went to Shuangtang Ji two days ago." Buy some and I’ll bring them to you in the talisman class in the afternoon.”

After that, before Zheng Qing could answer, he waved his hand and left lightly.

The long flowing hair took away many of the wizard's thoughts.

All that was left was an empty shell, standing there, sluggish for a long time.

The gypsy witch did not break her promise.

Before the talisman class started on Monday afternoon, she brought a small box of candy figures and delivered them to Zheng Qing's desk. It caused chaos among the wizards and wizards around.

The candy she sent came in an oak box with a glass lid.

The box is a bit heavy, but the paint surface is bright, but it does not erase the mountain lines on the log material; the side of the wooden box is clearly marked with the mark of 'Double Tang Ji'; through the upper glass lid, you can clearly see the contents inside the box. Sugar people.

In line with the consistent style of Shuang Tang Ji, the candy figures in the box are not neatly stacked on the shelf, but some ingenious little magic is used to create an interesting scene.

In this gift from Elena, the candy figures in the box are playing football.

The lawn is paved with green moss, the goal is made of toothpicks, and the mung bean-sized football should be wrapped in sesame candy. The white spherical surface is slightly shiny.

In the box, two teams composed of maltose and sucrose ran tirelessly back and forth on the green field, chasing the little football; the small trumpet flowers embedded in the edge of the box shouted at the top of their lungs to the players on the field. Come on, cheer up.

Zheng Qing remembered that he had seen this gift box in the window of Shuangtangji. It had a high price tag and had to be denominated in gold beans. It's just that the gift box Irina gave him should be a simplified version, because there are no candy fans sitting in the seats in the stands on both sides of the stadium, and there are no coaches waving their arms, players sitting on the bench, or dancing on the green field. cheerleading team.

But no matter what, this gift made the young public-sponsored student overjoyed.

For the next whole week, whenever Zheng Qing had time in the dormitory, he picked up the oak gift box and watched the football match inside with great interest - although he only knew a little about the rules of football, it did not affect his judgment at all. Which side scores the most goals?

According to his plan, the candy man who is eaten will always start from the losing side first.

If a player from any team starts to stumble on the green field due to lack of magic power, then for the safety of other players and the integrity of the entire gift box, Zheng Qing can only go against his own wishes and make an exception. Eat it.

Because of the complicated 'candy man rules' he set, until Saturday, there were still seven or eight candy men running around on the green moss on the court without being eaten.

At noon that day, after watching the football match for the nth time, Zheng Qing sighed and reluctantly held up the oak box and handed it to Xiao Xiao.

"Look at it for me for a while." He warned, "There are still seven candy men inside... They have been stared at for a long time. You must be careful not to be attacked by the group."

The fat cat on Fatty Xin's shoulder meowed angrily, seeming to despise the stinginess of the young wizard.

"I was shocked." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, took the gift box, and sighed softly, "I also asked you why you suddenly had a seizure and gave me something you have cherished for so long."

"It's not a gift, I'm just helping to keep it temporarily." Zheng Qing emphasized.

Xiao Xiao nodded and asked casually, "You are going to Professor Monteria's laboratory, right... Remember to bring a notebook and copy more useful things and bring them back to me."

"Remember to ask Professor Monteria if he is recruiting interns with solid professional foundations!" Fatty Xin looked at Zheng Qing eagerly and added, "Brother Qing, I am counting on you!"

"Got it, got it!" Zheng Qing touched the gray cloth bag hanging on his waist, waved to his roommates, pulled them apart, and disappeared behind the gray corridor.


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