Although the search for faceless monsters and Liu Feifei's pets was put on the agenda, it did not occupy all the spare time of the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

Apart from classes, Zheng Qing and others still spent most of their energy on their studies. In addition, the recent commotion in Linzhong Lake also attracted some of their attention.

The main body of Linzhong Lake is located in the atrium of Jiuyou Academy, surrounded by mountains and corridors, occupying most of the atrium space.

In addition to cultivating sentiments, decorating the scenery, serving as a home for magical creatures, and serving as an open-air classroom for some practical courses, Linzhong Lake also has another important role, which is to serve as a reserve for the Linzhong Lake Fishman Tribe, helping it thrive.

Since it is a reserve, the fishmen naturally have a high degree of freedom in this lake. Whether it is the judiciary, education, institutional system, or the unique culture and customs that are very different from the mainstream of the wizarding world, they have been well preserved by the fishman tribe and are not interfered by the First University, especially external wizards. .

The recent riots are precisely related to this.

Although Linzhong Lake is large, it will not be a problem to accommodate thousands of murlocs, but it will be a little cramped to accommodate an entire civilization. On weekdays, most of the resources needed by the fishman tribe can be self-sufficient through rivers and lakes. For some resources that cannot be satisfied by themselves, they can also make a report and apply to First University.

Most of the time, as long as these wet creatures apply, the school will do everything possible to satisfy them. But for many young murlocs, this 'application-approval' model is more like charity or even 'feeding'.

So some dissatisfied young fishmen began to secretly do business with the "grey wizards" on the shore. The fishmen provide special products from Linzhong Lake and Silent River, while the "grey wizard" on the shore sells magic materials to them.

In this way, this small-scale smuggling operation began to develop slowly.

Last Saturday, the night patrol team of the school working committee investigated such a smuggling case in the woods not far from the lake, and seized a large amount of magic materials and 'fish skin law books' used for trading.

Magic materials are provided by fish people, and most of them are collected from the bottom of Linzhong Lake and Silent River.

The fish skin books were wholesaled from the Xiayuan Book Store by the wizards who traded with the fishmen. The problem lies precisely with these Dharma books.

Because according to the regulations promulgated by the Wizards' Union, no wizard is allowed to sell magic books to murlocs, centaurs and other magical creatures, or teach how to make magic books, without the permission of the Danhag High Wizards Court. Violators will be punished with a three-year fine. A ban on magic for more than one year and a fine of more than one hundred jade coins.

Originally, such smuggling behavior was not reported by the people or investigated by the officials. When the patrol team saw it, they would usually let it go after issuing a fine and a warning. But that night, after the wizard on the patrol took off the black mask on the face of the smuggled wizard, he discovered that he was actually a student of the Alpha Academy, and he naturally refused to let him go easily.

So after a brief discussion with several senior wizards on the patrol team, they locked up both parties to the transaction in accordance with the rules of the Wizards Alliance, and then directly sent a message to the wizards in Danhag. By the time the old wizard in charge of the school working committee arrived, the matter had already become serious and there was no way to get over it.

It stands to reason that if someone gets both the stolen goods and the law clearly stipulates, it will naturally be dealt with in a fair way.

But before Danhag's circuit court could make a ruling, the students of Alpha Academy and the fishman tribe started making a fuss.

Because the wizards of that patrol were all students of Jiuyou Academy, and several of the leaders were members of the Divine Will Society; and the arrested smugglers were students of Alpha Academy - Seprano's to be precise. subordinates. As a result, the patrol team's arrest of the smugglers was naturally labeled as "will's attack on the blood club", "fishing law enforcement", "Jiuyou Academy's violation of the rights of Alpha students" and so on.

In addition, the murlocs are making a fuss because the captured murlocs are all younger generations of the tribe. Their relationship goes back several generations and involves almost half of the murlocs in the tribe. And they also have a very formal reason for making noise, that is, fishmen have independent judicial power and should not be tried by wizard courts.

This is also the most discussed topic among the students of Jiuyou College in recent days.

After Friday's practical class, when Zheng Qing and his companions were applying medicine and taking a break in the school hospital, they heard this topic being discussed in the ward next door and couldn't help but discuss it.

"The murlocs have independent judicial power, yes, but this does not mean that they can trample on the wizards' laws wantonly." Zhang Jixin is a tough wizard on this issue: "I have always felt that the wizards alliance gives the murloc tribe Such a large reservation is really a waste, as the author of the "Wizard Code" once said, 'The fishmen have no ownership of the waters where they live, the ownership belongs to the Wizards Alliance.'"

Elder Zhang, who had always been full of muscles, could actually quote the words of the author of the "Wizard's Code", which made Zheng Qing look at him. What made him even more surprised was that Fatty Xin did not refute Zhang Jixin's words, but instead provided additional explanations.

Fatty Xin added at the side: "What's more, when those fishmen were captured, they were in the small woods by the lake. They were still several hundred meters away from the fishman tribe in Linzhong Lake. Logically speaking, they did not belong to the fishmen. within tribal jurisdiction.”

"That's the truth!" Upon hearing this, Zhang Jixin patted the bed hard and gave Fatty Xin a thumbs up.

The fat man frowned and thought for a few seconds, and finally reluctantly took out a piece of soy beef from the food box in front of him and handed it to Zhang Jixin as a gift for the united front.

"The murlocs and other barbaric magical civilizations require a large area to be maintained, which is beyond the limit allowed by the progress and legitimate requirements of civilized life, so they must be subject to civilized life." Xiao Xiao spoke slowly and said again. Extremely difficult to pronounce.

Zhang Jixin scratched his head: "What you said sounds very beautiful."

Dr. Xiao Da glanced at him sideways: "These are not what I said, but what James Monroe said... This sentence very clearly pointed out the backwardness of the fishman tribe and the advancement of wizard civilization, and that we should use advanced civilization The necessity of guiding backward civilization.”

Zheng Qing didn't know which great wizard James Monroe was, and he didn't plan to memorize the entire "Wizard Encyclopedia" like Xiao Xiao.

But this did not affect his understanding of Xiao Xiao's position on this matter.

"It's really strange." The young public-funded student glanced at the many faces in the ward and exclaimed: "Except for the last time when I was put on the fire to roast, I feel like this is the first time that you all have such a unified opinion. "

"No, this is the third time." The fat man stretched out his greasy index finger and waved it in front of Zheng Qing's eyes: "The other thing we agree on is that you are a scumbag."

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