Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 119 Oil the soles of your feet


A crisp sound came from the confrontation, as if someone had thrown a loud whip. The witches outside the mud pond all made soft "ouch" noises in unison.

Zheng Qing, who had just bent down, straightened up hard and turned his head to look over. Because the speed was too fast, a few clusters of mud flew away and splashed on Li Meng, causing the little witch to grumble and complain in a low voice.

Zheng Qing didn't pay attention to her complaints.

When he looked towards the confrontation, he happened to see an orange light spot slowly dissipating. The light spot was located between the patrol members and the fish-men, and it was suspected to be some kind of warning magic.

Zheng Qing breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"It's the 'Gonghuang Curse' in the 'Five Tones and Five Colors Curse', which is a preliminary warning spell." Xiao Xiao, who was also paying attention to the confrontation, promptly explained to his companions: "...on the whole, the situation is still at a dangerous level. control status.”

"Work first, work first." Zheng Qing repeated his words twice emphatically, as if he wanted everyone to remember the purpose of coming to this muddy pond today.

More importantly, he didn't want his hunting team and friends to have anything to do with the confrontation at the lakeside in the distance. That's a big trouble.

However, this time, neither the hunters of the Exoneration Hunting Team, nor Nicholas, who temporarily joined the team, or the several witches standing outside the mud pond, listened to Zheng Qing's chatter and stopped what they were doing.

The orange light had just extinguished, and then there was another crisp 'bang' sound exploding on the shore of the lake. This time, the color of the warning magic has changed to red, and the voice has become a little higher.

But the fishmen who surfaced not only did not retreat, but instead took a few steps closer to the patrol members. Even from a long distance away, Zheng Qing seemed to be able to feel that the patrolmen standing in the front row were about to vomit - the fishy smell emitted by most of the fishmen was very strong, and he was not prepared for it. , very few wizards can face it without changing color.

"...Everyone...calm down..." a wizard shouted loudly.

"Hiss... black... wizard...!" The fishman's roar echoed across most of the lake, not to be outdone.

Then the scene descended into chaos.

By the moonlight, Zheng Qing could see that a short wizard standing in the front row was pushed away by a fishman and hung on a tree branch not far away; there was also a fishman who was hit hard by the patrol member's staff. He sank to the bottom of the water without saying a word. Of course, more of it was a fight between you and me with a stick - in a sense, although the two sides clashed, their overall performance was relatively restrained and no destructive or lethal magic was used.

Until a barking thin dog was smashed in the neck by a furious fishman.

"No!!!" the owner of the thin dog screamed, grabbed a handful of talismans from his arms, and threw it hard at the fish-man. Colorful light blades shot out from between the talismans, and were about to hit the fish-man. Although Zheng Qing did not know the specific names of the talismans, this did not affect his ability to identify the fish-man. The consequences of being torn apart by five horses.


Several thick water jets erupted from Linzhong Lake almost at the same time, surging up and turning into raging water dragons, shattering the light blade and hitting the patrol. The patrol members who were entangled with the murlocs had no time to retreat and faced the murlocs' innate magic. More than a dozen figures were knocked into the air and then slammed back onto the bluestone floor.

The fish people turned a deaf ear to the water dragon. The water dragon hit them as if it had hit a shadow, without any destructive power.

"Hiss!" Zheng Qing gasped. Looking at the figures that were knocked away, he seemed to hear the sound of bones breaking and the screams of the patrol members.

"How dare they... Ugh!" Li Meng waved his arms and just screamed half a sentence when Jiang Yu hugged him and blocked his mouth.

"Should we retreat first?" Jiang Yu asked in a anxious voice.

Zheng Qing was stunned for only a moment, then he ran out of the mud pond: "Quick, let's go! Don't stay here... Let's talk when we go back!"

There was no doubt that they had witnessed something truly disturbing.

Whether it was the patrol team of Jiuyou Academy whose bones were smashed by the fishmen, or whether the fishman's head was knocked out by the patrol team, it was not a small matter, not to mention the current turmoil in the school. The fishmen and the patrol team, Blood Friendship Society and Divine Will, Lei Zhe and Augustus, Jiuyou Academy and Alpha Academy, etc., all kinds of contradictions are intertwined, and only one spark can ignite a lot of bombs.

The scene in front of me has a vague meaning of Mars.

In addition, at a small scale, this scene is just a small conflict between some young wizards and murlocs; at a larger scale, it is an attack on the Wizards Alliance by the murloc tribe in the Linzhong Lake Reservation - but no matter how big or small, it is It's not something that these first-year wizards on the sidelines can get involved in.

It’s not that the fish-man was so powerful that he scared Zheng Qing away. But because this matter, no matter how it is handled, will cause turmoil. Turmoil is the last thing First University needs right now.

This also means that the school is very likely to turn this matter into a trivial matter, and each will be slapped with a five-hundred-dollar deal. The only thing that will never fade away is the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For example, the Forgiveness Hunting Team, Jiang Yu, Liu Feifei and others.

Maybe, if things go wrong, these third parties who appear inexplicably will be dragged out by the authorities to parade in public, diverting attention from the excitement of the crowd - especially Zheng Qing, who has many titles, can stir up a topic.

Upon hearing Zheng Qing's greeting, everyone inside and outside the mud pond ran away like him without saying a word. While running, Zheng Qing took out a bunch of escape talismans from a gray cloth bag and threw them on everyone. Normal escape talismans can only be used in specific areas of the school. These talismans were the escape talismans drawn by Zheng Qing using his blood after he discovered that his blood had abnormal effects. The effect was outstanding.

In just an instant, the halo of the escape talisman enveloped the young wizards, and then with a whoosh, their figures disappeared from the lakeside without a trace.

Before leaving, Zheng Qing turned back one last time and took a look at the accident scene.

The last image reflected in his sight was a spark rising into the sky, and a wave that spread out from the center of the incident and was visible to the naked eye.

Zheng Qing twitched his lips and praised his decisiveness.

With the experience of working in the patrol team for half a year, he could easily distinguish the 'comprehensive warning' and the accompanying magic monitoring fluctuations of the guarding circle. There is no doubt that half of the school will be shocked by what happens here.

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