Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 124 This is a dangerous season

After being stepped on a few times, Zheng Qing suddenly felt an urge to turn into a cat and walk around the campus.

This feeling was so intense that he didn't wait for the fat cat to step on it for an hour before he raised the chicken leg and drove it off his bed.

Tuantuan was very happy about this and ran away without any hesitation, biting the chicken leg.

Although the season has moved away from winter, it still gets dark relatively early. Around six o'clock in the evening, the campus is shrouded in haze, and no one can be seen clearly from dozens of meters away - this is for humans.

For Zheng Qing, who had turned into a black cat, the newly darkened sky was just the right color. Its eyes will not turn into yellow lanterns under the reflection of street lamps, and its figure can be perfectly hidden in the gauze-like night, without attracting the mumbles of people on the roadside.

Jumping out of the dormitory along the balcony, passing through several forest paths, the black cat went around in circles, strolling around Linzhong Lake, and finally headed to the cat fruit tree in the grove.

There is always a feeling of discomfort when a cat takes a stroll.

Unlike in the past, the Cat Fruit Tree seemed a bit lively today.

Several tabby cats with colorful fur were hunched over and purring threateningly from their throats as they faced off against each other. Among them, a little frog whose head had been chewed off was twitching intermittently. For the cats and dogs in the school, there is not much food that can be hunted freely. The frogs in Linzhong Lake and the red chain snakes that occasionally slide through the grass are the most beautiful game.

No, the frog is not the point.

The point is, as the leader of the cat group, Zheng Qing once strictly required the discipline of the cat group. Various behaviors including food grabbing and bullying are strictly prohibited. So, today, when he saw several tabby cats fighting for the little frog that had lost its head, he became extremely angry.

Is there any royal method? Is there any law anymore? !

Can labor and management still be the handlers of this tree? !

The black cat had a dark face and without saying a word, it swooped over and slapped the other cat, which drove them away from where they were.

After several tabby cats were whipped away, they came back to their senses and found that it was their eldest. They lowered their ears, tightened their tails, meowed a few times with sullen eyebrows, and rolled back to the cat fruit tree.

Zheng Qing propped up his front legs and squatted down, looking calm and calm. He looked at the cats on the cat fruit tree with a critical eye and told them to pay attention.

However, what made him unhappy was that the cats on the tree, big and small, had taken some kind of medicine today. They were not as respectful as before. Instead, they gathered in small groups to lick each other's fur and meow together.

After holding on for a while, Zheng Qing was a little discouraged.

Why bother with a bunch of stupid cats? He comforted himself in his heart, flicked his tail, stood up, then took a few steps and jumped up to the cat fruit tree. As usual, there was a lazy white cat lying on its 'throne'.

But it was different from the past. Zheng Qing felt that the smell of the little white cat was particularly good today. He couldn't help but come forward and sniff it several times.

"Pah!" Unsurprisingly, the little white cat slapped him.

But for the black cat, the little white cat's claws seemed to be tickling it, without any power at all. Perhaps the only effect is to tell the black cat that its behavior just now is not welcome.

Zheng Qing is a dignified cat, so naturally he won't do any licking behavior.

So it raised its chin, landed on the remaining half of the throne with great air, looked around, looked at its subordinates, and started a new round of inspection.

Looking, looking, looking at the big and small kittens that were crooked together, and the inexplicable alluring aura emanating from all around, and listening to the sound of a group of children crying in his ears, Zheng Qing suddenly realized something, his pupils Gradually open up.


The black cat stood up in panic, turned around and glanced - just now, the ragdoll cat meowed, came up behind it, licked the tip of its tail, and tried to go further. It was just that Zheng Qing, who had regained his composure, avoided it.


The black cat clamped its tail and howled angrily at the ragdoll cat. The ragdoll cat stared at him eagerly for a moment, and found that the black cat's clamped tail did not relax at all. In the end, she could only flick her tail, turned around and walked away in disappointment. Then, a Persian cat with beautiful blue-green eyes followed the Ragdoll cat's leaving figure and approached him, trying to get under Zheng Qing's tail.

Zheng Qing raised his paw, pressed it on the Persian cat's face, and pushed it away without hesitation. Just like that, the Persian cat also left disappointed.

Ragdoll cats and Persian cats are not alone. Behind them, there is a long queue. It seems that all the female cats on the whole tree are queuing up, with pairs of yellow and green eyes staring at the black cat. A pitiful cry came out of his mouth, which was horrifying.

Zheng Qing's four legs went weak, he screamed, and fell down from the cat fruit tree. After landing, the black cat turned over and ran away without even bothering to shake off the dust on his body.

Behind him, the little white cat's breathless laughter came.

Like Zheng Qing, Jiang Yu also has a day off today and does not need to attend the work of the search team. But unlike Zheng Qing, she did not plan to give herself a holiday, but decided to change her identity and continue the search.

So after dinner, she drank the transformation potion and used the transformation spell to turn into a little white cat and start working. Before she transformed, she made an agreement with Li Meng that a little later, Li Meng would lead the hunting team to pretend to pass by the cat fruit tree, and then pretend to foresee her 'little white cat', and then use this little white cat to interact with the people on campus. The little white cat that had been murdered was 'similar' and could be used as a bait to allow her to join the subsequent search.

Yes, Jiang Yu planned to change his investigation method today, using himself as bait to see if he could catch the faceless monster.

There is no better opportunity than today - according to this plan, the little white cat she turned into will be followed by an entire well-trained hunting team, as well as the school's government-funded students, and seniors who have transferred to three colleges. Laosheng. It can be said that the backup force is a hundred times stronger than when she turned into a little white cat before.

You know, on weekdays, her only backup force is an unreliable twelve-year-old witch and a stuffed bear that has no claws and can only talk.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. During the implementation of her plan, she encountered an irresistible variable.

The cats are in heat.

Seeing Zheng Qing being frightened by the female cats and running away, Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing. She felt that this matter could provide her with a whole year of jokes. The only thing she regretted was that she couldn't admit that she knew about it, so she couldn't tease Zheng Qing about it.

This is really a pity.

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