Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 139 Agent’s War

A Brazilian rainforest black-tailed scorpion cautiously crouched among the dead leaves, motionless. The thick scorpion tail was raised high, and the sharp tail spines shone with a dazzling cold light in the sun.

Three rats wearing green vests held wooden forks in their paws, forming a triangular formation with their slender tails wrapped around their waists. They stared at the prey in front of them with burning eyes, ready for the attack.

The confrontation lasted several seconds.

The tail of the black-tailed scorpion swayed slightly, and the mouse standing due north squeaked, then raised its wooden fork and stabbed the black-tailed scorpion. The scorpion tail stabbed the northern mouse like lightning, but unexpectedly, the mouse just made a false shot, rolled on the spot and dodged away.

At the same time, two rats standing in the southeast and southwest corners seized the opportunity and swarmed up. One grabbed the black-tailed scorpion's tail in the middle, and the other grabbed the black-tailed scorpion's head, and held it firmly in place. land.

After the black-tailed scorpion struggled wildly for a few seconds, the first rat that came over stabbed it hard in the head with a fork, and finally died. The whole process lasted less than half a minute.

Cut off the tail of the black-tailed scorpion, collect its large claws, and put the trophies into the small bag carried on the back. The three mice raised their forks and rushed towards the next opponent. One was a foot-long black scorpion. centipede.

The black cat squatted on the tree, staring intently at the chaotic battlefield below, sighing inwardly.

Yes, the battlefield.

The battle between rats and scorpions that he just saw was not a special case. In the open space not far from the black cat, there is a battlefield where fierce fighting is taking place. Battles similar to those between the three rats and the black-tailed scorpion can be seen everywhere on this battlefield.

It's just that unlike the well-trained green-clothed rats, who fight more and less, their opponents are a group of black bugs that behave chaotically and fight without any rules, including centipedes, scorpions, toads, and so on. Therefore, although the number of bugs is large and seems to be endless, they are always suppressed by the small number of rats, and they are beaten dizzy.

After just a few minutes of observation, Black Cat came to his senses. The scene below should be related to the 'Five Poisons Breed After the Black Tide' that Professor Li mentioned in the Potions class some time ago. The bugs that rats kill are the five poisons in the common sense concept of wizards.

As for why these rats are having trouble getting along with the five poisonous insects, Zheng Qing actually knows a little bit about the inside story.

The last time Ding Dong Er reported to Zheng Qing through Fox Five that it saw a faceless monster, Zheng Qing took Jiang Yu to find it to learn about the situation. At that time, Ding Dong Er was catching these poisonous insects. But compared to the bugs he saw in the Silent Forest today, the poisonous bugs Ding Dong Er caught on campus that night were much smaller in size and quantity.

Perhaps it was because the bugs had just crawled out of the burrow and had not yet had time to replenish their nutrients; of course, it was also possible that the school's protective formation had a suppressive effect on these poisonous bugs, so they did not grow big.

In short, what Ding Dong Er said to Zheng Qing at that time was that 'their ancestors issued an order for them to clean up the poisonous insects breeding on the island until after the Dragon Boat Festival'.

Today is the Forbidden Demon Day, the calendar has just turned to the end of March, and there are still almost two months until the Dragon Boat Festival at the end of May. If calculated based on the special circumstances of May this year, there are still almost three months until the Dragon Boat Festival.

Enough to keep these clothed mice busy for a while.

Afterwards, Zheng Qing discussed this issue with Xiao Xiao and had several guesses as to why the Rat Immortal ordered its descendants to capture poisonous insects. Among them, the guess given by Xiao Xiao is the most reliable.

According to Xiao Xiao's theory, the fight between these rats and the poisonous insects was actually a 'proxy war'.

Standing behind the clothes-wearing rats was undoubtedly the First University. As the Clothes Rat clan whose home is within the control of the school and whose entire clan lives under the surveillance of the school, they need to show their position and role to the school from time to time.

Behind the poisonous insects are other forces that the school cannot deal with - including but not limited to the Dark Parliament, the resistance forces of the New World, some unfriendly forces of the Moon Parliament, and the resistance of the world consciousness suppressed by the wizards. .

According to many information that Xiao Xiao consulted, including the annual flooding of the Kuroshio and the breeding of poisonous insects after the Kuroshio, although they are mainly caused by natural factors, there are several invisible hands behind these natural factors every year.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, if the internal conflicts in Syria evolve normally, there may be a less intense civil war. However, due to the interference of some external forces, it expanded abruptly and turned into a meat grinder that destroyed the country and the city.

As for the reason for the rivalry between the two sides, it is nothing more than the "trend of the general trend" and "the destiny of the people".

In addition, Xiao Xiao also had a rather dark speculation.

The school requires the rat clan to clean up the poisonous insects. On the one hand, it is cleaning up the five poisonous insects that breed. On the other hand, it is also controlling the number of rat clan. As we all know, mice are not weak at reproducing. If these creatures with certain intelligence, organization, and magical power are allowed to proliferate unchecked, I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire world will be occupied by rats.

A similar case is the method used by vampires to pollute blood servants.

The Wizards Alliance has strictly limited the number, method, time and other contents of the blood servants that the vampires can pollute through the code. At the same time, the Parliament under the Moon also made relevant restrictions. Under the control of double valves, the pollution of the vampire family was limited to a very small circle, ensuring the safety of Baiding's world.

at the moment.

Looking at these green-clothed mice charging bravely, the black cat couldn't help but think of Ding Dong Ear and Ding Dong Ear, the two people he interacted with the most. He remembered the way they were asking for debt the last time they met, and couldn't help but twitch his beard.

When it comes to asking for an account, it is also a confusing matter.

A few weeks ago, when Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu were discussing issues on campus, Dingdong Er had provided him with a piece of paid information, saying that there was a faceless monster in the school. At that time, Zheng Qing asked to find the monster and confirm that the information was true before paying. Dingdong Er had no objection. As a result, I searched for many days and found nothing.

Logically speaking, Zheng Qing does not have to pay. But Ding Dong Er claimed in recent days that the pet snake that had lost its painting was the faceless monster it had mentioned. The school had confirmed the existence of the monster, and Zheng Qing should pay.

Zheng Qing didn't have much objection to this, but Hu Wuhanke, who was in charge of the D\u0026K store's accounting, refused to pay because Dingdong Er had fully fulfilled the contract. As a store owner, Zheng Qing still supported the professional opinions of professionals.

In this way, the two sides began a long dispute.

After Brother Erdu finished working in the shop every day, he would sit at the door of the shop holding a small piece of paper and ask for bonuses. Fox Five often turns a blind eye to this. Every time Zheng Qing tried to settle the matter and pay, he was sternly rejected by the fox in charge of the accounts. So he simply stopped going to the store these days, out of sight and out of mind.

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