Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 141 The Mouse and the Little Girl

"Tell me, what's the matter with you today? You're not the kind of kid who wastes time."

The Rat Immortal did not continue to reminisce about the past. His slender fingers tapped the hardwood armrests of the black Taishi chair. His rhythm was neither urgent nor slow, and his tone of voice was as calm as before.

Kolma only hesitated for a few seconds, then took out the note and asked, "Is this what you meant?"

The Rat Immortal raised his eyebrows slightly, but without any movement, he saw the note flying from the witch's hand, landing lightly in front of it, and unfolding in the air.

It read the message above carefully.

After a while.

"Child, you know me." The Rat Immortal returned the note to the witch, and the beard at the corner of his mouth twitched: "If I have this intention, I will ask the child in the red vest to explain this to you face to face. "

Korma was relieved and let out a long breath.

"I'm very sad." Mouse Immortal immediately added: "Because of your doubts."

A sweet smile immediately appeared on the witch's face: "Actually, this note is just an excuse to give me a reason to visit you."

"Huh huh?!" The Rat Immortal tilted his head and looked sideways at Kolma, making a thin and suspicious sound from his nose.

"I also brought you a gift." The witch quickly took out a bunch of thin silk scarves from her pocket, took them out one by one, and muttered: "This red one is a gift for this year's New Year, and this blue one is The one from last Christmas, and this yellow one from last year’s Mid-Autumn Festival..."

The witch counted them one by one, and there were thirty or forty of them, bundled together, colorful and really beautiful.

Of course, being beautiful alone won't impress an old mouse - it's hard to tell whether it still likes such flashy things at its age.

In comparison, the Rat Immortal cares more about the thoughts contained in these thin silk scarves.

With his advanced magical ability, he could easily identify that the scarves the witch took out were not bargains bought on a whim at Green's Grocery Store on the pedestrian street, but made by himself stitch by stitch. What moved her even more was that these scarves were embroidered with time, reason, blessings, etc., so that people could tell at a glance which scarf was the gift at which time.

"I always give you these fancy things, but they are of no use at all." The Mouse Immortal complained in a somewhat insincere tone.

"No?" Korma's expression changed: "Rat, you have changed. You were not like this before."

This name seems a bit trivial. It was the name Kolma used to call her after she befriended a mouse in the forest a long time ago when she was a little girl. Ever since the witch grew up, the Rat Fairy hadn't heard such a name for a long time.

He looked down and around uneasily.

Fortunately, fortunately, the mice wearing red vests around him were all very well-behaved. They looked at their noses with their eyes, their beards with their noses, and their beards twitched, but none of them laughed.

"Ahem!" The Mouse Fairy coughed dryly, and with a slight flick of his toes, the bunch of colorful scarves in the witch's hand flew out with a whoosh, fell into the pocket of the Mouse Fairy's robe, and disappeared without a trace.

The corners of the witch's mouth curled up in satisfaction.

The beard at the corner of the Mouse Immortal's mouth trembled, and he abruptly changed the topic: "I just read the note... Do you plan to complete that idea this year? This is not an easy task... nor is it a smart choice. "

Mentioning this matter, the tenderness on Kolma's face disappeared, and her expression became a bit colder:

"If this is really an easy thing, the Wizards' Union will not allow the northern area of ​​Beta Town to become the territory of the magicians. If everyone learns from the smart people, then the 'dented area' of Beta Town will never be sunk down."

As if aware of the girl's dissatisfaction, the Rat Immortal quickly denied: "No, no, no, I'm not stopping you from doing this... I just think you can arrange your time more reasonably."

At this point, it hesitated for a few seconds and added vaguely: "The school will not be peaceful this year... there will be a lot of trouble. Maybe this is not a good opportunity to initiate changes."

"There is never any suitable opportunity. There is only the difference between doing it and not doing it." The witch said seriously.

The Rat Immortal finally stopped trying to dissuade him and tapped his toes lightly on the hardwood handrail.

"It's okay, it's okay." It nodded slightly: "Blessings are where misfortunes lie, and misfortunes are where blessings lie. Under the rolling waves, it may be able to help cover up the small ripples you stirred up."

"Where do you plan to set up the magic circle? Are all the materials ready? Where are the personnel arrangements?" The Rat Immortal asked several questions in succession.

The confidence in Kolma's eyes finally retreated a little.

She recalled her recent conversation with the gypsy witch.

"The materials and personnel are all ready." Korma paused and then answered honestly: "That's where the formation will be set up. Originally we planned to be in the school and chose a very secret place... But Because after receiving this note, I felt that something had been exposed, so everyone was wondering whether to do this in a secret realm or a small world."

"Oh?" The Rat Immortal raised his arm, pinched his beard, and narrowed his eyes: "It is not easy to find a secret place on Phuket Island that has not been marked by the school... Or, almost. It's an impossible thing. As far as I know, the small world around this island has been searched hundreds of times, and it's been swept away with surveillance magic."

"It's... difficult to get something under their noses. Not to mention it's such a sensitive time now."

Hearing the answer from the Rat Fairy, the witch was rarely depressed for a moment.

Admittedly, she did have concerns about this when she mentioned her plans to the gypsy witch. But because of her lack of experience, she still naively believed that as long as she searched carefully, she could always find some places that met her requirements.

Since the Rat Immortal thought the possibility was very low, then for her, the possibility of achieving this was almost zero.

But the Mouse Immortal's next words made her overjoyed, and she felt like there was a bright future in a new village.

"Almost impossible does not mean there is no hope at all." The Mouse Immortal twirled his beard, squinted his eyes, and fell into the depths of the dark and silent forest. His voice became more distant: "I have always thought that you are very lucky... Whether you met me when you were lost in the woods as a child, or you were born in the North District and became the vice president of the student union of First University. "

Korma resisted the urge to argue - she felt that the 'luck' mentioned by the Rat Immortal was more the result of her hard work. For example, when she was lost as a child, she walked in the woods crying for almost a whole day! You know, she was still a little girl less than six years old at that time! As for the vice president of the student union, it is the result of her hard work, hard work, and other hard work.

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