Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 144 Flashback

Before Zheng Qing fell from the soul-returning poplar tree, he always felt that today's Forbidden Demon Festival was not wasted.

Not only did she participate in the youth outing required by the school, but she also listened to the whispers between the two witches, and witnessed the battle between rats and five poisonous insects.

As for why he appeared above the heads of Korma and the Rat Immortal, it starts with the quiet but fierce battle between rats and insects.

At that time, as a third party on the battlefield, Black Cat squatted on a branch and watched the entire battle - he saw three mice holding down a toad and beating it so hard that the toad's eyeballs popped out; he also saw a A golden scorpion pinched off a mouse's claw with its large claws, causing the mouse to scream in pain. We also saw the red-eyed mice giving up using tools and tearing apart the insects with their fangs and claws. Juice flies everywhere.

In short, after a arduous struggle, the rat army won a complete victory. The dead bugs are removed from their shells and their poisons are removed and buried directly on the spot. The living captive bugs were sorted and taken into custody by the rats, and escorted deep into the Silent Forest.

As a cat, especially a very curious cat, Zheng Qing naturally would not just watch the mice and the insects leave in a hurry. So he quietly joined the team.

As the saying goes, rats have their own paths, and worms have their own paths. When rats and insects are mixed together, their paths are different and they can only compromise with each other. Therefore, the mice did not directly draw a black hole on the ground and take the bug away, which also gave the black cat a chance to track it.

The team walked around in the forest for a long time. When Black Cat became a little impatient, he suddenly discovered that the large group of rat soldiers who were walking in front of him suddenly disappeared!

Even the escorted insect prisoners disappeared without a trace!

Because of tracking, the black cat was about two to three hundred meters away from the rat army at a safe distance. This distance is almost nothing under the black cat's keen sense of smell and hearing, and can be completely ignored. But it was precisely the blind spot created by the distance of two to three hundred meters that caused the mice leading the way to disappear for a long time before they were noticed by the black cat.

The first to disappear was the rustling movement of the rat army as they marched. The black cat had not yet reacted; then the scent of the rat army also disappeared in a lush bush.

The black cat's footsteps stopped in front of a piece of golden leaf privet.

There are unfamiliar bushes and trees all around, and there are no caves, caves, or any other place to hide.

The black cat looked around, shook his beard, trotted a few steps, jumped out of the bush, and climbed up the thick trunk of the Huihun Yang tree to the top of the tree.

In contrast to the sombre and dark scenery among the woodlands, the scenery above the canopy is surprisingly refreshing and pleasant. Although it is only March, the woods are already full of vitality. Dark green, emerald green, and light green are stacked together in different shades, shimmering in the breeze, and golden sunlight evenly smearing on them, making the entire forest lively.

The black cat twitched its ears and looked around with squinted eyes.

At the foot of the distant mountain, the tall and heavy walls of Jiuyou Academy sit there peacefully, with the silent river half-circling it and disappearing into the lush trees. On the left side of the school, there are several rolling hills. There is a light green open space next to the hills. Through the gaps between the hills, you can see the blue-black sea. The building closest to the black cat is an unfamiliar ruin.

That's it.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. It is abnormal for the rat army to disappear, and it is also abnormal for a ruined building to appear in the forest.

Zheng Qing raised his paw and gestured at the distance between himself and the ruins - well, about four to five hundred meters? The black cat flicked its tail uncertainly, no longer hesitated, jumped off the tree crown, and ran away in the direction in its memory.

I have been in school for so long, and I still don’t know that there is such a ruin in the forest. Of course, for Zheng Qing, it shouldn’t be surprising that there is anything in the Silent Forest. He is a man who has seen time go back. Moreover, the ruins look like It doesn't look like there is any danger. Maybe this is a trace left by the school's history?

I just took a look, but I was running very fast anyway.

Zheng Qing convinced himself in his heart.

Of course, for safety reasons, the black cat climbed into the canopy again when it was still some distance away from the ruins, and used the intertwined branches between trees and the cover of leaves to sneak up high.

Footsteps start and fall, running and walking silently. As a walker in the shadows, the cat is a qualified passerby.

Soon, he arrived near the ruins.

Then he glanced over the ruins and sighed.

The outermost part of the ruins is an archway-like building, made entirely of rough rocks, with some traces of wooden structures around it, but it has also decayed and broken under the ravages of time. In the middle of the archway, there is the word "Lingxingmen" written in Yangzhuan. Around the big characters, you can still vaguely see some traces of inscribed talismans.

Passing through the stone gate is a dry pool. Strange rockery stones are scattered at the bottom of the pool, and messy weeds grow lushly, guarding these desolate stones. There is a broken stone tablet beside the pool, with only the word "pan" left on it. Not far from the stone monument, a simple arch bridge stands across the pond, leading to the depths of this building.

Before he could finish admiring the scenery, he noticed the arrival of the Rat Fairy's car, saw the hateful hamster he once named 'Fei Rui', and also saw Kolma, who looked like a sculpture under the shadow of the tree. Witch.

Then he unknowingly eavesdropped on a lot of conversations again.

Zheng Qing didn't know whether the Mouse Immortal knew about his existence from the beginning, or whether he heard the Mouse Immortal mention "violent fluctuations in time and space during winter hunting" or "Satogua's eyeballs were blown out", which were related to him. The drastic changes in his mood while hiding were caught by the Rat Immortal.

Anyway, as a black cat, he was honorably arrested.

It's just embarrassing to Sheriff Black Cat.

As for taking on the role of Kolma’s ‘guide’, it wasn’t just a sudden inspiration, there was a deeper reason.

Because according to the Rat Immortal, the newly born secret realm was created by a brief but violent fluctuation in time and space. Then there is no doubt that Zheng Qing can conclude that the so-called 'short and violent fluctuations in time and space' were caused by Mr. Wu turning his pocket watch and turning back time.

Therefore, Zheng Qing judged that he could have enough clues to find the secret realm.

On the other hand, he was very curious about what Kolma and Elena wanted to do, and had been worrying about how to get into their interior to find out. Before being forced to serve as a 'guide', Zheng Qing was still thinking about using ' Irina's boyfriend's identity is more suitable as a consultant who has done odd jobs for Kolma's magic circle business.

Well now, the Rat Fairy has provided him with a better identity.

A collaborator.

And he is a collaborator who will not reveal his identity in front of the two witches.

I was just dozing off so I brought a pillow.

Initially there was a bit of reluctance, but after coming back to his senses, Zheng Qing felt happy in his heart.

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