Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 146 Things that are ignored

When discussing the terms of the contract with Korma, Zheng Qing always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something and was a little absent-minded. So much so that he almost forgot to add a "two-way confidentiality clause" to the terms, which means that the black cat needs to keep Korma and her mysterious career secret, and Korma also needs to keep the existence of a talking black cat secret.

Of course, this point was finally supplemented by the reminder of the Rat Immortal - this also made Zheng Qing more vigilant about the purpose of the fat mouse. As the saying goes, "If you want to take it, you must give it first." It helped to keep its black cat secret and tied itself to Korma's chariot. What is the real purpose is worth discussing.

When signing the contract, there is another small detail.

That is the problem of real name.

Because Zheng Qing appeared as a black cat, he did not want the wizard identity under the cat's skin to be known by the man and the mouse in front of him - although Zheng Qing suspected that the Rat Immortal might know his identity - so when signing the contract, he insisted on using cat paw prints instead of real names to be branded on the parchment contract.

For this, Korma firmly disagreed.

"You must be joking!" The witch grabbed the contract, raised her arms high to prevent the black cat from taking it away, and asked angrily: "If you leave a cat's paw print on it, is there any point in signing this contract? Who knows which cat's urine is stuck on your paw now!"

If the paw is stained with the breath of other cats, then the degree of restraint of the contract on the black cat will naturally decrease a lot. From this perspective, Korma's suspicion is still reasonable.

The black cat's face turned red with anger - although others can't tell whether it is red or not.

"I will never step on the place where others have urinated! This is a principle!" The black cat also grinned, his eyes were as big as copper bells: "Do you choose to walk on the place where others have pooped when you walk?!"

The witch's face immediately showed a trace of disgust.

Seeing that the conversation was about to develop in the direction of poop and urine, the mouse fairy finally couldn't hold back, and coughed twice, interrupting the dispute between the fields.

"Ahem," the rat fairy's cough was a little sharp, which served as a good interruption at this time: "We are all from the First University. What can't we sit down and talk about? We will work together in the future and strive for a common goal. There is no need to be so confrontational now." Korma hugged his arms, snorted lightly, and stopped talking. The black cat also squatted down, and did not continue to show its claws and fangs to the witch. After a pause, the rat fairy saw that the parties had no intention of continuing to discuss, and finally gave its suggestion: "If you think the real name imprint has flaws, you can sign a blood contract... Of course, compared with the real name imprint, the binding effect of the blood contract may be stronger, so you should be mentally prepared for this." The so-called blood contract is actually to drip a drop of blood on the place where the silent contract was originally signed. This ancient magic with a long inheritance has always been one of the ultimate means that wizards trust the most. The black cat and the witch looked at each other and nodded slowly. So, under the witness of the rat fairy, the black cat and Korma each cut their palms, squeezed out a drop of blood, and fell on the tail of the contract. After two drops of blood fell, the parchment contract suddenly emitted a puff of green smoke, and turned into ash in an instant.

After the contract was completed, after feeling the power of the oath in the dark, the black cat finally no longer worried about being skinned and pulled by the rat fairy or the witch, and his mood suddenly relaxed a lot - in fact, from the time he fell from the tree until now, his spirit has been very tense, and the intuition of cats and a wizard are frantically warning him, telling him how dangerous the rat is and that the witch has bad intentions.

And now, this worry disappeared with this contract.

The black cat finally had the mood to start thinking about what he couldn't remember before. But despite his hard thinking, he couldn't catch the glimmer of light in his mind.

Until the rat fairy said something.

"Well, now that the contract has been signed, it's settled." After the contract turned into ashes, the Rat Immortal shrank again, commanded the big rats in red vests to carry his light sedan, turned around and went back to the ruins of the building behind him, and waved to the witch and the black cat behind him, saying: "You should go back early... I think you all sneaked out during the Forbidden Magic Festival. This is already a moderately dangerous area in the Silent Forest, and it is still a bit dangerous for you." "Holy—shit!" Hearing this, the black cat opened his eyes wide, growled in a low voice, and slapped the tree trunk beside him with one claw, leaving several deep marks on the soul-returning poplar. He didn't curse the street because of the risks of the Silent Forest mentioned by the Rat Immortal. He had experienced more dangerous situations than now. He just remembered what he had been ignoring. That was the reason why he sneaked into the forest in the first place was to "collect firewood", and now, the black cat looked up at the sky, and a feeling of alpaca running wildly passed through his heart. Looking at the time, it was estimated that everyone had finished eating and playing games, and some people might have already started clamoring to go home.

Zheng Qing could completely imagine the horrifying expression of Donton, who was in charge of the spring outing, or his roar.

"Are you worried about being scolded by the professor?" came the slightly shrill voice of the Mouse Immortal from behind, which sounded a bit like he didn't deserve a beating: "Listen to the old man's advice, don't make excuses to avoid responsibilities - such as getting lost, helping you to bask in the sun The crocodile mother-in-law picked her teeth, helped the mermaid sister across the river - don't make these ridiculous excuses, and then mention that you can't use magic on the Forbidden Day, so you can't find your way home, etc."

"If you say so, you should take a trip to the Heart-Questioning Magic Circle."

"Just say that I was playful and went too far. Accept the punishment and admit it. It's safest."

"Believe me, these are the wise words of an old man."

The black cat stopped and turned around, looking at the figure of the Mouse Immortal fading away, as if he had seen a ghost. How does it know what it was thinking in its heart just now?

"Do you know who I am?" Seeing that the Mouse Immortal was about to disappear among the broken stone sculptures, the black cat finally couldn't help it, widened his amber eyes, and asked loudly.

With his excellent eyesight, he could clearly see that the corners of the Rat Immortal's mouth seemed to be curled up.

"The Master said, don't say it, don't say it..." The lingering voice lingered, and the fat mouse's Qingyu had disappeared into the depths of this seemingly abandoned Confucian temple. Only the sullen black cat and another thoughtful witch were left standing.

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