Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 163 The Symbol of Double Yin

When Zheng Qing gave Fei Rui this name, he was mainly taking care of his own emotions. At that time, he had just finished the college entrance examination, and he had free time and free mood. In order to realize this feeling of freedom, he named the hamster that had lived in his home for more than ten years 'Fei Rui'.

But he didn't know that when he gave the name of freedom to Fei Rui, Fei Rui was really free.

This is a profound magic and a heavy contract.

What would a free hamster do? A hundred hamsters may have a hundred different ideals. For Fei Rui, after breaking away from the long-term cage and rediscovering himself, what he wanted to do most was to return to an island hidden deep in the ocean, to return to the silent forest.

In your free time, you can have a few drinks with your old friends. When you are bored, you can also hide in the shadows and tease the silly young wizards in the school. Come on, be happy, there is still plenty of time anyway.

However, as it returns to its old life, the long and boring memories deep in its soul come flooding back. This is not the freedom it seeks. If it had only lived for these few sips of wine and this interest, it wouldn't have been captured and had to be a guard rat for more than ten years.

On the other hand, as the young wizard he had guarded for more than ten years set foot in this school, more and more debris settled at the bottom of the lake resurfaced in the turmoil. Like hyenas, they were wandering greedily and timidly outside the school gate, roaring lowly in their throats, and a dim red light flashed in their eyes.

"I can't be worse than a dog."

Fei Rui squatted on the ferret's head and said to himself. It feels that instead of sitting on the shore and watching the raging tide crashing on the embankment, it is better to ride the skateboard and fight on the waves.

In this way, less than a week after returning to the Silent Forest, Fei Rui reconnected with his old friends, hooked up with the powerful Dark Council in the wizarding world, and learned some things that made his eyes red. information.

"Xuanhuang fruit," the Rat Immortal once sighed to Fei Rui in private: "It is a great medicine for monsters, and how about it for wizards? If we had such a treasure when we first rushed to the realm, we would have It would not be like this... With a deer head and a rat brain, he is described as wretched. No matter how much he is commanded, he is still a rat."

"Is Xuanhuang Fruit effective on wizards?" Fei Rui was surprised by the Mouse Immortal's words: "Isn't that thing used by demons to advance? It's poison to wizards, right?"

The Mouse Immortal squinted his eyes and leaned lazily on the large chair. The beard on his nose trembled slightly, and his voice also trembled: "Hey, wizard? Can you, me, and such an existence be considered a real wizard? The demon is What? Others don’t know, and you don’t know about those things that purify blood by devouring wizards..."

"Shut up! You want to die, but I just came out and I still want to live for a few more days!" Although Fei Rui interrupted the Mouse Immortal's words angrily, he also secretly had Xiao Jiujiu.

Although the meaning behind the words of the Mouse Immortal is very dangerous, it also makes some sense. In this case, it makes sense for the school to attach so much importance to this year's batch of black and yellow fruits. As a hamster with ideals, ambitions, and a wizard's soul, it is reasonable to want such a fruit.

As long as you follow the process seriously and submit your Xuanhuangguo application to First University, there will definitely be no chance.

There are so many big shots in the school, and many guys in a similar situation to myself are probably pointing to this once-in-a-hundred-hundred-years opportunity; even those who don't have these troubles, there are still laboratories that are eyeing it.

It is impossible to follow the right path, not even in this life. Ever since he turned into a rat, he could only dig dark holes and go off the rat path like other rats, in order to barely get a few opportunities and go further on the path of a wizard.

After Fei Rui returned to the Silent Forest, the first hole he dug was to get in touch with the Dark Parliament.

The demon wouldn't dare to hook up with it directly, and the school wouldn't give it a chance. Only from the hands of an organization like the Dark Council, which has just emerged and needs records and combat power, can it be possible to obtain trophies that match its capabilities.

Of course, putting eggs in one basket is not something a wise man would do.

So Fei Rui secretly hooked up with old friends such as the Rat Immortal and dug a second hole.

To make this second hole completely unobstructed, it also needs an introduction.

The divination elephant told it that this lead came out when it encountered the 'Chongyin'.

Black is a heavy color, and cats belong to Yin, which is a double Yin; two witches are double Yin, which is also a "heavy Yin"; in the place of the Silent Forest, Shen is heavy, and Silence belongs to Yin, so it also has the image of Double Yin.

After seeing the Kolma expedition team for the first time, the above thoughts flashed through Fei Rui's mind.

Because of this, its original idea of ​​just cooperating with the Mouse Immortal's request to play the role of a task NPC was suppressed and shoved back into the depths of the plan. It has new requirements for the expedition team in front of it.

"You feel a bit familiar to me."

This was the first thing Fei Rui said after seeing the black cat.

This sentence has a profound meaning, but to others, it sounds like a lame greeting.

The black cat had a dark face, feeling very unflattering to the hamster, and worried that he would make mistakes if he said too much, so he simply replied as his own cat, with a meowing expression: "Many cats have been so close to me... but the mouse is first."

"I'm not a mouse!" Fei Rui pretended to jump on his feet and growled: "Where did this little cat come from to be so rude?!"

The fist-sized hamster jumped up and down on the ferret's head, giving people an inexplicable sense of joy.

Korma quickly started a fight between his partner and his senior.

"Senior, you don't stick to trivial matters. I've heard immortals say it many times." As the vice president of the student union, Kolma is quite skilled in smoothing things over, and can easily change the topic back to the direction she wants: " "I heard from the immortal that you know this forest very well. If we want to know anything, it would be right to ask you for advice."

But it was beyond her expectation.

Fei Rui did not, like most seniors who like to play tricks, talk about everything in the clouds and then give many tedious tasks to several wizards. After these young wizards completed the tasks, they told them the very simple answers. .

The next words of the hamster sitting on the stoat's head startled the black cat, causing it to stagger and almost fall from the tree.

"You are looking for that newly born little secret place, I am familiar with that place and know how to get there."

Fei Rui pinched the ferret's round ears and answered casually.

The sound was not loud, but it was like thunder. Several young wizards were shocked and stood on the spot, speechless for a long time.

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