Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 176 A fatal topic

"Then do you know where to find the black cat?"

After hearing Zheng Qing's description, Elena's eyes lit up and she asked.

Jiang Yu glanced at her meaningfully, then glanced at Zheng Qing again, picked up the coffee cup, and smiled without saying a word.

It would be inappropriate not to tell. But it can't be said. At the very least, Zheng Qing felt that he needed to hide his other identity. This will test your speaking skills.

The young public-funded student coughed dryly and answered vaguely:

"Well, I heard them say that they saw it near Linzhong Lake... But as you know, cats always like to run around. Maybe it just goes to visit Linzhong Lake occasionally. Listen to our store The two mice there said they had seen the black cat in the Silent Forest, but they didn’t know if it was the same one.”

With his dual perspective, he naturally knew why Elena was interested in a black cat. Two days ago, he used the identity of Black Cat to deal with the gypsy witch in the Silent Forest. So when answering this question, he tried his best to blur the direction of the witch's attention and simply clicked everywhere.

"Can that black cat talk?" Elena asked again in a low voice.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment - he needed to seriously think about whether he had spoken to a certain little white cat before, and he also needed to seriously recall whether the black cat had spoken to him that night when he found the snake slough. He also needed to think carefully about it. As a third party who hears stories, I don't know the answer to this question.

This is very important, after all, the two people sitting next to him are his girlfriend and the other is a guy who looks like a little white cat. And all of them are extremely smart, but none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

He was in a daze, but ignored that there was a third person on the table.

"It is indeed rare to see a black cat that can talk." Jiang Yu was holding a coffee cup and a spoon in his hand, stirring it slowly, and replied calmly: "But as far as I know, that black cat Not only can it talk, but it can also become bigger and smaller.”

Elena showed more and more interest.

"Have you seen that cat too?" She took out a notebook from her bag, obviously wanting to record something.

Zheng Qing's face turned a little pale.

Jiang Yu was stunned for a few seconds.

"Well, Li Meng told me." She mumbled, lowering her eyes, apparently also quickly recalling the possible intersection between the 'witch' and the black cat.

Seeing that the content of the discussion was getting more and more difficult, Zheng Qing felt that he had an obligation to end this difficult topic. He placed the coffee cup in his hand heavily on the table:

“Anyway, sometimes it feels like the school is so small that you’ll end up just walking around.”

"But sometimes it feels like the school is very big...some little ones just sneak in behind any corner and can no longer be found. When it comes to the black cat, this feeling becomes more and more obvious. "

"This is probably the so-called 'university' of contradictions and the 'unity of opposites' of contradictions... Well, let me refill your coffee."

Zheng Qing used a tone that sounded like a concluding statement, trying to put an end to the topic about cats he had talked about before. At the same time, he stood up, picked up the coffee pot, and refilled the two witches with hot coffee.

He felt that if he continued talking, the coffee cup he was holding would accidentally fall to the ground.

But Elena's next words made him regret that he had forcibly interrupted the previous topic.

"Indeed." Elena picked up the salt shaker, added a little salt to her cup, shook her head and sighed: "Don't talk about cats, even if a wizard is hiding in the school, we can't find it... …You remember Su Shijun’s husband? She said a few months ago that her husband was at First University, but no one has found him until now.”

The coffee pot in Zheng Qing's hand shook violently, spilling a few drops of coffee and staining the white tablecloth with some dazzling scars.

Jiang Yu, who had just taken a sip of coffee, also coughed violently.

Elena glanced at the two of them suspiciously.

"Ah, ah, sorry, sorry... the cough was so sudden, I scared you." Jiang Yu immediately took out a handkerchief, looking like she wanted to help Zheng Qing wipe away the coffee stains that splashed on the cup and plate.

Zheng Qing immediately woke up.

"Oh, doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." He responded vaguely - as if he was really startled by Jiang Yu's cough - and at the same time avoided the handkerchief Jiang Yu stretched out and raised his hand to greet the person under the ceiling. The hanging elves said: "No need to dirty your handkerchief, elves are the most suitable to do this kind of thing."

A few green elves were chirping and swooping over. In just a blink of an eye, the few coffee stains on the table were wiped away in a light green halo.

The gypsy witch held the notebook in the air, looked left and right, shook her head for a while, and said angrily to Zheng Qing: "You are too careless... Fortunately, Jiang Yu is our classmate and won't I just care about you."

"We are all friends, there is no need to be so hostile." Jiang Yu put away the handkerchief, glanced at Elena, and smiled slightly: "I'm really sorry, I just said a few words too much, and I was a little impatient to drink."

Zheng Qing carefully held the coffee pot and placed it on the corner of the table. Then he gently sat back in his seat, not even daring to pull the chair forward a little further.

I'm afraid it will make some strange noise.

Elena bit her lip, smiled, and glanced at the witch at the next table: "Speaking of which, who will be Councilor Su? Many people have guessed in the newspaper... You Zhongshan Jiang family and Qingqiu Su family We have always had a good relationship, do you have any inside information to share with your friends?”

Zheng Qing also quietly pricked up his ears, holding a knife and fork in his hand, pretending to handle a piece of cake on the table.

"I just heard that they are not very young." Jiang Yu took a sip of coffee and replied with a smile: "But there are many young wizards in the First University. It will probably take a lot of effort to eliminate them one by one."

"You're not old?" Elena thought thoughtfully: "Maybe he's a student in our school?"

Zheng Qing used a slightly harder knife to cut the cake, and the blade struck the porcelain plate with a crisp 'ding' sound. The wizard took a small breath.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Jiang Yu nodded seriously, suddenly looked at Zheng Qing, and asked: "Your Poseidon is a little fox. I heard that he is very popular with that little girl Su Ya... Did it hear anything?"

Elena's eyes lit up and she also looked at Zheng Qing.

Looking at the sticky butter on the fork, Zheng Qing felt very bad.

"Poseidon? Ha, um, that little idiot... can't even speak, what news can he hear." The young public-funded student smiled dryly and gave a seemingly very reasonable explanation.

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