Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 180 Cat, Fox and Witch

After Old Hemingway arranged today's patrol plan, Zheng Qing stepped in and took over the patrol duty on the corridor near the east side of the lake shore. After that, he took Lin Guo and walked dejectedly to his place of work.

He was no longer willing to stay by the lake and continue to listen to the old school staff chattering about the 'cheating hunting team', 'today's young wizards', and 'one generation is inferior to the other'.

The rumors are not believable, I don’t understand this, Bai Xi is so old. The young public-funded student secretly cursed Sanlian, dragging the staff in his hand on the grass, making a clattering sound. The magic wind lamp at the head of the staff swayed left and right, opening a path in the night.

Lin Guo trotted all the way, following behind the young public-funded student.

"What are the training subjects today? Is everyone here?" Zheng Qing walked in front and asked in a muffled voice without looking back.

"According to the schedule, we should train Karel's tactics today... Dylan didn't come. He had to take a magic philosophy class and couldn't spare the time." Lin Guo held the noteboard and stumbled to answer Zheng Qing's questions.

Because his work and rest schedule is opposite to that of others, when everyone usually takes a break, it is when Dylan is in class. Others in the team complained to Zheng Qing more than once - the lack of personnel caused the training progress to be unable to match.

But discussing jet lag with a vampire is as sensitive as discussing wizard purity with a wizard of alien ancestry. For this reason, Zheng Qing has never directly discussed relevant topics with Dylan.

But continuing like this is not an option.

"Alas," the young public-funded student suppressed his depression and sighed, "I'll talk to him tomorrow morning... at least ask him to submit his time schedule a week in advance. Let's train."

Lin Guo nodded repeatedly, but his head turned involuntarily to the large lake on one side.

In late spring, the moonlight is pale, and under the quiet night, the ancient well of Linzhong Lake has no waves, like a smooth mirror. The lake water that was muddied by the young fishmen of the fishman tribe ten days ago has become much clearer with the erosion of time. Only the mud on the shore where fish excrement once accumulated still exudes a slightly disgusting smell.

"They are struggling so much that even the kappas are missing a lot." The little wizard muttered softly.

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

As a common pest in Linzhong Lake, kappa are the most hated by students in the academy. On weekdays, students would always use spells to roll them up and throw them far into the depths of the lake; or some brave ones would like to grab bamboo poles and rush at those guys carrying hard shells. A whipping.

But as the saying goes, habits become natural. The fishmen were ruining Linzhong Lake and the number of kappas decreased, so the students living in the school were not used to it. Every time they passed by the lake, they always felt like there was something wrong with it.

"The kappa, I guess he has been hiding in the lakes and rivers with the fish wives during this period... In a few months, when the weather is warm, they will definitely bubble again." Zheng Qing explained to Lin Guo in a soothing manner. After a while, he suddenly paused and remembered something: "Has your timeline been adjusted?"

When he first dealt with Lin Guo, Zheng Qing knew about the strange timeline of the little wizard - unlike ordinary people, Lin Guo's timeline was intermittent and would automatically reset according to the importance of the events he experienced. The more important people and things are, the longer they are on Lin Guo's timeline, and they will be hidden deepest in his mind unconsciously.

It is true that this change can protect the little wizard's soul that was once shocked and frightened to a certain extent, but it will not do much good for his future path as a wizard. Before becoming a great wizard, the less young wizards are exposed to high-end concepts such as time and cause and effect, the better. Too much exposure can easily lead to cognitive impairment and become an obstacle to their future advancement.

Therefore, after learning about the anomaly in Lin Guo's timeline, Zheng Qing repeatedly discussed with other members of the Knights of Forgiveness and persuaded him many times, and finally persuaded Lin Guo to seek help from the school to adjust his timeline.

This matter involves personal privacy and is a bit sensitive, so people rarely mention it on weekdays.

Today, the two of them were walking in the quiet night. Zheng Qing remembered the last night patrol with Lin Guo, and felt that the timing was just right, so he mentioned it.

Lin Guo was not as sensitive and suspicious as he had imagined. Instead, he answered cheerfully: "That's almost it. Professor Yi's method is very effective... At the very least, when I do alchemy experiments now, I don't need to prepare a special flow chart to remind me that I am correct." The professor said that this problem can be solved within a year at most.”

Hearing this, Zheng Qing smiled with relief.

Indeed, for Lin Guo, who has a disordered timeline, the biggest trouble is not the occasional confusion in his dealings with others, but that when he is doing magic experiments, it is easy to reverse the 'importance' and 'operation' of a certain operation step. The sequence of steps'.

Especially the latter point, the reversal of order in magic experiments is particularly terrifying - in the famous Brisbane Alchemy Laboratory, during an experiment to artificially synthesize the Philosopher's Stone, the operator added a catalyst before injecting the stabilizer, causing the laboratory to A ten-mile radius was razed to the ground, with no grass growing. The alchemist also suffered heavy casualties.

This case was told by Dr. Duzem to Zheng Qing when they met for the first time. The doctor meant to tell Zheng Qing that the Philosopher's Stone was hard-won and it would be a waste to use it to save the elf. Zheng Qing thought of Lin Guo's timeline, which strengthened his determination to persuade Lin Guo to adjust the timeline.

When they arrived at the promenade on the east side of the lake, other members of the Exoneration Hunting Team had been waiting for a long time.

But besides Xiao Xiao and others, there were two uninvited guests, which made Zheng Qing's eyes twitch.

"Why are you two here?" The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team frowned and looked at the two little witches hiding at the tail of the hunting team. He felt a bit toothache: "Does your cousin know that you go out for a walk at night? And you? , Did you report it to Sister Su Man when you went out? Why did you report Poseidon here too?"

It was Li Meng and Su Ya who appeared in front of him.

Li Meng held a small white cat in her arms, while Su Ya held the little fox Poseidon in her arms.

"My cousin knows I'm going out! She supports it." Li Meng held the little white cat that Zheng Qing was familiar with, her chin raised high. She wore small leather boots on her feet, and she wore a pink fine velvet cloak behind her. Golden runes and traces of silver spells shone on the velvet cloak from time to time, making her look warm and safe.

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes, looked at the little white cat a few times, and then turned to look at Su Ya.

"Poseidon said he was coming." Su Ya looked at Zheng Qing confidently and raised the little fox in her arms high: "It said you promised it many times to take it out for patrol at night..."

The little fox hid his head under his big tail, looking embarrassed.

Three heads

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