Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 182 The Warming Talisman in the Night

Whether the fish-men were abnormal creatures or not, Zheng Qing did not find out the reason in the end.

It’s not that he’s not easy to learn, or that this question is too difficult, but Xiao Xiao is following Zhang Jixin not far behind. If Dr. Xiao Da knew about Zheng Qing's problem, he would definitely waste more than half an hour, starting from the historical origin of the murlocs, mixed with several battle stories between murlocs and wizards, and finally give a one-sentence explanation. Answers that can be solved.

It’s not okay if others don’t listen.

Why waste half an hour listening to Dr. Xiao's chatter about a problem that can be understood in just one minute by looking through the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World"? No smart person would do this.

Zhang Jixin felt that he was a smart man, so after hearing Zheng Qing's question, he immediately changed the subject with a loud voice.

"Oh, fish man, you said you seem to have seen a fish man?" As he said that, he built a pergola with his hands and looked into the lake - who knows what he could do with a pergola built with his hands at night when the moon was not bright. Effect - At the same time, he took two steps quickly, grabbed Zheng Qing's shoulders, and used a little strength: "You are wrong, why didn't I find any trace of the fish-man?!"

He bit the words 'wrong' very hard, as if he was gritting his teeth.

Zheng Qing just thought about it for a moment and knew what the red-faced wizard was thinking, and he sneered in his heart. Then he noticed that the force on his shoulders became a little stronger, causing him to feel a slight feeling of tightness in his chest.

"Oh, I saw it wrong... maybe what I just saw were leaves." The wizard changed his mind decisively and responded.

Standing in front of them, Su Ya stared blankly at the two wizards holding each other's arms, saying something she couldn't understand. She blinked her big eyes and finally decided not to worry about those messy things and turned around to look for the next step. Poseidon escaped from her arms.

As for Li Meng, he was in a dazed state from beginning to end.

Zheng Qing doubted whether she heard the conversation between herself and Zhang Jixin.

On the other hand, the little white cat in Li Meng's arms looked at the two wizards with a look of disdain on his face, and almost said the word 'scum', which made the young public-funded student inexplicably feel guilty for a few seconds.

But he soon realized that he was a wizard now, not a black cat! Besides, even if it was a black cat, why would he feel guilty about a little white cat? It’s not like he really cares about Su Ya, so it makes sense for him to choose not to listen to Xiao Xiao’s encyclopedia lecture!

While he was conducting self-psychological counseling, several other hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team were entering the pavilion from the outside.

"Hiss..." After getting into the pavilion, Fatty Xin shook the cloak on his body. As soon as he tried to undo a button, he immediately took a breath: "After so long, the temperature in the pavilion is not the same as outside. There’s not much difference, are you sure you didn’t use the wrong talisman?”

As he spoke, he wrapped his cloak tighter around him.

"I can't trust you to lie down next to the pillar and do the appraisal... I want to stay warm and go back to the dormitory." Zheng Qing glanced at the fat man angrily: "The warming charm is just for windproof and heat preservation, it is not to build a bedroom for you."

"Hunting team training should not be too particular." Zhang Jixin stood on Zheng Qing's side and said, "A real hunting team must dare to face the cold wind and face the most difficult environment."

"Our hunting team is not yet a formal hunting team, and we still have four or five months of apprenticeship." The fat man muttered, and he lay down on the edge of the pavilion pillar and carefully looked at the several talismans that Zheng Qing had pasted on it: "Well, It’s indeed a warming charm... As expected, you can’t have too high expectations for inferior charms.”

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, ignored him, and turned to look at Xiao Xiao.

"How was the training? Have everyone mastered Karel's tactics?" He felt that sometimes he should fulfill his duties as the hunting team leader, so when asking about this matter, he tried to sound more serious.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the young public-funded student in surprise.

"Of course not." Dr. Xiao Da sometimes spoke harshly: "There are only two members in the hunting team. How can we master the tactics we just learned today? I'm afraid you are going crazy."

The expression on Zheng Qing's face stiffened.

The so-called two missing people, one is Dylan who attends evening classes, and the other is naturally him.

"Didn't I follow you twice intermittently?" He mumbled, regretting the topic he brought up: "I mean, the others, you guys... have all figured it out."

Dr. Xiao Da did not speak, but made a loud "hum" sound with his nose.

Zheng Qing thought that he should mean 'right'.

A low-quality warmth charm hung on a pavilion pillar made a 'pop' sound, and along with a puff of sparks, turned into blue smoke and disappeared into the dark night.

The cold wind rushed in, causing the already cool temperature in the pavilion to suddenly drop a few points.

The little fox decisively rolled up his big tail and wrapped himself tightly.

The little white cat immediately got into Li Meng's arms and buried itself deeper and warmer in her arms.

Fatty Xin shivered twice - Zheng Qing discovered that fatties with more fat on their bodies seemed to be less able to tolerate freezing. In contrast, Xiao Xiao, who was thin, did not react so much and just tightened his cloak slightly.

"Can't you use some better talismans? Even if you don't use the best ones, it doesn't matter if you use some standard-level talismans!" The fat man howled in the cold wind.

Zheng Qing glanced at him and snorted: "Some free talismans are good to use... Except for me, who else in this university can provide you with so many talismans?"

That’s not a bad thing to say.

In addition to superb skills, drawing talismans also requires necessary materials such as talisman ink and talisman paper. Although a single piece of these basic materials is not worth much, considering the success rate of making talismans and their basic value, the price of dozens or hundreds of pieces is also very scary.

Because of his previous experience in exchanging the original talismans for blank talismans in Hui Zi Ji, Zheng Qing kept a lot of blank talismans in his small box. Most of the talismans he made were also printed on these posts. drawn on talisman paper.

It costs almost nothing except a little effort and a bit of skill.

This is also one of the benefits that Zheng Qing can always provide to his hunting team. Of course, another factor is that many inferior talismans produced in the process of making talismans are really useless. If you sell it, you won’t get much money; if you use it, you still have to worry about using it.

Simply throw it to your own hunting team and consume it internally, which also saves you the heartache of ‘professional destruction’.

Damn it, when everyone is using it, they are occasionally blown up by inferior talismans, or the talisman misfires after being used - this is not a problem. In Zheng Qing's words, the explosive talisman can train the hunter's neural response ability, and the muting talisman is also effective in training. Hunters hit by the Silence Talisman need to react accordingly.

That is to say, the young people in the Exoneration Hunting Team have good tempers, and most of the inferior talismans made by Zheng Qing are only unsatisfactory and have not caused any tragedy, so Zheng Qing is still alive now.

Three heads

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