Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 87 Thousands of troops and horses come to meet each other (Part 1)

When Zheng Qing picked up the Colt Silver Python and aimed at Serprano, the fat wizard secretly laughed at Zheng Qing in his heart.

As expected, he was a newcomer who had not hunted for many times. He didn't know that the best choice when facing a spell attack like his was to release the spell tit for tat, and then run away. If not, he would waste an amulet and hide under the turtle shell, although he would lose the upper hand. , but it can also avoid risks very well.

And it would be stupid for someone like Zheng Qing to use talisman bullets or other spells to interrupt his spellcasting.

Even if he didn't take into account the several amulets hanging on his body, Seprano was fully confident that he would first place his curse on Zheng Qing before the talisman bomb took full effect, and then leave calmly.

But when the rune gun rang out and a rune bullet covered in blood spurted out from the muzzle and crashed into him, Soprano knew that he was wrong.

The size of the rune bomb was not eye-catching, and the speed after it came out of the chamber could be roughly seen. The only thing that surprised Serprano was the overwhelming pressure that followed the bloody light that enveloped the rune bomb. , suffocating.

Damn stupidity!

Damn blood charms!

Damn the power!

Seprano had every reason to believe that this talisman bullet was a talisman refined by an unknown great wizard with his own efforts. It's pitiful, it's just a small conflict on campus. Is it necessary to waste such a precious talisman? Did Zheng Qing’s brain get eaten by zombies? !

For a moment, Soprano didn't know whether he should be proud of himself for attracting such a rune bomb, or complain about the school's lack of stress education for the freshman hunting team, or feel sorry for his inability to attack from the rune bomb. The next escape feels sad.

Unlike Serprano, who was in dire straits.

The first time he pulled the trigger, Zheng Qing subconsciously shouted to his teammates, "Run away!"

In his impression, after interrupting the opponent's spellcasting process, in theory, the hunters of the team should be immediately mobilized to change formations, re-encircle the opponent, and form an offensive. As for the way to change the formation, Zheng Qing only has Karel tactics in his mind now.

Counter-running is the essence of Karel's tactics, and it is also the subject that the Sin Hunting Team trains the most tonight. In a tense state, the only thing Zheng Qing could think of was the words of Karel's tactics: "The strong can take advantage of the weak, and the smart can take advantage of the strong."

But it's a pity that apart from this sentence, he can't think of any smart tactics in his mind. He can only think of 'counter-run', 'counter-run' and 'counter-run' - maybe he is really a fool. Well, Zheng Qing still has some free time in his mind to feel sorry for himself.

After shouting, Zheng Qing suddenly realized what he had done.

He just used a talisman bullet wrapped in a suppressive blood talisman to deal with Soprano!

The consequences of the last use of blood talisman bombs were still vivid in the young public student's mind - the descendant of Tsatogua, who was more than five meters tall, huge and arrogant, turned into a puddle of mud after that red light.

Even though Zheng Qing comforted himself countless times in his heart that it was a special situation. Maybe the evil demon was unlucky and happened to have some unknown reaction with his own blood, so it exploded into mud, but this could not hide the fact at all.

That was the talisman bullet he made wrapped in blood talisman, which was surprisingly powerful.

But even if he reacted, it was already too late.

Zheng Qing watched Seprano's expression change from contempt to shock and finally despair. Seeing his regretful look, Zheng Qing felt a little relieved for some reason. He even felt that he was in a good mood to take out his silver pocket watch and check the time.

Old Man Hemingway was the third wizard to realize what was happening.

As the leader of the Linzhong Lake night patrol, he does not like drinking and walking dogs like his predecessor. Instead, he has inherited the habits of his teaching and magic research days and is meticulous and serious in his work.

Therefore, when the Exoneration Hunting Team broke into Serprano's hiding place, Old Hemingway immediately discovered the anomaly.

It's not difficult, as long as they old guys are willing, there isn't much that can be hidden from them in school. At best, it's the difference between pretending you don't know and pretending you just know.

However, the old man Hemingway was temporarily troubled by the chance encounter between the hunting team of Jiuyou Academy and the Alpha students.

Sure, he could have appeared in that pavilion right away, taken the sturdy-looking Alpha student away with a straight face, and given him a demerit. But the old man doubted whether such a choice would have any effect.

After all, those guys in Alpha Castle are notoriously shameless - on the surface, they all shout that honor is above all else, but in fact many of the things they do have no bottom line - if the fat man is allowed to return to the castle with a demerit, In all likelihood, he will still be regarded as a hero by the Alpha students.

After all, not every Alpha has the courage to go to Jiuyou Academy to tease a tiger's beard at this time.

In addition to the above considerations, the current chaotic situation in the school also affected Hemingway's judgment to a certain extent. Whether it was conflicts between students, debates between colleges, or commotions among the fish-men and horse-men tribes, the school working committee, which was already in turmoil, was exhausted.

Vice Principal Ruoyu, who is in charge of the school working committee affairs, has privately whispered to old guys like them more than once, asking everyone to turn a blind eye when encountering similar conflicts. If they can calm things down, it is best not to disturb the formal process, so as not to Toss out something new and more troublesome.

Just like the conflict between the centaurs and centaurs, it originally had nothing to do with the school. It was purely a dispute between Beta Town and the centaurs tribe, two wizarding autonomous organizations outside the school. But after the Alpha students intervened, this piece of shit became It was stuck on the face of First University.

Based on the above multiple considerations, Old Hemingway decided to remain unchanged in response to all changes and temporarily sit on the sidelines of the small conflict. It would be great if students could work it out privately.

But less than thirty seconds after this decision was made, the situation on the court changed again and again.

For some unknown reason, the situation suddenly deteriorated. The patrolman named Zheng Qing from Jiuyou Academy fired the first shot, and then the fat wizard from Alpha fought back.

The rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and the two sides fought for several rounds in the blink of an eye. The steaming magic power aroused many reactions. Even if the old man Hemingway did not take action, the other patrol members and the school's guardian array who heard the news would not turn a blind eye.

Then, the old man saw the last bullet shot by Zheng Qing.

I saw that red.

Therefore, the old man cursed and expressed his only thoughts while watching this conflict tonight:


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