Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 189: Trouble

Zheng Qing's last clear impression of this 'patrol accident' was that Seprano was lying on the ground unconscious and was hurriedly carried away by the patrol members who came after hearing the news.

The place was in chaos.

The only thing Zheng Qing heard clearly was 'You are in trouble again! ’, he didn’t know who said this.

What is ‘again’? !

Last semester, the kappa monster came to the door by itself; the big black cat in the hunting competition was also the one that appeared on its own initiative; during the winter hunting, it was honest from beginning to end, and the invasion by foreign thieves was also its own. pot? There was also the big toad squatting on the Silent River Bend Road not long ago. It was also the first to open its eyes - everything it did was self-defense. Do you understand self-defense?

Zheng Qing felt that he had been wronged, but he could not find anyone to complain to.

Because along with other members of the patrol team, there were also several teaching assistants from the teaching assistant group, several school workers from the school working committee, and several wizards he knew and didn't know.

The other hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were taken away by the teaching assistants. It was said that they were going to the school hospital to check their health.

Su Ya and Poseidon were taken away by Su Man, the head maid who came from Qingqiu Mansion. She took Su Shijun's approval note in her hand.

Li Meng and the little white cat were taken away by a female professor at the school. From what the assistant teachers said, the female professor should be named Jiang. She was born in the Jiang family of Zhongshan and was a distant relative of Jiang Yu. So it has a little relationship with Li Meng.

Everyone left, leaving only the young public-funded student. After shivering in the cold night wind for half an hour, he was taken to his office by Lao Yao, who was chewing his pipe. Zheng Qing noticed that Lao Yao seemed to be Got a new pipe.

It feels different from the previous few visits to the office.

Today, the two doormen guarding the door of Lao Yao's office did not sit on the floor and play cards. Instead, they walked up and down the door and patrolled the door very seriously. The weapons they held in their hands scratched the door frame, causing a stream of sparks.

The big white cat with golden eyes at Yu Lei's feet is no longer as lazy as before. It has its eyes rounded and its tail erect, looking energetically at every passerby coming and going in the aisle. After seeing Old Yao and the young wizard behind him, the beast bared his teeth and revealed a few cold glints at the corners of his mouth.


Noticing that Lao Yao and Zheng Qing were planning to enter, Yu Lei stood up straight, stretched one hand forward, spread his fingers, and made a gesture of 'please stop and get checked'.

His colleagues glanced at him uneasily. His big white cat drooped its eyelids with a frown, and swept its tail back and forth on the ground, determined not to watch the next development of the plot.

Old Yao gave the door god a sideways glance.

"Camellia," he replied muffledly.

Yu Lei took out a piece of paper from his pocket, glanced at it, and immediately jumped to the side and opened the door. He smiled broadly and said, "Yes, that's it... Have you changed your pipe?"

Lao Yao chewed his pipe until he cocked it, agreed with his nose, lowered his head and entered the office.

Zheng Qing lowered his head and followed the professor through the door. Vaguely, he heard the two doormen behind him arguing fiercely about where Lao Yao's last pipe had gone, and what the camellia meant as today's password.

As the wizard entered the door, the light bugs clinging to the vines on the ceiling of the office woke up one after another, and their abdomens began to slowly flash with milky white light, filling the room with brightness. The curtains in the office were tightly closed, and through the thin cracks in the curtains, one could vaguely see the dark world outside the window.

Professor Yao hung his cloak on the hanger on the wall, walked behind his desk, and began to correct the materials in silence with his head down.

As soon as Zheng Qing entered the door, he began to mutter to himself: "I'm so stupid, really. I only knew that Alpha's people were colluding with the Linzhong Lake Fishman Tribe, but I didn't know that they dared to come when there was a patrol. Hemingway After the old man assigned the task, I went on patrol, and the other hunters in our hunting team also helped me. I am the captain, and they all follow my arrangements. "

"The hunting team had to do night training, so I went to patrol by myself. I went back and forth several times, but nothing was wrong. When I returned to the pavilion, I had to rest for a few minutes, but Poseidon was making trouble there... He was still young and ignorant, so he ran out. The pavilion. As a result, Poseidon bumped into Seprano, who was squatting outside the pavilion. He hit the boss on the head, and Seprano kicked Poseidon unreasonably. "

"Poseidon has been with me since he was born. Like my son, everyone in our hunting team treasures him."

Hearing this, the corner of Lao Yao's mouth twitched, but he did not raise his head, and Zheng Qing did not notice this.

"...It was bullied, and everyone was angry. In addition, Senior Seprano violated the school management regulations first, so I followed the standard procedure and read him the 'Notice of Rights' again and again, asking him to obey the arrangement. Take it easy."

"In the end, he tried to resist... I didn't want to kill him originally. I wrapped all my talisman myself. There was no lethal talisman. They were all control talismans such as restraint talisman, suppressive talisman, and evil-proofing talisman." Paper."

After hearing this, Old Yao finally couldn't help raising his head and glanced at the young wizard.

"You didn't want to beat him to death?" The expression on the professor's face was as if someone had punched him: "Don't you know how powerful the blood talisman you wrapped yourself is? Didn't you just beat him on the Silent River some time ago? Kill a descendant of Tsathogya?"

When Zheng Qing heard this, he immediately shut his mouth.

After pausing for a moment, he started mumbling to himself again: "I'm so stupid, really. I only knew that the runes drawn with blood runes were very powerful and could kill monsters in the Silent Forest, but I didn't expect that it would be like this." Horrible. I originally thought it would only work on things like demons and monsters..."

"If you know you are stupid, don't stress it over and over again!" Professor Yao couldn't hold back, stood up, and reprimanded: "I asked you to participate in the school hunting competition, and you killed more than half of the prey; I asked you to participate in the winter hunting, and you were in the Silent Forest. I poked a hole in it (referring to the newly born secret realm); I asked you to go for an outing, but no one you ran away with was there; in the end, you went on patrol and almost beat people to death... Why is it so difficult for you to be honest? ? Why can a patrol cause such a big thing!"

Zheng Qing drooped his head and cursed endlessly - it's none of my business, it's none of your business, it's none of your business!

Of course, the reason why abdominal slander is abdominal slander is that it is difficult to say it out loud.

So even though Lao Yao was spitting behind the desk, Zheng Qing kept his head drooped and accepted the scolding calmly. After all, I have to go through this journey, and I will die early and be reborn.

Even so, he would raise his eyelids from time to time and take a sneak peek to see when Lao Yao would take a breath, or he would take a sip of tea and take a rest after scolding him enough.

Perhaps there was too much anger brewing in his heart, so Zheng Qing never waited until Professor Yao took a break.

It wasn't until he raised his eyelids for the fifth or sixth time to take a peek that he caught a glimpse of a strange black figure on the curtain behind the professor from the corner of his eye.

A twisted, ghost-like black shadow.

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