Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 191 The rune gun was taken away

Zheng Qing's two talisman spears were finally taken away by Huanghuali.

Because Huanghuali said that it could ask Mr. Wu to help Zheng Qing repair the gun.

According to Huang Huali's words, not only will Mr. Wu charge no fees for repairing the rune gun - after all, Zheng Qing is his student - but Mr. Wu can also help upgrade the rune spells on the gun body so that it will not be used again in the future. After two shots, the spell on the rune gun will be damaged and obliterated again.

It sounds good, but the young public-sponsored student is very suspicious that the more important factor in doing this is to limit his 'destructive power'. After all, he now has a criminal record. Of the two shots fired recently, one shot blasted a descendant of Tsathogya, and the other shot almost killed a student at the school.

If Zheng Qing is not going to spend his whole life alone in the special prison of Danhag, then a certain degree of self-restraint is very necessary.

Professor Yao's reaction to this incident is very telling.

Regarding Huang Huali taking away Zheng Qing's two talisman spears, he raised his pipe and approved of it.

"Even if you don't take it away, the college plans to 'keep' classmate Zheng Qing's rune gun for him." Old Yao chewed on his pipe, puffed out smoke, and added with a smile: "This safekeeping is only within the school... After all, a university is a school, not a hunting team arena, nor a free hunting ground in the New World. Allowing students to hold Dharma books is considered a very tolerant approach."

"Perhaps you should formulate a new school rule that does not allow students to possess any magical items that are too lethal." Huanghuali suggested, covering his nose. The smoke in the office is getting thicker and thicker, which is not friendly enough for it with a keen sense of smell.

The more Zheng Qing listened, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart.

"The atmosphere in Starry Sky Academy is not that different from the arena." The young public-funded student bravely expressed his thoughts. In his view, since Starry Sky Academy advocates 'combat effectiveness first', First University should not impose restrictions on students in this aspect.

Lao Yao chewed on his pipe and glanced at the boy sideways: "But you are a student of Jiuyou Academy... Also, allowing them to fight does not mean that the school allows killing people. Those two shots of yours were a bit foul."

The yellow raccoon removed the paw covering its nose, squatted down, and looked at Zheng Qing seriously, not even wagging its tail.

"This is also the last thing I want to tell you." Huang Huali looked at the boy seriously and pricked up his ears: "You haven't even passed the examination for registered wizards, so you are not considered a real wizard. Abuse at will. Blood Talisman will put a huge burden on your body, which will not only affect your physical health..."

As he spoke, the yellow tabby raised his paw, nodded his forehead, and then continued: "And it will also cause unnecessary obstacles to you walking further on the path of the wizard."

Zheng Qing was naturally aware of the dangers of using blood talismans to the body. He didn't intend to use the blood talisman as his regular talisman, but only occasionally prepared one or two to use as trump cards.

Compared with Huang Huali's instructions, Zheng Qing was very interested in another message revealed in his words.

"You, how did you know that I was using a blood charm?!" Zheng Qing remembered that he had never mentioned this matter to Brother Huang.

Huang Huali blinked and turned to look at Professor Yao with a strange expression: "Don't some people know?"

Old Yao chewed his pipe, shook his head with a smile, coughed slightly and said: "Last time you beat the descendant of Tsatogua, you made a record at the Trident Sword. The school has a backup of that record."

Zheng Qing nodded confusedly.

So, if the school knows, what does it have to do with Brother Huang?

But the professor and Brother Huang obviously didn't intend to explain more to the boys.

The yellow tabby pulled and stretched, then shook its soft fur and turned to look out the window.

Through the gap in the curtains, there is still a dark world outside.

"That's all I have to say... If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." It turned around and walked towards the edge of the desk, its tail brushing across the tip of Zheng Qing's nose, making the boy have the urge to sneeze.

Zheng Qing forcibly resisted this impulse, which made his face turn red and almost hold back tears.

Huanghuali noticed the boy's tearful expression, mistakenly thought that the boy didn't want it to leave, and felt a little touched in his heart.

"Don't act like a child, you are already an adult." Huanghuali stopped and turned to look at the boy: "If anything happens, just write a note and stuff it into the store along the crack of the door... …You know which store it is.”

The store Huang Huali mentioned was of course the ‘Sanyou Bookstore’.

Zheng Qing took a breath and nodded vigorously. I am too embarrassed to correct the misunderstanding of the yellow fox.

"Aren't you going to sit there for a while longer?" Professor Yao, who had been standing by the window, took his pipe away from his mouth and asked with a smile: "I just remembered that Lu Town Baicao Garden sent some Ah Que flower tea a few days ago. It tastes just right, why don’t you take a few sips before leaving?”

Zheng Qingming clearly saw that his brother Huang's throat moved and he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

But it ended up not staying.

"There are two mice still staying in the store, I'm worried." The civet jumped to the window sill lightly, leaned sideways, and got behind the curtain, which made the second half of its voice much duller: " After the awakening of hibernation, all the hibernating bugs came out and made a mess everywhere... I have to run faster than those reptiles so as not to capsize in the gutter. "

Zheng Qing was very sure that Brother Huang's words had an inherent meaning, but he didn't know it.

On the contrary, Lao Yao should understand.

So he did not stop Huang Huali from leaving, but finally asked: "Tomorrow morning, the school working committee and other departments may issue opinions on how to deal with classmate Zheng Qing... Do you want to come over and observe?"

The figure of the yellow raccoon dog had already disappeared behind the curtains, leaving only a swaying and twisted black shadow. Upon hearing this, the black shadow stopped twisting.

After a while, its cold meow came from behind the curtain: "This is your school's own business. You can deal with it how you want to deal with it. It's none of my business... If you have the ability, you can expel people?!"

After that, the curtains swayed slightly, and the black shadow disappeared completely.

Zheng Qing's face turned pale with fright when he heard Huang Huali's irresponsible words.

Lao Yao took a step forward, lifted the curtain and took a look. There was indeed no cat on the window sill. The windows were also closed tightly, and even the cold wind that had faintly passed through the cracks in the window disappeared completely, as if everything was Zheng Qing's illusion.

The professor turned back, looked at the pale boy, and threatened: "Did you hear...even that cat told us to expel you! Why are you so annoying?!"

how could I know?

I also want to go to school honestly!

Now that things are like this, I'm more desperate than you are, okay? !

Zheng Qing slumped his shoulders and looked depressed.

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