Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 200 Wild birds enter the house

The Ping Qi Talisman was the focus of study last semester, and everyone in the class knew the drawing method of this talisman by heart. I also tested it on the final exam paper, and almost no one scored points on this talisman.

Zheng Qing didn't know why Teacher Zhang asked him to get up to answer such a question.

But that didn't stop him from answering the question.

"There are two key points when drawing the Ping Qi Talisman. First, when drawing the second step, the stroke should be drawn from the upper right; second, the horizontal stroke of the pen in the sixth step of drawing the Talisman must be from the upper right to the lower left. You can Flying white, but not completely connected to avoid being locked up."

"Also, if you pick up the pen too early in the third step, it will be easy to block the air hole when you close the pen at the end..."

Zheng Qing stood up and talked eloquently. In a moment, he listed the key points, difficulties and easy mistakes of the Pingqi Talisman one by one, and explained it clearly and logically.

Teacher Zhang nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, that's a very good answer." After saying that, the teacher took out the scoreboard and ticked it: "Ten points will be awarded. Do you have any opinions?"

The audience was in an uproar, and then burst into laughter.

The uproar was because the teacher's previous question was too simple and not worth ten credits at all, so everyone was surprised by the score awarded by the teacher. The laughter later was because the students saw Teacher Zhang’s encouraging gesture to Zheng Qing.

Everyone immediately understood that this was the teacher's silent encouragement to Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing's experience during the night patrol at Linzhong Lake on Saturday night has already been widely circulated, and the preliminary handling opinions released by the school are also triggering a wave of protests in the school. At such a critical moment, having a school teacher stand up and cheer for Zheng Qing is a great encouragement to all students.

Even though she was just standing in the shadow of her classmates, secretly making a cheering sign. Everyone can understand her caution.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but break out into a bright smile.

"Sit down, sit down." Hearing the slightly noisy cheers in the classroom, Teacher Zhang became a little uneasy. He waved his hand repeatedly to signal Zheng Qing to take a seat, and at the same time raised his voice to remind the students in the audience: "Since everyone has no objections, Then I'm about to start class... Is there anyone who didn't bring their homework?"

"No - no!" the students shouted in unison.

"Great." The female lecturer showed a satisfied smile: "Then let's start from the three examples left in the last class..."

After returning to his seat, Zheng Qing's originally happy expression softened slightly. Because he noticed that Nicholas, who was sitting in another corner, looked pale and almost shrank under the table.

This gave him a bad feeling.

"What happened?" Zheng Qing pointed to Nicholas's location with his eyes and asked his companion in a low voice.

Fatty Xin sighed slightly and thrust a Beta Town Post into Zheng Qing's hand.

This page has been folded several times, leaving only a piece of text the size of a tofu block. Several sentences were sketched out with a red quill, and the words "Wild Birds Entering the House" were scrawled next to it. The words are extremely dazzling.

Zheng Qing knew that this should be the crux of the problem.

"... This first-year student of Jiuyou Academy, who has studied at First University for many years, said that he supports the fish-men tribe in expressing their legitimate rights and interests, and at the same time advises them (referring to the fish-men tribe) not to seek help from the Alpha Academy."

"'They seek support from Alpha, and this matter has completely changed,' the student said: 'Jiuyou students will think that these murlocs are deliberately sabotaging and want to lower the college's score this year.' (About Jiuyou and Alpha College For the battle for points and rankings, please refer to the commentator's article on the third page 'The points evaluation system of the first university needs urgent reform')"

"'The school is indeed a little harsh on the fish people, and we think so in private. But we will not say it in public.' The student emphasized, '...Everyone also thinks that if the school takes care of everything, There's no point in the existence of the Murloc Reservation.'"

"'Some people want Lao Yao to step down, and some want Lao Yao to go further and become a vice principal or some other position.' The classmate laughed at the end, 'So you may see that it is messy on the outside, but actually it is quite dirty inside.' ( Regarding the internal power struggle within Jiuyou College, please go to the ‘Dialogue’ column on the fifth page)”

"'Does the yearning for freedom and justice still need to consider the timing and position?' Faced with the reporter's questioning, the student did not answer directly, but vaguely stated that 'the college has requirements' and 'I can't say more.' ”

"...'Don't reveal my name,' the classmate strongly demanded at the end of the interview, 'I will be deducted points!' As we all know, Jiuyou Academy has a reputation in the wizarding world because of its score-based policy. Widely criticized, even the graduates of Jiuyou Academy have repeatedly expressed the harm of rigid education to the new generation of wizards. Now it seems that this teaching system not only locks up the future of these young wizards, but also locks up the future of these young wizards. They also try to block their current right to free expression, which is in sharp contrast to the Alpha College (for more discussion about the education system of Jiuyou College, please go to the ninth page).”

Seeing this, Zheng Qing no longer bothered to look for the ninth edition, and had no desire to continue reading.

"Nothing new." The young public-funded student sneered again and again, rolled up the newspaper and threw it on the ground: "Searching for rumors, making trouble out of nothing, working for the tiger, not distinguishing between right and wrong, messing around... It's sad... Why would anyone subscribe to this kind of thing? !”

"If you don't want to read it, don't read it. Don't throw it away." Fatty Xin paid attention to Teacher Zhang's gaze on the podium and cursed in a low voice: "What a prodigal old woman... the newspaper is not yours."

As he spoke, he bent down with great effort, picked up the paper ball that was crumpled by Zheng Qing, and carefully unfolded it in the drawer. At the same time, he muttered: "I want to return it to others..."

On the other side, Zhang Jixin expressed similar views after hearing Zheng Qing's sneer.

"My brother also said it," the red-faced wizard stared at the blackboard and whispered with his lips moving: "The only progress the Beta Town Post has made over the years is to significantly improve St. Mungo's performance... suffering from heart disease is related to The number of readers of Cerebral Infarction is increasing every year.”

Hearing this answer, Zheng Qing couldn't help but smile.

Then he immediately straightened his face and turned to look at Xiao Xiao.

"What's going on with Nicholas?" He glanced at the corner on the other side of the classroom and sighed, "Why is he so careless..."

Xiao Xiao snorted: "I have said more than once that there are three things that cannot be touched in First University..."

"Unethical experiments, struggles between societies, and interviews with Beta Town Post." Zheng Qing raised his hand and rushed to answer, while emphasizing: "I know, Fatty knows, the elders know, even Lin Guo knows... But Nicholas doesn’t necessarily know. Have you told him?”

"He has been in school for three years. Don't you know this kind of thing?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Zheng Qing was immediately speechless.

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