Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 210 Harassment and Amulet

Su Ya lay stretched out on the sofa, snoring softly.

I got up at six o'clock in the morning and started working. It has been seven or eight hours now. Apart from breakfast and lunch, there is almost no time for rest. Especially today, the young lady met four or five groups of guests in a row and was temporarily serving as a maid. Su Ya worked even harder.

Therefore, after simply eating two apples for lunch, Su Ya plunged into the soft dragon leather sofa while the living room was empty, planning to take a nap.

Anyway, the head maid Su Man went out on business today, the nuns were praying in the quiet room again, and the young lady also went out. It didn't matter if she took a short nap, it didn't matter.

With this thought in mind, the little fox girl quickly fell asleep.

In the dream, she was wearing a snow-white skirt and bare feet, playing hide-and-seek with an equally white little fox on the soft grass. The little fox was so stupid that every time he hid, he would only The head was hidden, but the huge tail was exposed, allowing Su Ya to grasp it accurately.

The young lady was holding a book and sitting on the swing on the edge of the grass, dangling and reading.

The head maid Su Man had a stack of books hanging on her left shoulder, a large teapot hanging on her right shoulder, a complete set of tea sets hanging on her chest, and a large fruit plate on her head. She was so busy that she didn't even have the strength to scream.

This made Su Ya smile even happier.

"It's my turn!"

Su Yaba pouted in her sleep and happily changed into a more comfortable position. The hair cover on her head was almost squeezed to the ground. Two furry little ears came out from behind the hair cover and twitched lazily from time to time. down, indicating that the owner is still alive.

A harassing fox sneaked into the living room from the window, walked around in a circle, and then quietly approached the little fox girl.

This is a small insect that wizards hate very much, which is roughly equivalent to the status of mosquitoes in Baiding's world. But compared with mosquitoes, in addition to sucking blood, molestants can also get into the ears of wizards and quietly suck their wonderful dreams. The happier the dream, the greater the attraction to these little bugs.

What's worse is that the harasser also has a magical ability to become invisible. When wizards are lucidly dreaming, they can capture their figures; when they are confused, they can also hear their voices; but when they wake up, they can't find these little bugs.

Even using divination magic or some more sophisticated alchemical instruments will not help.

So for a long time, traditional wizard theory regarded these bugs as companions of nightmares, believing that they did not exist and were purely a product of wizards' imagination. Of course, with the development of dimensional theory, modern wizards have realized that Harassment is a kind of "virtual dimension" creature and is in a very wonderful state of existence.

After the harassing cat came close to the little fox girl, it buzzed and circled around the little fox girl's head. I don't know if it could not find her ears, or it was hesitant to get in and enjoy it. tasty.

Su Ya slowly frowned in her sleep.

Her big tail slipped out from under the skirt quietly, like a little snake poking its head.


The tip of his tail slapped against the leather sofa, making a dull sound. The drone of harassment stopped abruptly. This is the only way to deal with such little bugs. The wizards only need to make a little noise to make those little bugs peaceful for a long time.

Su Ya's frown slowly relaxed again.

But less than five minutes later, the abominable buzzing of harassment began to hover in her ears again. There was a hint of murderous intent on the little fox girl's face. Her ears stood up straight, and the tip of her tail came out of her skirt again.


With a crisp slapping sound, the harassing figure completely disappeared from the little fox girl's ears.

Su Ya's face showed a trace of confusion and hesitation in her sleep. Because she seemed to have heard the sound of a harassing bug just now, and was about to kill the little bug, but she didn't want it to be killed by other sounds.

But she was still sleeping, and there was no one else in the living room. Who would help her kill that little bug?

When her thoughts came to this point, the little fox girl was horrified. She rolled down from the sofa, stood up in a daze, picked up a rag on the sofa, and started to wipe the sofa.

While wiping, he muttered:

"Ah, why are there so many dirty things in the cracks of the sofa... they are almost like mushrooms. My eyes are sore just looking at them."

A helpless chuckle sounded next to him.

Su Ya seemed to have just realized that someone was in the room. She turned around in surprise and asked with bright eyes: "Huh? Miss, when did you come back... I was working just now, so I didn't notice..."

Su Shijun rolled his eyes blankly.

"Are you working in a dream? Can you put your hair condom straight before you speak?"

There was no shame on Su Ya's face, but she answered extremely seriously: "In and out of dreams, I am good at both jobs."

Having said that, she still straightened the hair cover on her head, hid her little ears behind the hair cover, and curled her tail to prevent it from falling outside the hem of her skirt.

While doing these things, the little fox girl carefully looked around to make sure that the head maid Su Man or the nuns had not followed the young lady back.

This gave her a huge sigh of relief.

Su Shijun also gave up arguing with the little maid.

"If you're bored at home, run an errand for me." As she said that, she took out a small jade charm from her pocket and stuffed it into the little fox girl's hands: "Go for a walk around the school and give it to Zheng Qing in hand."

The rag in Su Ya's hand disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

She wiped her hands on the back of her skirt, took the jade talisman from the young lady, and looked at it carefully before her eyes.

The jade talisman is not big, three fingers wide and about an inch long. It looks more like a jade tablet. It is densely engraved with many runes the size of rice grains, as well as criss-crossing formation lines, and several golden spells hidden deep in the jade tablet.

It looks very precious.

"To that rude guy? Why!" The little fox girl rubbed the smooth jade charm reluctantly.

"His rune gun was taken away by the school, and he's been a little unstable lately." Su Shijun explained vaguely, then the conversation changed and finally fell on Poseidon: "I didn't get anything good. What if he hugs me?" Poseidon was beaten when he went out. Isn’t Poseidon very unjust?”

The little fox girl was once again shrewd.

"Then I can give this jade talisman directly to Poseidon!" She raised her hand and suggested enthusiastically: "I can weave a beautiful little red rope and help hang it around Poseidon's neck... …”

"Give it to whoever I ask, there is so much nonsense!"


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