Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 212 Su Ya gives gifts

In late spring, it is suddenly warm but then cold, and even at noon the weather is a bit chilly.

After leaving the dormitory door, Zheng Qing immediately noticed a familiar figure.

The little fox girl Su Ya was standing under the big oak tree at the door of the dormitory, holding a small flower basket, looking at the wizards with an angry expression.

As soon as he saw the figure of the little fox girl, Poseidon, who was originally happy, was like an eggplant after being beaten by frost. He suddenly wilted. He rolled up his big tail, covered his face, and hid in Zheng Qing's arms, looking embarrassed.

The corners of Zheng Qing's eyes twitched, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What took you so long to come down?!" the little maid shouted angrily at Zheng Qing, as if she wanted to stick the little flower basket in her arms to the wizard's face. Other students passing by looked here curiously. The two roommates also looked "disgusted" and "scum", and they distanced themselves slightly from Zheng Qing.

This question made the young public-funded student a little confused. He considered the words and wanted to understand the reason first. There is no doubt that this pot must be related to Bose Dong.

"I didn't know you were down there," the wizard scratched his head, looked around, and tried to look casual: "Do you know?"

The fat man and the doctor shook their heads in unison, firmly denying it. It's just that while the fat man denied it, his eyes contained envy, jealousy and hatred. He also wanted such a cute little witch to find him; while Dr. Xiao's eyes were more probing. He had been there. The people at Qingqiu Mansion knew all about Su Ya's identity, so they were a little curious about Su Ya's purpose.

Su Ya didn't pay attention to the three boys' little actions.

She took a step forward, quickly reached into Zheng Qing's arms, grabbed Bo Saidong's top pattern, and shouted at the same time: "Do you know how long I have been waiting for you down there? If you do this again next time, I won't take you out. It’s time to play…”

Only then did the wizards realize who she was talking to, and why Bo Saidong appeared in the dormitory at noon.

From the corner of his eyes, Zheng Qing saw the skirt around the little fox girl's waist twitching slightly, and he thought it was her big tail that was beating unconsciously.

At the same time, he realized something else.

"How did you bring Poseidon out? You didn't get my permission." The wizard was a little curious about this - it is true that Su Shijun had a good reason to bring the little fox, but didn't the other people in the school know? Theoretically, unless permission is obtained from Zheng Qing, the pet owner, the pet garden guard needs to be fully responsible for similar lending activities.

As we all know, student union cadres have always been good at passing the buck and getting rid of responsibility.

Bose Dong curled his paws and stayed in Su Ya's arms obediently, while looking at Zheng Qing eagerly. Zheng Qing looked helpless - I'm sorry, she belongs to your mother, and besides, I have to go to class in the afternoon.

Holding the little fox in her arms again, Su Ya seemed to realize that there were several wizards beside her.

At the same time, she also belatedly remembered Zheng Qing's question just now.

"I'm from Qingqiu Mansion!" The little fox girl tried her best to puff up her chest, with pride on her face: "Besides, this isn't the first time I've taken it out... Have you ever objected?"

Zheng Qing sighed slightly and reluctantly accepted this statement.

"So, are you just taking Poseidon for a walk?" He emphasized the word 'simple' a little more.

Su Ya scratched her head - Zheng Qing noticed that she was actually scratching the base of her ears - and there was a hint of realization on her face.

"Oh, that's right." The little fox girl put her hand into the basket and fumbled around for a long time. Finally, she found a green jade pendant among a pile of nuts, flowers and beautiful small stones.

"Hey, the lady gave this to you." She said carelessly, as if she didn't care about being overheard by others: "Your rune gun was confiscated, I'll give you this for self-defense."

Zheng Qing's face turned pale with fright.

He keenly sensed the flames of gossip rising three feet high on the two roommates next to him, as well as their eyes that seemed to have turned green. This gave him a feeling of thorns in his back.

I am really not afraid that I will be dragged into the gutter and trampled on. The young public-sponsored student is furious in his heart.

But his face showed a mixture of surprise and gratitude: "Thank you so much!"

As he said that, he grabbed the jade pendant into his hand and stuffed it into the gray cloth bag at his waist. At the same time, he turned to look at Fatty Xin and tried to act more natural: "Well, you know, Councilor Su used to be a nine-year-old man." The government-funded students... the government-funded students have their own small circle... She heard about the incident of me being detained in school, and she was also dissatisfied with the school's handling... It can be regarded as a support for the underachievers. "

The reason why he didn't look at Xiao Xiao was because Zheng Qing was not sure that he could look into Dr. Xiao's eyes and say these deceptive words.

His explanation was half true and half false. Anyway, he was the only one present who was a government-funded student. No one else knew about the clique of government-funded students. As for whether the two companions would check with Liu Feifei afterwards, or what to do next year when Xiao Xiao gets the title of public-sponsored student, Zheng Qing can't think that far for the time being.

He just wanted to get over this hurdle first.

After completing the task, the little fox girl had no interest in chatting with the wizard anymore. She hugged the little fox and skipped away.

When the little fox girl disappeared, the wizards finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"When did you hook up with Su Ya?" Fatty Xin looked at Zheng Qing as if he was looking at a scumbag, but his tone was full of envy: "Can you introduce me to one... I remember there are several people in Qingqiu Mansion. Where’s the little fox girl?”

Compared with Fatty, Xiao Xiao's focus is very realistic: "Aren't you afraid that Elena will use tarot cards to cut off your little brother? Although the gypsy witch views love very freely, she is also very stubborn sometimes. Like Carmen, or Esmeralda.”

"Also, what should we do about Jiang Yu? What about your former senior sister from the student union, named Hema? Didn't she already say that you were her little boyfriend?" The fat man approached with a gossipy look on his face.

Seeing that his two companions seemed to accept his previous explanation, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He rarely showed anger at the fat man's remarks. He just pushed the greasy face away and simply denied it: "Nonsense." ...I don’t even know what you are talking about.”

"She could obviously give the things to Mr. Ni and wait for you to come down and pick them up." Fatty analyzed: "The reason why she can wait for you in such a cold weather is not just because of beautiful Su's instructions."

After hearing that sensitive name, Zheng Qing immediately stuffed the gray cloth bag around his waist deeper. At the same time, he set a straight face and quickened his pace: "It's a cold day? The sun is so bright, why is it so cold... Are you so free now? Class starts in a quarter of an hour. Aren't you afraid of being late? "

After that, he turned along the path on the side of the lawn and walked as fast as flying.

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