Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 218 Before leaving

Deep in the silent forest, in front of the entrance to the secret realm.

Following the clues sent by Fei Rui, it didn't take the two witches and the black cat too long to find the entrance to the secret realm, two ancient locust trees that looked crooked. At the foot of the locust tree, there are clusters of Bianhua flowers on the left and right.

The two ancient locust trees are independent of each other, with branches and leaves intertwined. The trunks seem to have been squeezed hard and are somewhat flattened. They come together to form a long and narrow gap. Looking at it, it is dark inside, as if it is a cave straight into the ground. At a glance Not to the end.

But Zheng Qing clearly knew that the diameter of the trunks of the two ancient locust trees was only about one meter, and the gap between the trees should not be visible at a glance. The only explanation is that the narrow gap is the goal he is looking for this time, the entrance to the secret realm.

Standing in the forest clearing in front of the entrance, the two of them and the cat held their last meeting before the adventure.

The host of the meeting is naturally the leader of this adventure team, Colma.

"This is our first time exploring this secret realm, so we need to be extra careful." The witch's attitude was very conservative, maintaining her usual cautious style: "Everything is based on ensuring safety... Under this premise, the tentative goals are two."

"First, confirm that the clues we obtained are true and valid. This includes determining whether the door behind the tree hole is really a 'door to the secret realm'; if it is true, we also need to set up an array and build a barrier to ensure that we can enter and exit smoothly, and' The secret door' is not discovered by other wizards who happen to pass by."

As she spoke, she raised her head and glanced at the gap between the two ancient locust trees, then raised her hand and pulled the hood on her head.

"Second, if time permits, we can briefly explore the secret realm and collect basic information about the secret realm. This includes the size of the secret realm, the number and status of animals and plants, determining the basic constants in the secret realm, and determining the main sources of threats in the secret realm."

"With so much work, do you plan to split up after entering?" Black Cat questioned.

Korma shook her head.

"The above-mentioned exploration content does not necessarily need to be completed in full. You can choose to complete part of it to lay a solid foundation for the next exploration. We can decide the specific content after entering."

"During the exploration process, we must always maintain the 'Little Three Talents' formation and move forward without permission."

"The entire operation is centered on me. I am responsible for commanding, and you have the right to make suggestions."

"Although it is just a secret realm, theoretically there will be no existence above the registered wizard level, but just in case, if a high-risk target appears, retreat will be the first option. During the retreat, I will be in charge of the rear, and 'Faceless' will go first. "

The black cat nodded repeatedly when he heard this. During adventures, we often encounter situations where plans cannot keep up with changes. At this time, a flexible but stable decision-making mechanism is very important. Colma's arrangements can be described as mature and prudent.

At the end of this small-scale meeting, Colma also made detailed arrangements for the adventure harvest:

"Hunting is not the primary goal of this exploration. No gathering or hunting is allowed without the permission of all members. If you encounter demons or other creatures that actively attack, the primary goal is to frighten the opponent."

"All hunts will be kept by 'Faceless' and distributed equally afterwards...regardless of the size of the contribution."

‘Faceless’ is Irina, because she always wore a white mask on her face when we met during this period, so Kolma gave her the codename ‘Faceless’. Accordingly, Korma gave herself the code name of 'Captain', while Black Cat's code name was 'Black Cat' - she originally wanted to call Black Cat 'Kuroko', but she reluctantly gave up due to Black Cat's strong opposition.

Zheng Qing also thinks that it is understandable that the harvest should be distributed equally regardless of contribution.

Because according to this distribution method, it can be prevented to the greatest extent that a certain member will act without authorization for the purpose of hunting. Even wizards don't do things that are not beneficial.

"No problem." Elena nodded.

The black cat also tugged his beard and nodded in agreement.

By clearly explaining the planning arrangements and hunting distribution methods in advance, you can avoid entanglements during exploration and conflicts afterwards to the greatest extent. This is a practical problem that every temporary hunting team needs to face.

From this point of view, Kolma has done very well.

"Last thorough inspection before entry."

Korma took out his Dharma book and reminded him one by one:

"Dharma book check...The spell entry is valid, the state of the Dharma book is normal, and the spell casting effect is good."

"Basic potions check."

"Amulet check."

"Character inspection."

Because the black cat only had a jade pendant hanging around its neck from head to toe and no other equipment, it could only squat aside and watch helplessly while the two teammates were checking their respective outfits.

Until Elena began to examine the stack of talismans that Black Cat sent out not long ago.

"Where did you get these talismans?" The gypsy witch suddenly spoke and asked the black cat casually: "I think the effect is very good."

As she spoke, she drew a binding charm and threw it towards the edge of the forest glade. Dozens of vines jumped out of the void with their claws and teeth, and tied a soul-returning poplar tree on the edge of the clearing into a rice dumpling.

Black Cat showed a trace of complacency on his face. Just when he was about to answer that he drew it himself, he suddenly felt blessed and thought of his current identity.

He's just a cat now.

Black Cat secretly thought it was a fluke. If he admits that these talismans were drawn by himself, then the witches can easily deduce his identity with just a little more carefulness. What's even more terrible is that, unlike Kolma, Elena often asks him for knowledge on talismans. She must be very familiar with Zheng Qing's habits and techniques when drawing talismans, as well as the aura left in the talisman paper.

She must have judged that these talismans were painted by Zheng Qing.

Thinking of this, the black cat flattened his ears, calmed down, took a breath quietly, and then replied slowly: "Oh... I bought these talismans from the wandering wizard. He has many over there. Great stuff. No need for a license to buy it. ”

Elena frowned, nodded slightly, then flipped her wrist and put the stack of talisman papers into her arms.

She did hear Zheng Qing mention selling talismans at Wandering Bar. Moreover, she first became familiar with Zheng Qing in the Wandering Wizard's bar. So Black Cat's answer sounds fine. It's a coincidence at best.

Kolma's voice interrupted the witch's thoughts:

"Report the inspection results."

"The examination is completed and the condition is normal." Black Cat immediately raised its ears and answered seriously.

"No problem." The Gypsy Witch also nodded slightly.

A satisfied smile appeared on Kolma's face, and she waved her arm, pointing to the gap, and said nothing more:

"Set off!"

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