Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 232 The second exploration of the secret realm

Although fully prepared, Zheng Qing and others finally completed the practical class safely.

Because Mr. Hilda Don Alfonso had been staring at the students from the two colleges throughout the class. Anyone who made a slightest movement beyond the red line would be picked out by him and practiced fifteen weak leg spells in public.

Zhang Jixin and Andrew Taylor were paralyzed for most of the class because of their hot tempers. When get out of class was over, it was Zheng Qing and others who helped him leave Green Valley.

Ms. Bella, the head nurse of the school hospital stationed at the edge of Green Valley, turned a blind eye to this suspected 'corporal punishment' behavior from beginning to end. On the contrary, she enthusiastically suggested safer punitive spells to Assistant Hilda.

Zheng Qing just thought about it briefly and realized the logic behind the behavior of the head nurse. Because the conflicts between the two colleges have become more and more frequent recently, the doctors and nurses in the school hospital have been working overtime for a long time. I heard that the students from the two colleges who are now sent to the school hospital no longer have elves to serve them. Now, I have to take medicine by myself.

The last college to enjoy this kind of treatment was a student of Starry Sky College in grade 2007. It is said that the students recruited by Starry Sky Academy that year were extremely hot-tempered, and the hospitalization rate increased by half compared to previous years.

Of course, Zheng Qing had read all these side news and ignored them. Even after hearing the gossip that Zhang Jixin felt uncomfortable peeing due to the soft leg curse, it did not arouse more gossip in him.

Because he has more important things to do.

The practical class is on Friday and the next day is Saturday.

It's time for him to explore that little secret world with Elena and Senior Sister Kolma.

Just like last time, at six o'clock in the morning, while the roommates were still sleeping soundly, Zheng Qing had turned into a black cat and slipped into the forest of silence.

The difference from last time was that this time the two witches had already entered the secret realm one step ahead of him.

"To be honest, I have been hesitating whether to go out today." The first time he saw the witches, the black cat complained: "Before going out, I took a look at the old almanac, 'Everything is not appropriate', you know ? Today’s taboo is ‘doing everything wrong’… The last time I went out on a day like this, I broke a front tooth while walking on the curb! And a thief stole my wallet!”

"What are curbs?" Elena raised her head curiously. Although Zheng Qing couldn't see her expression clearly due to the white mask, he could still read her curiosity from the eyes exposed behind her mask.

Compared to him, Colma-senpai's attention span is very sharp.

"Do cats also have incisors?" She asked in a teasing tone, casting a charming glance at the black cat standing stiffly on a rock. As if looking at its broken front teeth.

Black Cat was greatly annoyed.

It has been emphasizing in front of the witches a while ago that it is a real cat, but it has some adventures, so it can talk. Although he also knew that this kind of argument was not very convincing, it was an excuse after all.

Now, even this excuse has been destroyed by himself.

With this bad mood, Black Cat looked at the work at hand of the witches with a straight face. They are sorting out the foundation to build a magic circle and create an environment more suitable for the flow of magic power.

"Is this... the magic circle of Starry Sky Academy?" Black Cat tilted his head and stared at the base for a long time. He always felt that the pair of upside-down and entangled triangles looked familiar. It took him a while to realize that it was a six-pointed star. The base of the magic circle looks like this.

As we all know, the school emblem of the Starry Sky Academy of First University looks like a six-pointed star.

"This is not what a wizard with common sense should say." Korma glanced at the black cat thoughtfully: "The symbol of Starry Sky Academy is a six-pointed star, but the six-pointed star does not represent Starry Sky Academy... In mysticism , it represents many meanings.”

Black Cat resisted the urge to tape several layers of tape over his mouth.

But it cannot turn a blind eye to the witches' doubts.

"Oh, because this is the First University, it is inevitable that people will have this association." Black Cat's brain was spinning crazily, and he tried his best to use a casual tone and said casually: "After all, on this island, the hexagram is used the most The group is Starry Sky Academy.”

Although this explanation is slightly far-fetched, it is not unreasonable.

Most of the witches' attention was focused on the magic circle in front of them, but they reluctantly accepted the black cat's explanation.

"Excuse me, please help me pass the jar of graphite powder, thank you." Elena suddenly raised her head and ordered the black cat who was doing nothing but dangling around: "There is no insulating circle on the jar, be careful, use it Hold it with your flesh pad, don't stick it to the hair on your body, it will explode."

At the end, she added: "We didn't bring any elves today."

This sentence is really terrible.

"I am a cat!" The black cat opened his eyes wide and repeated in an incredible tone: "A cat!! Have you fallen to this point? You need to squeeze the labor power of a cat!"

"We will not sign a silent contract with a cat." Kolma corrected calmly: "So, you are not a cat. At least in our eyes."

The black cat raised its paw and looked at the pink fleshy pads in the center of its paw, silent.

After a while.

A black cat walked upright, holding a human-sized earthenware jar in its paws, and carefully restrained the whiskers at the corners of its mouth, lest the magic power on it accidentally enter the jar through the cat's hair and blow it to pieces.

The black cat's tail is like a flexible balance pole, hanging behind it, swaying from side to side.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, I can't see, I can't see!" the black cat screamed quickly, holding the earthen pot and swaying forward. The eyes opened wider and wider, but the pupils shrank more and more.

It was about to step on the edge of the magic circle with its claws.

Elena, who had been drawing a line with her back to it, didn't even look back. She reached back with her hand wearing a dragon leather glove, then pulled the jar's ear and took it into her hand. At the same time, the little finger flicked slightly and touched the black cat's nose, preventing it from taking the last step forward.

The black cat was knocked down by the finger and sat on the ground, touching the tip of his nose with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you." The witch turned back and thanked him tenderly.

"I don't want to be the son of a man, I don't want to be the son of a man." The black cat touched his nose and muttered angrily. He wanted to kick the witch into a squatting position, but it felt inappropriate, but there was no reaction at all, and it didn't seem quite right. Cat design that matches it.

"Your tolerance for Faceless seems to be much higher than mine." As a witch, Korma could easily detect certain details and looked at the black cat with empty eyes: "Do you think you know her?"

The black cat felt like the hair on his tail was exploding.

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