Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 234 Suolomon

When the black cat dragged a dead snake back from the depths of the forest, he almost thought he had gone to the wrong place.

The place that was originally overgrown with weeds has been carved out into a flat, smooth black base with a radius of several hundred meters. The dark red magic power slowly flows between the wires made of graphite powder, emitting waves of obscure fluctuations.

Surrounding the magic circle are six stone pillars, with a rounded bottom and three sections. The pillars are covered with wrinkled mantras, which look like vertical fingers.

In the center of the array, there is a wall, which is covered with sky blue, blue, purple and white ceramic tiles, forming a mosaic look. In the middle of the wall is an arched door with an onion dome, with double leaves, which are tightly closed at the moment. Closed. The door is covered with reliefs with gorgeous colors and styles, which look like plots from some fairy tales, but if you look closely, they are all specious.

At the edge of the magic circle are rows of yellow clay slabs stuck in the ground. These yellow clay panels wrap the entire magic circle together, like the petals of a blooming flower. The clay tablets are about a foot wide, and the exposed part is a foot and a half long. Each clay tablet is smeared with dragon bone powder with patterns that look like branches and stars, making it look particularly weird.

The black cat looked up at the sky.

The pale sun and moon hung in the sky, motionless, and there was no way to tell him the exact time.

"How long have I been gone?" Black Cat asked uncertainly.

The red chain snake hanging around his neck quietly raised its head and tried to move the tip of its tail. The black cat's eyelids didn't even drop. He raised his paw and pulled out his claws, and swiped along the body of the red chain snake.

Stab la la.

A few strands of snake blood slowly slid down along with the broken scales. The Red Chain Snake, which was pretending to be dead, opened its mouth wide and let out a few silent howls. Then it lowered its head again and pretended to be unconscious.

The two witches were busy finishing the work at the edge of the magic circle. After hearing the black cat's question, Korma answered without raising her head: "About half an hour..."

The black cat arched his body, looking frightened.

"You guys completed such a large magic circle in half an hour?" Its tone was full of disbelief: "Or do you have other companions helping with the work where I can't see it?!"

The witch wearing a white mask couldn't help laughing after hearing the black cat's words.

"Most of the contents of the magic circle you see have been completed outside. We just brought it in to assemble it." The witch explained patiently.

Zheng Qing immediately thought of the job he and his companions had taken over during the winter vacation, and immediately felt as if the puzzle pieces fit together, and couldn't help but nod.

"And 30% of the 100% work has not been completed yet. This is just the core part of the entire magic circle." Korma said: "It looks fancy, but in fact it is just a basic framework... I understand the details. The most important thing about the magic circle is the details. There are still a lot of details that we need to fill in.”

At this point, the witch raised her head, glanced at the red chain snake hanging around the black cat's neck, and ordered: "Throw away your toys and help us carve the 'old seal' on the yellow clay... just along the dragon Use your claws to carve out the traces of bone powder. Be careful not to use too much force. Those boards are very brittle."

After hearing the witch's words, the Red Chain Snake, which was pretending to be dead, immediately raised its head, blinked its small eyes, and looked at the black cat expectantly. The black cat slapped it on the head, knocking it unconscious.

"I hate you cunning reptiles the most." The black cat muttered, and moved to a yellow clay board. He leaned forward and carefully looked at the painting marks on it: "This is the 'old seal'... it looks like Very simple."

The 'Old Seal' is a kind of magic with the nature of a protective spell developed by the Babylonian Mage Group. It is mostly used to expel high-dimensional forces that invade reality. When used in this magic circle, according to Zheng Qing's judgment, it should have some kind of binding effect.

Seeing this, the black cat raised his head again, glanced at the arched door in the center of the magic circle, and screamed: "Is that 'Solomon'? I always thought 'Solomon' was a personal name."

A famous king of ancient Israel, he had many treasure stories and was said to be a powerful mage who controlled seventy-two great devils. The reason why Zheng Qing was deeply impressed by it was because when he was a child, he once thought that King Solomon's father and Michelangelo's naked sculpture of David were the same person. For a period of time, when he was debating with his classmates, he swore that King Solomon was the same person. The Arabs of this period wore no clothes.

"The locks that block everything are not all locked." Korma took a small breath: "I never knew that the universal knowledge circle on the island was so sensitive... that it could actually switch between different languages. Play with homophonic jokes.”

"Sounds flawless," Black Cat interjected.

The witch glanced at him: "Actually, the name of the magic circle I mentioned before is an abbreviation. The full name is 'the key to the openable and closable Rashomon'... Rashomon, you know."

Black Cat frowned, thinking that the name was familiar, as if it was from Fuso.

"The gate between the world and hell exists between reality and fiction. On this side of the door and on the other side of the door, everything is true and everything is false. Just like the person caught in the center of the news, any side All the words are reasonable.”

At this point, Colma seemed to be having fun, and simply stopped what he was doing, turned to look at the black cat, and asked with interest: "Do you think Nicholas was really tricked by the Beta Town Post, or was he So what do you think?”

The topic jumped so quickly that Zheng Qing didn't realize what the witch was talking about at the first time.

"Who?" Black Cat pricked up its ears and tilted its head, looking confused.

This expression of his was entirely from the heart. The two witches studied his expression carefully and then looked at each other. Elena shook her head slightly.

Colma's interest in conversation suddenly dissipated.

"Nicholas is an old student of our college who has been in school for three years and is still in the first grade." The witch briefly explained: "He fell into a Rashomon gate recently. The Beta Town Post interviewed him some time ago. He He made some inappropriate remarks and was ostracized by the people in the academy; then he defended himself and said that he didn't mean it... In short, it was a very complicated matter. "

"It has nothing to do with you." The witch finally ended her jumping topic with four words.

The black cat lowered his head and looked at the faint red chain snake hanging around his neck, feeling in his heart that ten thousand alpacas were running past.

It's irrelevant. Why are you telling me so much?

Are witches always so out-of-the-box?

Can't keep up with the pace at all.

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