Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 236: Wizards and Witches

"Who the hell is that cat?"

"how could I know."

"Judging by your reaction, you must have recognized who it is."

"Illusion, that's all your illusion."

North District of Beta Town, Gu Diao Street, inside the Sakura Tavern.

Colma stood behind the bar, holding a red wine bottle in her hand, looking at the gypsy witch in front of her with burning eyes, and kept asking: "It's definitely not an feelings have always been very accurate!"

Judging from her appearance, she seemed eager to put the wine bottle into Elena's mouth and pry her mouth open.

Irina had taken off the mask on her face at this moment. She did not look at Kolma. Instead, she turned her face sideways towards the large piece of stained glass embedded in the door of the tavern. She looked at the direction in which the black cat left, with a frown at the corner of her mouth. With a smile.

The black cat has been gone for a while, but she has always maintained this position without moving.

She was not holding a deck of tarot cards in her hand like usual, but was playing with a delicately wrapped rune bullet. There was a little blood on the bullet's head, which added a bit of murderous aura to it.

After hearing Kolma's persistent questioning, the gypsy witch finally turned her head, looked at her companion, and sighed slightly.

"You also said, it's just a feeling." There was a hint of helplessness in her tone: "If the feeling was reliable, the Gypsy Witches wouldn't have fallen to this point... It's just because they relied too much on intuition. Rather than theory, Gypsy witchcraft continues to lag behind in the development of modern magic.”

This is true.

Unlike ancient magic which focused more on experience and intuition, modern magic has added a lot of theoretical and computational content. New theories require constant verification by a large number of wizards through communication and mutual learning before they can be confirmed. This is a condition that traditional masters and apprentices or wizards inherited from families do not have. This is also one of the main factors that enable First University to continue to grow and develop.

After realizing that Irina wouldn't tell him any more information, Kolma finally gave up on the subject. Anyway, the black cat has signed a silence contract and will not cause him any more trouble.

But before she could speak, Elena, who was worried that she would continue to entangle her, took the lead in changing the subject: "Are you really planning to make a deal with the wandering wizard? He is not a kind person... According to information within the witch group , that guy is related to at least a dozen wizard disappearances in the Wizarding Alliance."

"I have no intention of going outside the island to make a deal with him." Kolma waved his hand nonchalantly, set out two wine glasses, and poured a glass of amber light for Elena: "Well, the amber you opened last time There’s still half a bottle left, drink it all today?”

As she said that, she poured herself half a cup without ceremony.

The gypsy witch looked worriedly at the witch with a sideways ponytail in front of her. The talisman in her hand had been replaced by a deck of tarot cards at some point.

"Do you need me to help you do the math?" She repeatedly twirled the cards in her hand, her voice a little uneasy: "If the divination result is not good, we should proceed according to the original plan. Jiang Yu will find a solution."

"No," Kolma shook his head very decisively and shook the wine glass in his hand: "The descendants of those existences deep in the starry sky are very rare. Being able to get their flesh and blood can increase the success rate by more than 10%. It is worth my risk. ”

For some reason, after hearing Kolma's answer, the first picture that came to Elena's mind was that of her and Zheng Qing on the ferry boat on the Silent River, with a huge frog monster leaning on their orange bodies. look.

"Let nature take its course." The witch raised her head, looked at the waning moon hanging in the sky, took a long breath, then picked up the cup and drank away the sorrow in her heart.

"Let nature take its course," Black Cat squatted on the desk in the dormitory, looking at Dr. Xiao in front of him with a frown: "There is no textbook on love, so there is no way to teach it... I also let nature take its course."

After returning to school from the North District of Beta Town today, because it was late, he did not go for a walk in the cat fruit tree and went directly back to the dormitory. But before it could touch his bed, it was blocked on the desk by Xiao Xiao, who had been prepared for it.

After a few words, Xiao Xiao's purpose became clear.

It is still related to Sima Yang Yun. After Dr. Xiao Da annoyed Teacher Sima some time ago, she has been making things difficult for her in history class recently. Memorizing texts, answering questions, and doing extra homework—only students like Xiao Xiao, who are very good at writing and speaking, can barely survive Mr. Sima's repeated blows.

But continuing to do so was not an option. He needed a more proactive and effective solution.

Looking around, it seems that the only one who can give him effective advice is Zheng Qing. In dormitory 403, Zheng Qing was one of those people who had constant scandals and had a good rapport with witches. His peaceful relationship with Elena made Dr. Xiao envious.

He also wants this kind of pure love.

"Then what do you think about love?" Xiao Xiao asked a question that was closer to the essence.

"Huh?" Zheng Qing felt a little embarrassed for some reason. It's always a bit weird to discuss this issue between two grown men.

"You just need to tell me how you feel about Elena." Xiao Xiao skillfully took out his notebook.

"Love." Zheng Qing did not answer Xiao Xiao's question directly, but sighed:

"I have always felt that there is no difference in the feelings expressed between love, family affection, friendship, etc. The difference is just that different individuals need different expressions."

"Interesting view."

"Well, family affection is the bond between blood relatives as the hinge; friendship is the requirement of familiarity as the hinge, the social attributes of people; love is reproduction as the hinge, the relationship between the sexes. To put it simply, it is the difference between people and other people. an expression of the relationship between them.”

"Tsk, tsk, this isn't like you." Xiao Xiao paused.

The black cat got a little excited when talking, so he simply stood up, walked around the edge of the desk, and circled with his tail raised:

"The so-called love does not mean looking at each other, but looking in the same direction with the other person. I think this sentence makes sense."

"She and I just look at each other and think each other is interesting. But when we stand side by side, we always look in different directions."

"In her eyes, there are her people and her world. It is a world completely different from mine..."

"...What are you doing? Don't you want to hear my point of view? Why are you always writing there?"

When the black cat saw Dr. Xiao Da's squirming pen tip, he finally couldn't hold himself back, stopped circling, and pressed a paw on his notebook.

"Record your views on love." Xiao Xiao replied seriously: "Maybe it will have some enlightening effect on me."

"You are too greedy." Black Cat was stunned for a moment and sighed at Xiao Xiao's efforts and persistence in knowledge.

"My curiosity about the unknown and my desire for knowledge are endless." Xiao Xiao raised his head, looked at Zheng Qing, and smiled slightly.

Zheng Qing seemed to see a never-ending figure through Xiao Xiao's black eyes.

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