Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 241 Difficult Choice

The night was like fog, shrouding the entire garden.

Elena opened her arms, as if she was just stretching, or as if she was embracing the entire sky.

"Is it worth it?" Jiang Yu stared at the pair of crystal eyes opposite her. There was no annoyance on her face, but she repeated her question softly. Her question was vague but clear.

does it worth? Paying so much for a glimmer of uncertainty.

does it worth? Giving up so much for other people.

The gypsy witch took a long breath and bit back the cold breath into her stomach bit by bit: "For myself, it is naturally not worth it. But what can I do? I can't just do it for myself. Live by yourself."

After saying that, she turned her head, looked at the quiet little pond, and softly chanted:

"In the morning I cast the net into the sea."

"I pulled out strange and beautiful things from the dark abyss - some sparkled like smiles, some sparkled like tears. Some were as red as a bride's cheeks."

"Some people shed tears during the day, but some people's tears are hidden in the darkness."

"They all need me, and I don't have time to meditate on the afterlife. ①"

Jiang Yu looked at her profile and was silent for a long time.

"The day has passed, and now it is night." She thought, and slowly replied: "Sleep, like a flower bud, must open its chest to the light, silence will eventually make a sound, and the burden will be rewarded.②"

The gypsy witch was stunned for a moment, then a smile slowly appeared on her face.

She turned around, lifted the skirt of her skirt with both hands, and bowed slightly to Jiang Yu: "What reward do you want? ③"

Jiang Yu took a gentle breath.

"I will discuss this matter with Xiaomeng and must get her consent."

"I will hand over the specific content of the agreement to you on Tuesday night and will not waste your time."

The implication is that even if Li Meng does not agree in the end and the deal falls through, Elena still has a certain amount of time to react. You won't be in a hurry when the critical moment comes.

The gypsy witch nodded heavily, with a bright smile on her face:

"no problem!"

Jiang Yu suddenly felt a trace of regret in her heart, feeling that her promise was a bit too arbitrary. She quickly intercepted some inappropriate content from the memory of the conversation just now, and immediately added: "This is not a deal!"

This is also what the gypsy witch just said.

Elena curled her lips: "I know."

Jiang Yu felt a little short of breath and couldn't help but remind: "Some people look like they are children, but in fact they have children."

Elena was stunned for a moment and replied thoughtfully: "Some people smell the roses, but there is a cat living in their hearts."

Neither of them pointed out the subject of the conversation, but this did not affect the two smart witches from exchanging information with each other.

The two witches parted amicably.

Before leaving, Jiang Yu finally remembered a question that had puzzled her for a long time, and finally asked: "Why didn't you ask the elders of the Gypsy Witch Group for the blood of the spirit witch?"

Although the size of the Gypsy Witches has been reduced, their long history still gives them a profound heritage. Even if you don't take into account the blood of spirit witches in stock, as the largest group of spirit mediums in Europe, there should still be some living spirit witches in the Gypsy Witch Coven.

Jiang Yu is very sure about this. A few years ago, after Li Meng was confirmed to have the physique of a spirit shaman, Zhongshan's Jiang family and Li family invited Gypsy spirit shamans to teach Li Meng their experience.

Elena did not mince words about this issue: "Decline is a long process. There are still many old spirit witches in the witch group, but among the young spirit witches, the only one I can come into contact with right now is Li Meng."

"Experienced spirit witches may be slightly better in terms of experience, but the sensitivity and vitality of the spirit in their blood are far from enough. The magic circle we prepared happens to be in great need of the latter two elements."

This is a very good reason.

Jiang Yu nodded clearly and said goodbye to Elena again.

The gypsy witch turned her back to Jiang Yu and waved. In front of her was a small pool of quiet water, and reflected in her eyes was a small pool of rippling water.

She took a step forward, her soles stained with mud and water, as if she was about to sink into a shallow pool the next moment.

When Jiang Yu left the small garden, she happened to see Matthew Cullen coming out of the building door.

The two nodded slightly and passed each other.

The witch vaguely remembered that there was a period in the last semester when there were widespread rumors in the class about the ambiguous relationship between Matthew and Elena. The rumors reached their peak during the freshman competition when Elena joined Matthew's hunting team.

But rumors are called rumors because they are completely inconsistent with the facts. As Zheng Qing and Elena walked together on the pedestrian street and read books in the library, the chattering sounds in the school gradually disappeared.

Would it be helpful to the two of them if they told Karen that Elena was in a bad mood in that small garden. Thinking of this, the witch shook her head slightly, rejected the idea, and shook out the unknown thoughts in her heart.

Unlike the cranky witch.

There was only one thought echoing in Matthew Cullen's mind at the moment - Jiuyou was still Alpha.

Jiuyou is still Alpha, that




From the first day he entered First University, the young vampire was troubled by this problem. It's just that the environment in the school was relatively calm at that time, and all the troubles were just his own private struggles.

As the conflict between the two colleges gradually arises, and after last year's moon-hunting accident, this year's chaos in the fish-man tribe, and the debates and conflicts between newspapers and societies, Matthew gradually finds that he is facing increasing external pressure.

It is true that Matthew Cullen is now a student of Jiuyou Academy, but from the perspective of blood and tradition, he is actually more suitable for Alpha Academy. Entering Jiuyou Academy is actually some kind of unknown compromise between the family and the school. Matthew himself knows this, and the student clubs with some history in the school also know this.

But from another perspective, Matthew is also a nobleman with a full sense of honor. He should show sufficient loyalty to wherever he is. This sense of honor is engraved deep in his blood.

In this way, when Matthew gets up every morning, in addition to resisting his aversion to the sun, he also has to bear the pressure brought to him by the bright red robe.

Especially this semester, especially these last few weeks.

Every time he walked in the school, he seemed to be able to feel the looming and appraising eyes around him. Those eyes seemed to be asking, 'Hey, when will you leave the school? ! ’

These glances made the young vampire particularly irritated.

But that's not what worries him the most.

What Matthew was most worried about was that his cousin, who was studying at the Alpha Academy, asked him to abandon Jiyou Academy in the name of the family. The young vampire wanted to pull out two of his fangs at the thought of having to decide between honor and honour, loyalty and fidelity.

Today, it seems that he is about to face such a problem.

Before the regular meeting in the afternoon, Sir Friedman sent him a message and asked him to meet in the lounge of Alphaburg after the regular meeting.

Three heads

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