Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 243 Constructive Discussion

Since the last meeting of the Seven Deadly Sins, Friedman has been troubled by the tasks issued by the Sinner.

The second thing is easier to say. The sinner gave him half a year to prepare. At least within this semester, he doesn't need to put too much thought into this matter.

But the first thing was pretty head-scratching.

Putting an end to the farce of the fish-men tribe and maintaining the stability and unity of the school - leaving this matter to a student from a secret society was originally a very funny thing. What's more, the conflict between the two colleges has been around for a long time, and the obvious differences in school running philosophy and college systems are only superficial conflicts.

The deeper conflict is that Jiuyou Academy is trying to regain its thousand-year glory and challenge the new order established by Alpha Academy over the past hundreds of years.

If Friedman were asked to pick a fight between the two colleges, he could come up with a hundred different plans.

But to reconcile the conflicts between the two colleges, he suspected that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would be burned to ashes by the raging fire in Alpha Castle.

In view of the sensitivity and difficulty of this matter, after thinking about it for a long time, he finally chose to start from an inconspicuous corner. He pushed his cousin, who had both the characteristics of Alpha and Jiuyou Academy and was closely connected with him, to the front as a proxy and test.

If things go well, everyone will be happy; if things go wrong, Matthew Cullen, as a first-year student, will not be deliberately targeted.

At this moment, after hearing his cousin ask if he had any specific plans, Sir Friedman curled the corners of his mouth downwards, showing an embarrassed look: "Almost not."

As he spoke, he raised the glass of orange-red blood wine in his hand and made an analogy: "Now when the students from the two colleges meet in the hunting ground, they are like the bulls in Pamplona in July, just rushing at each other with red eyes. When you go up, you don’t pay attention to tactics and skills at all. The more brutal you fight, the louder the cheers and applause you get.”

Pamplona is a small city in Spain, famous for its annual Running of the Bulls festival.

"It's like someone stuck a red-hot iron drill up their butts, sir!" the full-length mirror chimed in cheerfully. At some point it shook off the blanket hanging on its body, revealing half of its mirrored face again.

Sir Friedman's face turned pale and his lips pursed tightly.

Matthew twitched his lips: "This is really a bad metaphor."

He mentally mourned the mirror for a few seconds. If he was right, his cousin would smash the rude mirror to pieces after he left the lounge.

"...But it all depends on man-made things." Sir Friedman turned around stiffly, picked up the blanket again, and covered the mirror tightly - this time he tied the mirror several times with a slender ribbon. ——At the same time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Appropriate comfort and measures can always calm them down... From the bulls in Pamplona to the docile Indian sacred cows."

The Indian sacred cow has always been famous for its pacifist spirit of "never retaliate when hit or scolded".

"Appropriate comfort and means?" Matthew repeated this sentence softly.

"Let students at both colleges think they have won," Sir Friedman added.

It's difficult, almost impossible, and no one is stupid. Matthew Cullen was thinking in his heart, but he didn't have the courage to break his cousin's unrealistic thoughts.

"How can we make both parties think they won?" Matthew tried his best to make his question sound sincere.

"Propaganda." Sir Friedman tapped the glass wall of the wine glass with his fingertips, listening to the "ding" sound it made, and said softly: "The same piece of glass, when you tap at different positions, You will hear different voices. What we have to do is to choose the voices that students from both colleges like to hear and play them. ”

The prerequisite is that you have a controlling stake in the school newspaper and the Beta Town Post, Matthew Cullen muttered in his heart.

"Of course, this is just an idea... so I just said 'almost not'," Sir Friedman quickly retracted his gaze from the cup and looked at Matthew: "But I hope you can take care of this matter." play their role.”

"You are a student of Jiuyou Academy, but your spirit also belongs to Alpha Academy. This is your advantage. You can definitely unite classmates like you and become the glue between the two academies."

"Sir Alfred Tennyson once said, 'Charity is more valuable than crowns, faith than blood,'"

Sir Friedman showed a trace of compassion:

"As true Alpha people, we hope that our stance will gain support from more classmates, but we do not want this support to be based on chaos, bloodshed or even sacrifice."

"Faith is better than blood." Matthew chewed on this poem, and his consciousness suddenly went astray.

He realized how to choose the difficult question that had troubled him for a long time. Now that you are in Jiuyou Academy, you should fight to maintain Jiuyou's beliefs.

The discussion between the two young vampires did not last long.

After understanding his cousin's thoughts, Matthew Cullen quickly chose a suitable opportunity to leave so as not to disturb his cousin for too long.

Before leaving, he remembered the busy figures in the corridors of Alphaburg and asked casually:

"When I came here, I passed by the corridor on the third floor of Alpha Fort and saw some people hanging silver curtains... What were they doing?"

"There is a small gathering of blood friends on Wednesday. They are setting up a stage for speakers." Sir Friedman took the hot towel handed by the elf, wiped his hands, then shook his head and complained: " They had more elegant options."

Matthew didn't know what his cousin's so-called more elegant option was - he preferred his cousin's habitual criticism - and he was completely uninterested in the little party, but he would never show it:

"It's really exciting."

He pretended to be interested in the party.

"It's a complete waste of time and money." Sir Friedman criticized unceremoniously: "Every additional gathering of this kind will strengthen the hatred between the colleges and widen the rift between the two colleges... It is completely impossible. It’s understandable why the academy would allow such behavior and put the biased guy in charge of these matters.”

Matthew raised his eyebrows inwardly.

He was a little unsure whether his cousin's anger was because the blood friend would leave the above matters to Serprano, or because his cousin was really worried about the growing hatred between the houses. He feels more like the former.

"Isn't this how the club works?" Matthew whispered: "By building a real opponent, we can achieve the purpose of uniting friends and partners; use their language, slogans and visions to add luster to the college's badge. Add color.”

Sir Friedman glanced at his cousin in surprise.

"It seems that you have learned how to chat in the adult world." His expression was full of admiration: "Use those flashy and empty words to pile up your opinions and make the clichés appear more elegant."

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