Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 254: Off-topic hearing

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Fatty Xin's previous excuse to go to the office building was just an excuse, and Zheng Qing knew this very well. After leaving the teaching building, the fat man sighed and patted the publicly funded student on the shoulder, then walked shoulder to shoulder with Zhang Jixin towards the library.

Zheng Qing was left standing at the door of the teaching building, full of annoyance.

He thought about the last conversations between himself and Xiao Xiao in annoyance, feeling uneasy in his heart.

He very much hoped that Elena did not hear what Xiao Xiao said clearly at that time, or that Elena thought that she had mentioned the word Suolomon when she was doing a project on the 'Six-pointed Star Array'. But he himself also knew that all these were extravagant hopes.

"What a bad luck."

The young public-funded student kicked away a stone angrily. The stone slid through an arc and hit the bushes on the roadside, startling two sparrows that were entangled together. The sparrows chirped angrily at the wizard and dropped a drop of bird droppings.

Looking in the direction of the falling stones, Zheng Qing unexpectedly saw a chubby figure wearing a yellow robe.

That was one of the founders of the Knights of Forgiveness, the little monk Shi Yuan who had almost zero presence.

He spent most of his time chanting sutras in the temple at Atlas College, and rarely appeared on campus unless necessary. Even in meetings of the Knights of Forgiveness, he rarely participated.

The moment he raised his hand to greet the young monk, Zheng Qing suddenly remembered something - during the last Moon Hunter Freshman Competition, when he was chased by a large group of demons in the hunting ground, he had promised to give all the gods and Buddhas in the sky if he survived. Incense.

But later, because of the complicated things, he seemed to forget about it and was never able to fulfill his wish.

Maybe I paid it back, but it didn't count because I was not sincere when I paid it back.

Could it be that the recent bad luck is related to the anger of the gods and Buddhas? The young public-sponsored student thought with some guilty conscience, and at the same time comforted himself by explaining that Jiuyou College originally had few clay sculptures and wooden bodies, and he couldn't find a place to repay his vows.

It is impossible not to do it but to do it.

"Shi Yuan! Master Shi!!" The young public-funded student waved his hands and shouted loudly, greeting the young monk: "Wait for me!"

The man in yellow robe who was walking in front stopped, lowered his head, and silently twisted his rosary beads.

Zheng Qing quickly ran to Shi Yuan's side and said breathlessly: "Why are you here at the academy? I also said I would take time to go to the pyramid to find you and ask you to guide me in praying to Buddha and praying to God."

The pyramid is the seat of Atlas Academy. Like Jiuyou's school and Alpha's castle, it is also a very distinctive building. As for Zheng Qing's words like "please pray to God and worship Buddha", it was purely an excuse that he just remembered.

Because when he just thought about making a wish and thinking about the 'clay sculpture and wooden tire', Zheng Qing suddenly realized that there is a college called Atlas in the First University. There are many religious lunatics in this college, and there are also many idols for people to worship. Perhaps on Phuket Island, this is the place where Zheng Qing is most likely to find all the gods and Buddhas in the sky to fulfill his wishes.

Shi Yuan twisted the beads in his hand, raised his head, looked into Zheng Qing's eyes very carefully, and finally shook his head: "Buddha is not a wooden statue with a clay body, nor is he a puppet that can be worshiped on our knees. He is the belief in our hearts. There is a Buddha in our hearts. It doesn’t matter where you worship. If you don’t have a Buddha in your heart, it’s easy to worship cause and effect.”

Zheng Qing's mouth twitched.

"I don't have such high pursuits, nor do I have such high mental state." The wizard laughed dryly and waved his hands: "I just want to have peace of mind."

The young monk sighed slightly and paused the rosary beads in his hand: "The peace of mind has reached the point where there is no heart, and the illness is gone and it is as good as before. For you, peace of mind is medicine, and it removes the illness of the heart. There is no harm in praying to me."

Zheng Qing finally gave up on this slightly difficult topic and asked instead: "You haven't told me yet, why do you have time to come to the academy today?"

Shi Yuan finally stopped holding the rosary in his hand: "As a student representative, I will attend your hearing."

When Zheng Qing and Shi Yuan arrived at the student conference room on the third floor of the teaching building, the room was already filled with student representatives from the four colleges. There was a lot of darkness, but the sound was not noisy, and it looked very quality.

There was not a single outsider, not a single professor, not even an older student. Zheng Qing noticed that most of the students' robes in the conference room had one or two stripes of trim. Several students with three black borders were also sitting on the podium, including Senior Sister Kolma.

Seeing Zheng Qing entering the room, Korma turned her head and glanced at him, but made no expression, as if she didn't recognize the wizard in front of her. A wizard sitting in the middle of the podium knocked the gavel in front of him and shouted: "Quiet!"

Then several harsh voices sounded one after another:

"Shut your mouths!"

"Young cubs!"

"This is not a vegetable market!"

This slightly rude voice was shouted by a three-headed parrot pacing back and forth on the podium. Zheng Qing knew it. When I participated in the student union interview last semester, this parrot was responsible for calling numbers. According to the old people in the student union, it has also served as the honorary president of many student unions.

On the surface, Zheng Qing sat down in his seat obediently, but secretly complaining about boredom in his heart - just relying on the three-headed parrot that could run around on the rostrum, the young public-funded student dared to judge today's so-called The 'hearing' was a farce. Perhaps, as Xiao Xiao said, it was just student representatives gathering together to confirm the public opinion atmosphere on campus.

Although the three-headed parrot's voice was harsh, it was very effective. The conference room that was originally slightly commotion fell completely silent in an instant. The curtains hanging on the glass windows on one side of the conference room seemed to have received some order. No one pulled them and closed the curtains.

The dimming of the light faintly enhanced the solemn atmosphere in the conference room.

Zheng Qing's position was on the left side of the rostrum, at a separate small table; opposite him was Seprano's table. The fat wizard happened to be sitting leisurely behind the table. After seeing the young public-funded student sitting down, he still He waved his hand politely and said hello.

Under the rostrum, there were student representatives from the four colleges. Their robes of red, blue, yellow, and white were clearly distinguishable and divided into four arrays. The ones close to Zheng Qing are the red robes of Jiuyou Academy; the ones close to Seprano are the white robes of Alpha Academy.

Perhaps they were worried that the students from the two colleges would start fighting as soon as they met, so the student representatives from Atlas and Starry Sky College very considerately sat between the red robes and the white robes, with a generous boundary between them.

Even so, it failed to curb the anger between the two colleges.

The meeting went off topic right from the start.

After the rostrum declared silence, just a moment later, a man in white robes stood up and asked very seriously: "Why is the hearing not held in Alfa Fort? We do not doubt the fairness of everyone here, but we are Such an important meeting will be held at the party’s college, so I reserve my opinion.”

Zheng Qing's eyes turned completely white. If he didn't know the basis of this meeting, after hearing the speech of the white robe, he might have thought that this was Danhag's High Inquisition discussing topics involving dark wizards!

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