Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 263 Saturday Morning (2)

The black cat got out of the thick curtain, landed lightly on the floor, stretched its body comfortably, yawned widely, and exposed its fangs.

Maybe those fangs posed a threat to another fat cat in the room. The fat cat that was originally clustered at the end of Fatty Xin's bed suddenly raised one ear, and the slight purr in its throat stopped for a few seconds.

But soon, the fat cat's erect ears drooped again, and the purring continued. Because its slow thinking in its sleep has judged that there is no real threat in the house.

From beginning to end, Black Cat didn't pay attention to the reaction of the other 'kind' in the dormitory.

After jumping off the bed, he walked to the desk, skillfully opened the drawer, picked out the jade charm he had prepared yesterday, hung it around his neck, and then took one last look at Dormitory 403 at six o'clock in the morning - Dylan's coffin. It is still empty, and it is estimated that it will take another half an hour before he can return from night classes and go to bed; Xiao Xiao is very quiet when sleeping, more like a dead person than Dylan; Fatty Xin lives up to his fat body, sleeping like a pig, snoring The loud sound echoed with the fat cat clustered at the end of his bed, and it fit perfectly.

There are also the group of elves he raised, hanging outside his curtains in groups of three, three, and five, with a light green light flashing around them with their slight breathing.

Zheng Qing felt that his elves were becoming more and more accustomed to the wizard's routine.

On Saturday morning, the campus was as clean as ever.

The black cat walked briskly across the wet grass, dewy bushes, and blooming flowers, and soon reached the shore of Linzhong Lake. There is a shortcut near the lakeshore that allows him to reach the edge of Beta Town as quickly as possible.

The morning air was fresh, but the view was not very good. Light mist flows on the lake, blocking the distant scenery. The white tower on the island in the middle of the lake still stood there quietly, like an ascetic monk facing the wall. As far as the eye could see, Black Cat couldn't see a wizard. Even the big red birds and white buffaloes that usually roamed the lake were gone.

Of course, the disappearance of those animals may also be related to a few uninvited guests on the distant shore.

Because beside the simple pier on the side of Linzhong Lake, several low-level fishmen were half floating on the water, using the cover of the morning mist to polish their stone tools on a large bluestone exposed out of the water.

The way to judge whether they are low-level murlocs is very simple: if the distance is closer, then the murlocs with smellier bodies, dirty and dull scales, and no ornaments on their fins are considered low-level murlocs; if the distance is farther From a distance, you can also observe the tools used by the murlocs. Those who use stone tools must belong to low-level murlocs.

Unlike the wizarding world, the fishman tribe still retains many ancient institutional arrangements, and the class divisions in the tribe are very serious. The fish-men elders who possess magical powers and are powerful have a certain reputation in the school because they control the rights to deal with the school, so their daily food and clothing expenses are no different from those of ordinary wizards.

But the bottom fishmen, especially those with mutilated bodies and weak power, usually don’t even have metal weapons for hunting. If he hadn't specifically investigated the current situation of the fishman tribe, Zheng Qing would have found it hard to believe that in the 21st century, in the highly developed wizarding world, there were still some civilizations that used stone tools when hunting.

"You still want to splash around in the school based on those things from the Paleolithic Age? What on earth do those fish-men elders think." The black cat pondered this idea in his mind, but did not stop at his feet, and walked lightly through a pile of clouds. The barrier formed by golden leaf privet.

When leaving the lakeside, the black cat turned his head and took one last look at the corner where the fishmen were busy.

Through the soft mist, he vaguely saw several figures in white robes appearing beside the fish-man, and then a fish-man dived into the bottom of the lake with a 'plop', causing a few water splashes to splash into the air.

"What kind of trouble are Alpha's people doing?" With this doubt, the black cat shook his head and disappeared into the low hole in the corner. He vaguely felt that the figures in white robes looked familiar.

But it doesn't matter.

No matter what those white robes were up to, it had nothing to do with him.

The most important thing for him today is to participate in Kolma's magic ceremony in a proper manner, then leave the Silent Forest safely, and finally return to the dormitory intact.

"What are you looking at?"

Andrew Taylor noticed that his companion was a little distracted. He tugged on his sleeve and lowered his voice to remind: "Pay attention and don't be distracted when you are dealing with me later... Although these beasts are stupid, they are very sensitive. If you let them They feel that you have underestimated them and will not let it go.”

He came to Zhonghu today for two things. One was to convey some instructions from Mr. Serprano to the lake, and the other was to find the fishman Iseni to join them at the Cheung Kei Hui Private Hunting Ground later. Small hunting party held in .

No matter what, Iseni is still a member of the 'Ouroboros Hunting Team'. Especially during this sensitive time, inviting Iseni can further highlight Alpha Academy's support for the fish-man tribe.

After hearing the captain's words, Julian withdrew his gaze, his eyes hesitant. This young wizard with black hair and narrow eyes is an unbeliever with a heart of faith. In other words, he has a high spiritual awareness.

"I just saw a black cat on the opposite shore?" Julian looked around uneasily and lowered his voice slightly: "Of course, it just flashed by... maybe it wasn't a cat, but a big squirrel. I might I read it wrong."

Whether in the East or the West, in most cases, black cats are the incarnation of bad luck.

Seeing a black cat while out running errands is a very unlucky thing.

After hearing Julian's words, several other members of the Ouroboros hunting team all turned their attention to Amber. He is the fortune teller of the hunting team and has the most say on this matter.

"As always." The fortune teller classmate wearing a yellow robe and gray hair was silent for a few seconds and replied softly: "The sky is getting darker and darker, and it is getting lower and lower... There is no wind and no waves."

The thin Omega couldn't help but shudder.

"Which one of you has extra Qingxin Talisman?" The restaurant owner's son muttered, holding his nose: "Why do these guys smell so bad? Iseni is very clean."

"I never use that kind of low-level stuff." Andrew raised his hand and shook the opal ring on his left hand in a ostentatious manner. The milky-white magic light surged out from the stone like a clear spring and enveloped the short and fat wizard. Cleansing away any polluted air that tries to get close to him.

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